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openstackgerrit | Nishant Kumar proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: oCLI: Add support for uploading documents to Shipyard https://review.openstack.org/609546 | 02:24 |
openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Add possibility to run uwsgi with TLS encryption https://review.openstack.org/618317 | 02:29 |
openstackgerrit | Nishant Kumar proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add support for uploading documents to Shipyard https://review.openstack.org/609546 | 02:30 |
openstackgerrit | Qi Peng proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: Fix bug about promenade debug https://review.openstack.org/620204 | 02:49 |
openstackgerrit | Vieri proposed openstack/airship-berth master: Add Python 3.6 classifier to setup.cfg https://review.openstack.org/620244 | 07:49 |
openstackgerrit | Vieri proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Add Python 3.6 classifier to setup.cfg https://review.openstack.org/620245 | 07:51 |
openstackgerrit | Vieri proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: Add Python 3.6 test https://review.openstack.org/620248 | 07:54 |
openstackgerrit | Vieri proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: Add Python 3.6 test https://review.openstack.org/620251 | 07:58 |
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openstackgerrit | Debo Zhang proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Fix link addresses https://review.openstack.org/620300 | 12:10 |
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evrardjp | o/ | 13:55 |
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mattmceuen | o/ | 14:00 |
sthussey | \o | 14:01 |
b-str | hello | 14:01 |
mattmceuen | #startmeeting airship | 14:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Nov 27 14:01:29 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'airship' | 14:01 |
aaronsheffield | o/ | 14:01 |
mattmceuen | #topic rollcall | 14:01 |
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mattmceuen | Hi all gm! | 14:01 |
portdirect | o/ | 14:02 |
sthussey | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2018-11-27 | 14:02 |
georgk | hi | 14:02 |
mattmceuen | I will be your topic swapper this morning | 14:03 |
mattmceuen | Please go ahead and add anything you'd like to discuss into the agenda for today | 14:03 |
mattmceuen | I was out last week and haven't caught up on last week's logs -- did we retro on the summit or anything? | 14:04 |
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mattmceuen | Ok let's get this party started | 14:08 |
mattmceuen | #topic Summit notes | 14:08 |
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mattmceuen | So there was a summit a couple weeks ago! | 14:08 |
mattmceuen | Lot of interest in Airship there | 14:09 |
mattmceuen | There were some talks -- anyone have the youtube links handy by chance? | 14:09 |
sthussey | They are in the etherpad under announcements | 14:10 |
mattmceuen | wunderbar ty sthussey | 14:11 |
mattmceuen | I'm looking for the deckhand talk and am not finding that? | 14:12 |
mark-burnett | Hopefully the non-keynotes get added to youtube too | 14:12 |
mark-burnett | They don't appear to be uploaded yet | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | Ok, weird - they're ususally uploaded fast | 14:12 |
mark-burnett | Well, it was a holiday, etc. | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | I'll look into that, the deckhand one should be a valuable reference I think for new folks | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | Yeah but "fast" meaning "in an hour from the time of the talk" :) | 14:13 |
mark-burnett | Hmm | 14:13 |
mattmceuen | I'll track it down | 14:13 |
mattmceuen | another good thing from the summit: | 14:14 |
portdirect | I didn't notice any filming notices now I think of it, wonder if that has anything to do with it. | 14:14 |
mattmceuen | hmm | 14:14 |
mattmceuen | We had great discussions with other project teams in several forum sessions | 14:14 |
mattmceuen | Ironic, Infra, other container teams | 14:14 |
mattmceuen | If anyone would like to catch up, there are good notes in here: | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BER-airship-qa | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BER-airship-bare-metal | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/BER-container-security | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | Again, I am not fully caught up myself :) but planning on grepping through this for next steps / action items this week | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | In addition we had a very well attended developer onboarding session with a great crowd (hopefully some of you are out there today :) ) | 14:17 |
mattmceuen | Please feel free to ask questions or otherwise get involved in this chat room - welcome | 14:17 |
b-str | indeed! | 14:17 |
mattmceuen | Any other highlights / questions / etc around the summit folks? | 14:17 |
evrardjp | none | 14:18 |
mattmceuen | Alrighty | 14:18 |
mattmceuen | #topic Ideas for treasuremap deployment | 14:19 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Ideas for treasuremap deployment (Meeting topic: airship)" | 14:19 | |
mattmceuen | I'm working on a couple POCs of tensorflow-related sites | 14:19 |
mattmceuen | Hope to have something to share next week | 14:19 |
mattmceuen | there are a lot of good ideas in the etherpad | 14:20 |
mattmceuen | So one of the questions that came up at the summit - and a very valid one - was | 14:20 |
mattmceuen | "how is airship different from the other openstack installers" | 14:20 |
mattmceuen | because there are several excellent openstack installers | 14:20 |
sthussey | Airship is in fact not an OpenStack installer? | 14:21 |
mattmceuen | So proving that airship is not just for openstack, but can be configured to drive arbitrary helm-based workloads, will help put oomph behind the tagline that it's not just for openstack | 14:21 |
evrardjp | sthussey: that's a valid answer :p | 14:21 |
mattmceuen | Exactly - just have to demo that a bit :) | 14:22 |
evrardjp | well that's what I meant with my comment -- proper PR (public relations, not pull request) help there. | 14:22 |
mattmceuen | ++ | 14:22 |
sthussey | https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable | 14:22 |
sthussey | Pretty much anything there should be fodder | 14:22 |
mattmceuen | agree | 14:22 |
roman_g | Another 2 questions "how is airship-promenade different from the other k8s installers?" and "how is airship different from starling-x?" | 14:23 |
roman_g | (from what I've been asked) | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | Ideas from the etherpad: | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | gitlab | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | jenkins/artifactory | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | zuul | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | hadoop | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | LMA applications | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | end-user apps | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | tensorflow/kubeflow - "impressive" | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | wordpress | 14:23 |
roman_g | o/ | 14:23 |
sthussey | Honestly, I'm not sure why we should attempt to differentiate Airship | 14:23 |
sthussey | Just explain what Airship does. Decide to use it on its merits, compare it yourself other alternatives. | 14:24 |
mattmceuen | Good ones roman_g | 14:24 |
mattmceuen | Yep, and code is worth a million words | 14:25 |
mattmceuen | If anyone is interested in helping define manifests for any of those things above that would be awesome | 14:25 |
mattmceuen | as examples and proofs-of-concept for operators to start from | 14:25 |
sthussey | I believe we already have Jenkins | 14:26 |
mattmceuen | do we have that in treasuremap yet? | 14:26 |
b-str | In terms of differentiators (but probably not totally unique) is the declarative definition of the site and workload. | 14:26 |
sthussey | I | 14:26 |
sthussey | I'm not sure it will go in treasuremap | 14:26 |
roman_g | Questions are asked by users, they will not be reading the code. Product (hopefully) is not supposed to be used only by developers, but by wider audience. | 14:26 |
sthussey | Treasuremap was defined as showing how Airship can deploy OSH | 14:26 |
mattmceuen | Yeah I agree... it would be good to have some library of examples somewhere too | 14:27 |
mattmceuen | This probably dovetails into the "service layers" idea too, where operators can pick from a library of configs and build their own infra adventure from premade parts | 14:27 |
mattmceuen | examples are nice, but reusable code is better | 14:28 |
b-str | I think service layers gets us to a "recommended pattern" perhaps too. | 14:28 |
roman_g | 1st most popular question is "Where is the GUI for the Airship? Do you may be have screenshots?". (partial answer is already added into airship-in-a-bottle repo) | 14:29 |
mattmceuen | lol roman_g | 14:30 |
mattmceuen | We have some new developers that just joined the Pegleg dev team -- maybe after some more ramp up they'd be able to help with service layers | 14:30 |
roman_g | mattmceuen: having at least graphical representation of other software deployed and managed with Airship would be a nice to have | 14:30 |
roman_g | not necessarily a repo with yaml code | 14:31 |
mattmceuen | If anyone is interested in collaborating with them on that please let us know | 14:31 |
roman_g | which eventually will become outdated/unsupported | 14:31 |
mattmceuen | roman_g y'know I wonder if helm itself has a good GUI chart out there or some such... might be a good thing to create some airship config for. Would then demo two things at once (gui and arbirary chart deployment) | 14:32 |
roman_g | https://github.com/helm/monocular - on a screenshot looks like a generic application catalog. | 14:34 |
roman_g | not sure that it would be suitable | 14:35 |
mattmceuen | Looks like that's oriented more around discovering helm charts that can be deployed, rather than showing what's already deployed | 14:36 |
mattmceuen | But I'll take a look @ it - thx roman_g | 14:36 |
mattmceuen | alrighty, any other thoughts on this topic before we move on? I have a couple action items for myself | 14:36 |
mattmceuen | #topic Airship Releases | 14:37 |
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mattmceuen | I think we mentioned this before but | 14:37 |
mattmceuen | https://github.com/openstack/airship-treasuremap/releases | 14:38 |
mattmceuen | We are now tagging periodic releases of Treasuremap to signify stable builds of the Airship Release Candidate | 14:39 |
mattmceuen | We have one so far, and I think we'll probably have a new one soon | 14:39 |
mattmceuen | #topic Roundtable | 14:39 |
sthussey | Are these considered Airship releases? | 14:39 |
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mattmceuen | oops sorry sthussey | 14:40 |
mattmceuen | They are considered 1.0 Release Candidates | 14:40 |
mattmceuen | So basically yes, but more along the lines of "stable, usable in production if you know what you're doing, pre-releases" | 14:40 |
sthussey | Okay. I didn't recall any community discussion on releasing or the release process | 14:40 |
sthussey | And we don't seem to have release notes to go with them | 14:41 |
mattmceuen | A lot of it was in the bi weekly airship / osf sync | 14:41 |
mattmceuen | will make sure that's tied into this forum better in the future | 14:41 |
portdirect | does someone take minutes at those? | 14:41 |
portdirect | simply linking to them would prob help | 14:42 |
mattmceuen | good catch portdirect | 14:44 |
mattmceuen | there is a gdoc | 14:44 |
mattmceuen | we can link that in | 14:44 |
mattmceuen | Any other discussion today, all? | 14:45 |
evrardjp | none | 14:45 |
b-str | Added an item to the etherpad about needing to assemble some release notes for 1.0 | 14:46 |
b-str | More an action item/TODO I guess | 14:46 |
roman_g | can we utilize openstack reno for release notes? https://docs.openstack.org/reno/latest/ | 14:47 |
sthussey | I believe we have a resource to do technical writing | 14:47 |
mark-burnett | Well, I think for 1.0 release notes you need to have something more thorough and general | 14:47 |
sthussey | We can speak with him about how he prefers to author release notes | 14:47 |
mark-burnett | Automated release notes are mediocre in my experience | 14:48 |
roman_g | they are manual. just the formatting is automated | 14:48 |
mattmceuen | I have no strong feelings around release notes beyond we should have them, we should make our lives as devs as easy as possible, and we shouldn't go overboard | 14:48 |
sthussey | I think we should review the overall software development ecosystem | 14:49 |
mattmceuen | ++ | 14:49 |
mattmceuen | Is anyone passionate about release notes, such that they could find good examples out there / counterexamples and give us a readout in one of the upcoming meetings? | 14:50 |
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mattmceuen | I should have phrased it "passionate about bragging on the awesome work we're doing" :) | 14:50 |
sthussey | Any tooling should be chosen based on best practice in the full open source development ecosystem | 14:51 |
evrardjp | reno is a very nice tool | 14:52 |
evrardjp | it makes it very easy to use, and therefore quickly gets out of the way to focus on your activities of dev. | 14:52 |
b-str | There's a video at the link above should be a nice intro for those that don't have any background with it. | 14:52 |
b-str | I know I'll be watching that video | 14:53 |
mattmceuen | Are there any solid alternatives to reno to consider, aside from hand-authoring? | 14:53 |
sthussey | I can take a look at other large successful projects | 14:53 |
mattmceuen | e.g. do other open source communities solve this problem differently? | 14:53 |
sthussey | And see how they are handled | 14:53 |
mattmceuen | awesome - thanks sthussey | 14:53 |
b-str | Anyway, just added the item because it's something we need to track through to completion for the 1.0 release. | 14:53 |
mattmceuen | yup | 14:54 |
evrardjp | sthussey: that's fair to see if those tools are matching the needs. Keep in mind this kind of reseach was also done by OpenStack group, so re-using kinda makes sense, but the times have changed, so feedback to OpenStack can also be useful | 14:54 |
sthussey | Then it should be an easy decision | 14:54 |
portdirect | and if not, we can feed back to the reno developers why not. | 14:55 |
evrardjp | Ansible, for example, decided to not use reno at some point, IIRC. | 14:55 |
mattmceuen | excellent, good point evrardjp. In addition it's not just "the tool" but also "how you use it" -- I know any tooling for this stuff could be used well or poorly | 14:55 |
evrardjp | portdirect: reno's devs have been receptive in the past for different needs than openstack | 14:56 |
b-str | ok, I think we should probably have a "roadmap to 1.0" that includes this and other items needed too... make it super obvious. | 14:56 |
evrardjp | I recall different versioning schemes were used in a project, and reno was adapted to support it. | 14:56 |
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mattmceuen | Any final thoughts before we wrap up, team? | 14:58 |
evrardjp | none | 14:58 |
mattmceuen | Good meeting - thank you all, & have a great week. | 14:58 |
mattmceuen | #endmeeting | 14:58 |
*** openstack changes topic to "airshipit.org || General Review Dashboard: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:%255Eopenstack/airship.*+status:open,n,z" | 14:58 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Nov 27 14:58:33 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-11-27-14.01.html | 14:58 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-11-27-14.01.txt | 14:58 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2018/airship.2018-11-27-14.01.log.html | 14:58 |
mark-burnett | Thanks all | 14:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-divingbell master: Create Makefile target to install Helm binary https://review.openstack.org/620153 | 15:31 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: Update apiserver for admission controller https://review.openstack.org/618903 | 15:39 |
openstackgerrit | Lev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI capability to generate and encrypt passphrases https://review.openstack.org/605425 | 15:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Aaron Sheffield proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: [WIP] Disables Services https://review.openstack.org/620359 | 16:43 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-pegleg master: Fix link addresses https://review.openstack.org/620300 | 16:45 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: (fix) Use endpoint for MAAS URL https://review.openstack.org/616709 | 16:51 |
openstackgerrit | Mark Burnett proposed openstack/airship-promenade master: [WIP] Update to calico v3 https://review.openstack.org/607188 | 16:52 |
openstackgerrit | Serge Kovaleff proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: Add ability to control owner:group and permissions via new module 'perm' https://review.openstack.org/614665 | 17:08 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Crank proposed openstack/airship-maas master: Apparmor profile for MaaS https://review.openstack.org/612772 | 17:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Lev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI capability to generate and encrypt passphrases https://review.openstack.org/605425 | 17:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: (fix) Use endpoint for MAAS URL https://review.openstack.org/616709 | 18:06 |
openstackgerrit | Pete Birley proposed openstack/airship-drydock master: Dockerfile: Add basic support for https based repos https://review.openstack.org/620375 | 18:09 |
openstackgerrit | Lev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Handle decryption exception https://review.openstack.org/615667 | 18:19 |
openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Add possibility to run uwsgi with TLS encryption https://review.openstack.org/618317 | 18:19 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Set kernel.randomize_va_space = 2 https://review.openstack.org/615681 | 18:25 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: Include Docker in the initial setup step https://review.openstack.org/620142 | 18:34 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed openstack/airship-in-a-bottle master: [WIP] Make the gate more configurable https://review.openstack.org/616625 | 18:36 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-treasuremap master: zuul: Add site linting gates https://review.openstack.org/618295 | 18:39 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-deckhand master: Revision diffing issue with revision rollback. https://review.openstack.org/614421 | 18:56 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed openstack/airship-maas master: (fix) Fix static ports in MAAS ingress https://review.openstack.org/619283 | 19:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Add possibility to run uwsgi with TLS encryption https://review.openstack.org/618317 | 19:27 |
openstackgerrit | Nishant Kumar proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: CLI: Add support for uploading documents to Shipyard https://review.openstack.org/609546 | 19:30 |
openstackgerrit | Aaron Sheffield proposed openstack/airship-divingbell master: [WIP] Disables Services https://review.openstack.org/620359 | 19:54 |
openstackgerrit | Andrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-utils master: Add lint and check gates for airship-utils https://review.openstack.org/614043 | 19:54 |
openstackgerrit | Andrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-utils master: miniMirror Helm chart https://review.openstack.org/613702 | 19:54 |
openstackgerrit | Andrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-utils master: Add ability to build from a repo signed with custom GPG key https://review.openstack.org/616702 | 19:54 |
openstackgerrit | Andrey Volkov proposed openstack/airship-utils master: Readme for airship-utils https://review.openstack.org/614644 | 19:54 |
openstackgerrit | Lev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Handle decryption exception https://review.openstack.org/615667 | 20:26 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-promenade master: Use new default-test behavior of Armada in resiliency test https://review.openstack.org/620145 | 20:27 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/airship-divingbell master: Add ability to control owner:group and permissions via new module 'perm' https://review.openstack.org/614665 | 20:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Lev Morgan proposed openstack/airship-pegleg master: Handle decryption exception https://review.openstack.org/615667 | 22:17 |
openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack/airship-deckhand master: Add possibility to run uwsgi with TLS encryption https://review.openstack.org/618317 | 22:29 |
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