Tuesday, 2018-10-09

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openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613100:38
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openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613101:06
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613101:27
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613102:18
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613103:55
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613103:59
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openstackgerritJames Gu proposed openstack/airship-specs master: Add multi linux distro support in Airship  https://review.openstack.org/60118706:12
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837608:28
mardimHello airship people08:29
mardimOne question08:30
mardimcurrently drydock do not support Ironic as a driver for baremetal node configuration08:30
mardimTo add this functionality we need Ironic to be deployed by helm in a standalone mode08:31
mardimis that right ?08:31
mardimCurrenlty there is no Helm-chart for Ironic to be deployed in standalone08:31
mardimcorrect me if I am worng but I think the only chart that is available is this : https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm/tree/master/ironic08:32
mardimBut this ^ I think do not deploy Ironic as standalone but only in the context of Opernstack08:33
mardimis that right ?08:33
mardimroman_g, ^ Maybe you know more about this08:33
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837610:31
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837610:39
roman_gmardim: I think you are right.10:42
roman_gkeystone is actually available by the time deckhand is started10:42
roman_gbut not other services (rabbitmq and others that might be needed (neutron?))10:43
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837610:44
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mardimroman_g, ok I think the first thing that we should do about integrating ironic to drydock is to create a custom helm-chart that installs Ironic in standalone mode10:52
mardimroman_g, something like a-rship-maas that we utilize today10:53
roman_gor, alternatively, just get standalone ironic running on a VM, and develop airship-* (drydock) code to talk to Ironic API10:54
roman_gand leave chart for later time10:54
mardimroman_g, So you mean when we deploy airhsip in a bottle for instance in a vm10:55
mardimroman_g, in the same VM we deploy the Ironic services natively and not through K8s10:56
mardimand configure Drydock to talk to it10:56
mardimright ?10:56
mardimok cool10:58
mardimI will need to investigate some things first10:58
mardimbecause I had never really used Ironic before10:59
mardimof course this task https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200398310:59
mardimtalks about a spec10:59
mardimbut I do not thing right now I am in a position to write a spec for Ironci10:59
mardimI need to investigate some things first11:00
mardimSo I will write the spec later11:00
mardimroman_g, ^11:00
roman_gI would even use separate VM for Ironic (not one with in-a-bottle, because airship-in-a-bottle is a bit fragile, and you will need to do redeploys of it and/or VM snapshots/restores11:00
roman_gAll right, no problem.11:00
mardimyou mean separate VM  for investigation not for the general integration of Ironic to airship in a bottle right ?11:01
roman_gSpec is used to get agreement between devs on how a functionality is to be implemented. To get some feedback prior to the code development.11:01
mardimroman_g, ^11:01
roman_gI mean separate VM with Ironic both for investigation and for integration11:02
mardimhmm bit airshiop in a botlle has a all in one deployment11:03
mardimIf I will integrate Ironic in a different VM that is not all in one11:03
mardimno ?11:03
roman_git wouldn't really matter, as long as drydock could connect to Ironic API, whether it is running on same VM in different k8s pod, or if it is running on different node11:05
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837611:05
mardimroman_g, Yes ok but that means for Ironic and airship in a botlle we will need for a simple deployemtn11:07
mardimat least two VMs11:07
mardimis thsi acceptable ?11:07
mardimI mean from the resource allocation perspective11:07
mardimBut anyway11:07
mardimlet me first do the investigation11:08
mardimand we can discuss this in later time :)11:08
mardimThanks for the help!!11:08
mardimroman_g, FYI there is a Openstack project which called Bifrost11:09
mardimroman_g, And it deploys Ironic through the use of playbooks11:09
mardimroman_g, Maybe we can use that11:09
roman_gyes, I saw it11:10
mardimok cool!11:10
roman_gIronic docs also describe way to set it up in standalone11:10
roman_geventually it still would need to be deployed via helm11:11
mardimroman_g, Yes but I would like to use Bifrost to do this because is an official Openstack project and that means that there is a team behind that that maintains it :)11:11
roman_gfor local test install it will work for sure11:11
mardimwe use it also in XCI installer11:11
mardimand it is pretty cool11:11
mardimyes sure11:12
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837611:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Uplift images for libvirt to match latest chart  https://review.openstack.org/60839613:02
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: [WIP] Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808713:05
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Minor fix: duplicate items in .title label of container images  https://review.openstack.org/60894313:09
roman_gportdirect: Gerrit: "Pete Birley <e-mail address> does not identify a registered user or group" - I think you need to ask on #openstack-infra to get it fixed, you have duplicate records in Gerrit database (probably one registered, and another one imported from launchpad)13:15
roman_gOr I can ask to get it fixed. Let me know. I did it for someone else previously.13:16
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Minor fix: duplicate items in .title label of container images  https://review.openstack.org/60894313:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Ceph: Fix ceph issues  https://review.openstack.org/60611513:47
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837613:59
portdirectroman_g: I'm ok thx ;)14:00
b-strGood morning. I'll get the meeting started here in a few moments.14:01
mark-burnett#startmeeting airship14:02
mattmceuen#startmeeting airship14:02
openstackMeeting started Tue Oct  9 14:02:37 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mark-burnett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:02
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'airship'14:02
openstackb-str: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.  Use #endmeeting first.14:02
openstackmattmceuen: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.  Use #endmeeting first.14:02
mark-burnettHey all, sorry for the delay14:02
mattmceuenthis meeting is so started14:03
mark-burnettHere's the nascent etherpad for today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-10-0914:03
b-str#topic Representation at OpenStack Foundation Joint Leadership Meeting14:06
mark-burnett#topic Representation at OpenStack Foundation Joint Leadership Meeting14:06
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hogepodgeI added that14:07
hogepodgeThere’s a joint leadership meeting at the Berlin summit.14:07
hogepodgeAirship should send one or two people to represent the project if possible14:07
portdirectalanmeadows, mattmceuen and myself will be in berlin14:08
mattmceuenThanks for the heads up hogepodge, I can help with that14:08
hogepodgeAgenda still hasn’t been set, but if someone can reach out to Alan to rsvp that would be great. I’ll also be at that meeting as a foundation rep supporting new projects14:09
hogepodgeThanks. Unless there are questions that’s it for me14:09
mattmceuenI'll probably have questions after I read it more closely / think about it more :)14:09
hogepodgeThere’s no agenda yet, but it should start forming up soon14:10
mark-burnettOk, let's continue new business14:10
mark-burnett#topic WIP tempest plugin for Airship14:11
*** openstack changes topic to "WIP tempest plugin for Airship (Meeting topic: airship)"14:11
mattmceuenAh that is mine14:11
mattmceuenJust as an FYI (and felipemonteiro probably has more info on this if anyone's interested) -- there is a WIP of a tempest plugin for Airship14:12
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openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: [WIP] Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808714:13
mattmceuenRick Bartra is the main author; the goal is to get it into openstack infra, but he's thinking it would be wise to get automated gating set up around it prior to / same time as introducing the project to infra14:13
mattmceuenI'm told it has 100% coverage of Shipyard APIs so far - so that's an awesome start since that's the front door to airship!14:13
mattmceuenThat's all I have - @hogepodge does that sound like a good general approach (plan to move into openstack infra when it's possible to gate with it)?14:14
portdirectwhy not move earlier?14:15
mattmceuenMr Bartra would need to be here to share his thoughts :)  he's not in throwing distance, is he felipemonteiro?14:15
roman_gNoteworthy Development Items14:15
roman_goops. sorry14:15
hogepodgeYes, plus that sets the project up for creating a trademark program with existing tools14:16
hogepodgeYou can make it a non voting job as you develop14:16
felipemonteiromattmceuen: there are some caveats related to the statement "100% shipyard test coverage"14:17
mattmceuento make sure I understand chris - you're saying sooner-into-infra-is-better, then iterate?14:17
mattmceuen99.999% felipemonteiro? :)14:17
hogepodgeYou don’t have to wait. It’s really up14:18
felipemonteiro1) There are two types of tests in that repo: a) API tests and b) RBAC tests14:18
felipemonteiro2) The API tests are nowhere near 100% test coverage14:18
hogepodgeTo you. I’m always in favor of more testing14:18
mattmceuenAwesome - I'll pass on that feedback.  I'm with ya.14:18
felipemonteiro3) The RBAC tests approximate 100% coverage, but aren't complete tests insofar as the payloads aren't complete, so the tests coerce exceptions from the API, but consider it a pass so long as 403 isn't raised14:19
mattmceuenahh thanks for the clarification felipemonteiro14:19
hogepodgeConsult with infra also, they can give good guidance and really like that airship team works with them14:19
mark-burnettIs there a desire to keep this in its own repo rather than with each project?14:20
mattmceuenHa that was my question to Rick yesterday too14:20
mark-burnettI'm not really expressing a particular desire here14:20
mattmceuenTurns out the overall direction is consolidating toward separate projects for test plugins, let me get the link w/ justification...14:20
mark-burnettJust seems at odds with "each project stands alone", though I know that OS has done various things with tempest in the past14:20
mark-burnettOk, so there's some discussion anyway14:20
felipemonteiroI think it should be a separate repo for all Airship components' integration tests, as otherwise you get major cross-repo dependency just to do joint testing. I wouldn't recommend it either as we would want standardization in the test implementation and a separate repo is better for that.14:21
mattmceuenSounds good to me, resident QA Core! :)14:22
mattmceuenThat's all from me mark-burnett on this - thanks14:23
mark-burnett#topic Container Images get built from the same code multiple times14:23
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mark-burnettI think this is from roman_g14:23
roman_gYes, from me.14:23
mark-burnettThe short answer is that these are probably "built separately" on the same job, so there isn't duplicate work14:24
evrardjpJust a little node based on that title, it could be possible to re-use jobs in different projects ...14:24
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evrardjpmark-burnett: is airship in the same zuul tenant as openstack for now?14:24
roman_gmark-burnett: but it still gets different images to be published.14:25
roman_gso is it a bug which needs to be fixed, or it's a feature?14:26
mark-burnettHmm, good question14:26
mark-burnettCertainly worth a look14:27
roman_gnormally I would do "docker build ...:latest; docker tag ...:git-commit-id; docker tag ...:master; docker publish ...:latest; docker publish ...:git-commit-id; docker publish ...:master"14:27
ethfci_Hello,    i am stucked at https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/authoring_and_deployment.html#promenade-bootstrap (can't connect to
roman_gthe last two "docker publish ..." actually do not run, as docker registry api responds that it already has thise layers, and just adds tag14:28
mark-burnettI think we can work on this off-line from the meeting14:29
roman_gok. will Slack you.14:29
roman_gnext topic14:29
mattmceuenethfci_ thanks for sharing that - probably need to dig into some logs / details, can you please share those after the meeting?14:30
mark-burnett#topic Noteworthy Development Items14:30
*** openstack changes topic to "Noteworthy Development Items (Meeting topic: airship)"14:30
mark-burnettJust a reminder to add notes to the development update: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-dev-update-2018-10-0514:30
mark-burnettI haven't had a chance to work on that actually, so still time to add14:30
mark-burnett#topic roundtable14:31
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mark-burnettAny other topics?14:31
roman_gmardim <-- started to work on Ironic driver14:31
mattmceuenHey did we touch on the wiki?14:31
mattmceuenAnd do we have Lindsey here perchance?14:32
mark-burnettNo, we don't14:32
mark-burnettI wasn't sure that anyone else had anything to say atm other than check it out.14:33
b-strAnyone have any other topics?14:36
felipemonteiroI'd like to discuss reintegrating 3rd party CI with Airship14:36
felipemonteiroI think that we should properly configure it to take advantage of testing we're doing downstream in Zuul - and that requires publicly reporting the CI results, etc.14:37
felipemonteiroIn Jenkins*14:37
hogepodgeIn case you missed it, there’s a community meeting on Wednesday morning. jbryce and ttx will be covering new project governance at the Foundation level.14:37
roman_gAFAIK there were plans to build voting gates with Zuul (instead of Jenkins) in AF lab. I have no other information on that.14:38
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: docs: Elaborate on document layering in documentation  https://review.openstack.org/57855414:39
mark-burnett@felipemonteiro I agree with you, it would be great to get that re-integrated14:39
mark-burnettWe actually have a bunch of the CICD team in St Louis today -- I'll ask them what they think we need to do to move forward with that14:40
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: docs: Elaborate on document layering in documentation  https://review.openstack.org/57855414:40
felipemonteiroI think the main blocker was reporting the results publicly (without needing any bells and whistles to see it)14:41
mark-burnettI suspect you're right14:41
felipemonteiroAnd otherwise properly registering airship-ci but that's more paperwork than anything (not a blocker)14:41
mark-burnettOk, anything else?14:42
*** openstack changes topic to "airshipit.org || General Review Dashboard: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:%255Eopenstack/airship.*+status:open,n,z"14:47
openstackMeeting ended Tue Oct  9 14:47:15 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)14:47
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-10-09-14.02.html14:47
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-10-09-14.02.txt14:47
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-10-09-14.02.log.html14:47
roman_gThank you.14:47
roman_gethfci_: meeting is over. Could you provide a bit more logs and description on what is happening? Thank you.14:59
openstackgerritSerge Kovaleff proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Fix get_pod_logs logic to pick up accurate pods  https://review.openstack.org/60838015:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-armada master: Add chart API to wait on k8s resource types/labels  https://review.openstack.org/60390115:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add support for listing repository types  https://review.openstack.org/60770915:50
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Uplift all charts/images except Armada  https://review.openstack.org/60904015:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Add labels for ingress to enable layer overrides  https://review.openstack.org/60833816:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-promenade master: Re-align Kubernetes proxy chart with upstream DS  https://review.openstack.org/60769716:24
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837616:44
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: [WIP] Adding image tags on every commit  https://review.openstack.org/60837617:08
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695317:36
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695317:37
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: DNM: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613117:45
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613117:47
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openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Uplift all charts/images except Armada  https://review.openstack.org/60904018:26
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613118:31
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: [WIP] Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808718:35
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openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Add new apparmor daemonset  https://review.openstack.org/59902519:00
openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Add build docs as a lint step  https://review.openstack.org/60909419:00
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Replace conflicting environment variable  https://review.openstack.org/60909619:09
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Replace conflicting environment variable  https://review.openstack.org/60909619:11
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Update entrypoint script with proper quotes  https://review.openstack.org/60910119:23
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808719:31
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Replace conflicting environment variable  https://review.openstack.org/60909619:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-shipyard master: Fix get_pod_logs logic to pick up accurate pods  https://review.openstack.org/60838019:38
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808719:46
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Replace conflicting environment variable  https://review.openstack.org/60909619:48
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed openstack/airship-armada master: api: Update entrypoint script with proper quotes  https://review.openstack.org/60910119:48
openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Improve docs formatting  https://review.openstack.org/60911419:54
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openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613120:04
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openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808720:06
openstackgerritPRATEEK REDDY DODDA proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Have made neccessary changes to avoid dup document  https://review.openstack.org/60350220:10
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openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Enabled https for ingress endpoints  https://review.openstack.org/60911920:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes common code for Shipyard  https://review.openstack.org/60706320:24
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808720:30
openstackgerritRick Bartra proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Pegleg CLI output improvement  https://review.openstack.org/60809820:40
openstackgerritRick Bartra proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Pegleg CLI output improvement  https://review.openstack.org/60809820:42
openstackgerritRick Bartra proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Missing import causing `pegleg type list` to not work  https://review.openstack.org/60912720:46
openstackgerritRick Bartra proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Pegleg CLI output improvement  https://review.openstack.org/60809820:49
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695320:50
openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Add new apparmor daemonset  https://review.openstack.org/59902520:53
openstackgerritAndrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Improve docs formatting  https://review.openstack.org/60911420:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-pegleg master: Missing import causing `pegleg type list` to not work  https://review.openstack.org/60912721:12
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openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613121:23
openstackgerritBryan Strassner proposed openstack/airship-shipyard master: Add notes processing to the Shipyard API+CLI  https://review.openstack.org/60808721:29
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695321:51
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613121:56
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Unify publishing of docs  https://review.openstack.org/58170622:00
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openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613122:10
openstackgerritFelipe Monteiro proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: WIP: Move PKI catalog into Pegleg  https://review.openstack.org/60613122:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: Bump Shipyard version  https://review.openstack.org/60720322:18
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openstackgerritJerome Brette proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: Update Dockerfile to allow override of FROM variable  https://review.openstack.org/57797222:19
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed openstack/airship-maas master: [470918] Update MaaS to 2.3.5  https://review.openstack.org/60827022:25
openstackgerritJerome Brette proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: Update Dockerfile to allow override of FROM variable  https://review.openstack.org/57797222:29
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openstackgerritJerome Brette proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Update Dockerfile to allow override of FROM variable  https://review.openstack.org/57797622:39
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openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695322:55
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Apparmor security profile  https://review.openstack.org/60695323:29

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