Wednesday, 2019-06-26

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openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align java_opts parameter for elasticsearch
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Separate fluentbit and fluentd charts
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Uplift all components
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openstackgerritKudaka Poorna Rajesh proposed airship/promenade master: Enable probes and mount config for etcd
openstackgerritKudaka Poorna Rajesh proposed airship/promenade master: Enable probes and mount config for etcd
openstackgerritKudaka Poorna Rajesh proposed airship/promenade master: Enable probes config for etcd
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openstackgerritMerged airship/maas master: Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
openstackgerritMerged airship/deckhand master: Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
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openstackgerritMerged airship/armada master: Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
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openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/election master: Add 2019 TC Nominees
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/election master: Add 2019 TC Nominees
openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/promenade master: Allow etcd anchor to recover from bad state
openstackgerritMerged airship/election master: Add 2019 TC Nominees
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openstackgerritMerged airship/promenade master: Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
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openstackgerritMerged airship/shipyard master: Add realease uuid annotation to POD spec
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
amalrajgenocidexAfter enormous help from  mattmceuen and kskels , I was able to succesfully deploy the airsloop with default settings. But I'm unable to access the horizon interface.14:23
amalrajgenocidexHow can I access horizon in case of airsloop?14:23
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/election master: Amending nomination with company affiliation
openstackgerritMerged airship/election master: Amending nomination with company affiliation
openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
alexanderhughesroman_g sthussey are you two coordinating on the go gates for airshipctl?  looks like some overlap14:38
roman_galexanderhughes: no, we don't14:38
roman_gI've just noticed PS from Scott.14:38
sthusseyYou can toss mine, I was just doing it as I reviewed the code to see how the new stuff is built.14:39
sthusseyWas just basing it on the existing methods used for go code in airship14:40
openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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amalrajgenocidexHi kskels I was able to add a new nic by editing some yaml files and deployments was able to install the essential services after that.15:59
amalrajgenocidexBut I still see 2 failed steps when I check 'tools/airship shipyard get actions' . But don't see anything suspicious.15:59
amalrajgenocidexcompute node is also added to the node list when I checked16:00
amalrajgenocidexNAME                 STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION   INTERNAL-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE             KERNEL-VERSION      CONTAINER-RUNTIMEairsloop-compute-1   Ready     <none>    4h        v1.11.6   <none>        Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS   4.4.0-137-generic   docker://17.3.3airsloop-control-1   Ready     <none>    6d        v16:00
amalrajgenocidex1.11.6   <none>        Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS   4.4.0-151-generic   docker://17.3.316:00
kskelsgreat! that's a good milestone to get the bare-metal parts deployed and joining k8s16:00
kskelscan you list 'sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide |grep -v Completed'16:01
kskelsjust to see how far you got..16:01
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Some basic Go checks
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add gitreview file to airshipctl
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
alexanderhughesthanks sthussey didn't notice it16:26
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed airship/spyglass master: Use data objects for document generation
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
sthusseyLooks like everyone is zuul'ing up airshipctl. I'll stop updating mine, but I'd recommend using containers for the Go build environment16:51
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
sthusseyIt is clean and the community containers come with all the tooling installed16:51
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sthusseyI'm not sure why zuul is failing while I can run the same thing locally and it works fine16:51
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
amalrajgenocidexHi kskels , I ran the deploy again and followed armada logs. This error was showing frequently.16:53
amalrajgenocidex2019-06-26 16:42:56.255 7 INFO armada.api.middleware [-] user=- request_id=008b11f0-3d14-4a0b-ba84-684589a7688a ext_ctx=- end_user=- Response: GET http://armada-api.ucp.svc.cluster.local:8000/ 404 Not Found2019-06-26 16:45:39.247 8 ERROR armada.handlers.tiller [-] Error while installing release airship-osh-infra-radosgw: grpc._channel._Rendezvous:16:53
amalrajgenocidex<_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:status = StatusCode.UNAVAILABLEdetails = "Socket closed"debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1561567538.827723047","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"Socket closed","grpc_status":14}">16:53
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roman_gIs Ian here?16:58
sthussey@howell not sure if he listens16:58
openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed airship/spyglass master: Use data objects for document generation
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openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align java_opts parameter for elasticsearch
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Separate fluentbit and fluentd charts
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Uplift all components
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Refactor seaworthy and airsloop Jenkins jobs
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openstackgerritMerged airship/promenade master: Allow etcd anchor to recover from bad state
openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP] Add basic gates and docs build
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
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howellroman_g: sthussey: sorry, I haven't gotten IRCCloud yet and weechat doesn't notify18:20
sthusseyno worries. I think roman_g just wanted to bring attention to a PS he has open for zuul stuffs in airshipctl18:21
sthusseyI've abandoned mine as I overlooked the existing Makefile, so it was duplicate. My only comment was I recommend a containerized build system for golang.18:22
openstackgerritSean Eagan proposed airship/armada master: Fix statefulset wait null pointer scenario
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/promenade master: (fix) haproxy anchor runs as root
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openstackgerritRoman Gorshunov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Fix: git module requires user to exist
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
roman_gAnyone, Kaspars found a problem: pegleg container stopped to work properly, when Git (GitPython) module is used (e.g. site collect), because inside pegleg container the user under which pegleg process is run does not exist (e.g. uid:gid 1000:1000).19:13
roman_gI've found a workaround, that if we set USER variable - everything works.19:14
sthusseyIs it Git or ssh?19:14
roman_gBut I feel that this is not the right way to do it.19:14
roman_gsthussey: I don't know.19:14
roman_gKaspars didn't tell. kskels19:14
alexanderhughescan you copy/paste the collect command being used and the error?19:15
roman_g - error19:15
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roman_gPython code and GitPython code in this places hasn't changed for quite some time, for years19:16
roman_gMy workaround above is based on this
roman_gBut I feel it should be resolved here
roman_gI might be mistaken.19:17
roman_gAnd still don't understand why we caught this only now.19:18
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks is the image being used yeah??19:18
alexanderhughesI just jumped into that container, it put me as root by default, and ran commands that cloned the downstream repos via ssh without any issue19:19
sthusseywhat does tools/airship actually run?19:20
roman_galexanderhughes: of course, because root exists in /etc/passwd19:20
roman_gdocker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target -v /home/vagrant/.ssh:/target/.ssh --env-file /tmp/tmp.brW11TZ21A pegleg site -r /target collect airsloop -s collect19:20
roman_gsomething like this19:20
sthusseyThere is the issue19:21
sthussey` -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>]`19:21
roman_gBut we never had user with any UID:GID before19:22
roman_gI've checked in container which is 2 months old19:22
roman_gpegleg container19:22
sthusseycould be a base image change19:22
sthusseynot sure19:22
sthusseywe've seen taht before19:22
alexanderhugheswe recently changed Pegleg image from python:3.6 to ubuntu:16.04 both of them had the -ubuntu_xenial tag19:24
roman_ge.g. ocker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target -v /home/vagrant/.ssh:/target/.ssh /bin/sh -c "id; grep 1000 /etc/passwd || echo Fail; pegleg site -r /target collect airsloop -s collect"19:24
roman_gdocker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target -v /home/vagrant/.ssh:/target/.ssh /bin/sh -c "id; grep 1000 /etc/passwd || echo Fail; pegleg site -r /target collect airsloop -s collect"19:25
roman_gthis ^^^^^^^^^ will run 2 months old image, and it has same problem19:25
roman_g(yes, :latest is 2 months old, I need quay credentials to remove that tag)19:25
openstackgerritMerged airship/armada master: Fix statefulset wait null pointer scenario
roman_gwhat would be a good way to get it fixed?19:27
roman_gand when did this problem arise? we haven't had it before19:27
alexanderhughesI'll check this closer after this call, first I'm hearing of it.  seems like changing the user passed in docker run is an option, or creating the user in the container are the easiest solutions19:29
alexanderhugheshow did the other projects handle this issue?  did they just export a user/create one?19:30
roman_g> seems like changing the user passed in docker run is an option19:31
roman_gto root? - No19:31
roman_gno other user exists19:31
roman_g> creating the user in the container are the easiest solutions19:31
roman_gthat's what I'm leaning to19:31
sthusseythe problem is if you need to access any host mounts, anything but root is going to cause issues19:32
sthusseybecause you want have read access19:32
sthusseyjeez, can't type today19:32
roman_gso, only via sudo?19:33
roman_gor only run as root?19:33
sthusseyeither you can require any host volumes have world readable permissions19:33
sthusseyor you run the container as root19:34
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roman_gsthussey, when we map volumes and also use '-u' to specify user, then whatever is created by process inside the container on the volume we mount gets uid:gid of local user, and that works fine19:48
roman_gwe don't really write to inside of the container as user. only to mounted volumes19:49
sthusseyassuming the volume is writable by uid 100019:49
sthusseyAnd assuming you don't want to read something that is not readable by uid 100019:50
sthusseyI'm not sure if setting uid to 1000 is going to work if someone needs to use their SSH private key to access a git repo for instance19:50
sthusseyMaybe it does19:50
sthusseyI already don't use my private key w/ pegleg because it doesn't appear to support encrypted keys19:51
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Refactor seaworthy and airsloop Jenkins jobs
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align java_opts parameter for elasticsearch
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Separate fluentbit and fluentd charts
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Uplift all components
* roman_g would prefer ssh certificates for corporate use anyway19:52
roman_gsthussey: why would we expect someone to work with site documents as a root user?19:52
sthusseyI don't19:53
roman_g>> sthussey> or you run the container as root19:53
sthusseyThere was no real concern prior to all the external access from pegleg19:54
sthusseyBut now that do things like mount SSH keys into it, you'll have to decide path forward19:54
roman_ghost volume does not need to be world writable, uid:gid of pegleg process is (normally) identical to uid:gid of a user launching pegleg container (because we use -u flag), so pegleg writes what is needed without problems.19:55
roman_ge.g. this works perfectly:19:57
roman_gtreasuremap$ docker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target -v /home/vagrant/.ssh:/target/.ssh --env "USER=sthussey" pegleg site -r /target collect airsloop -s collect19:57
roman_gof course sthussey never existed in pegleg container, but collect/ directory with proper content and permissions would be created19:58
roman_gon host19:59
openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed airship/spyglass master: Add site_config.yaml back into examples
sthusseyare you sourcing any repos from git?20:04
sthusseyI don't know what airsloop looks like20:04
roman_gno, it's part of treasuremap repo20:05
sthusseythen you likely won't run into the same issues20:05
sthusseyif you do something like `-u $UID:1000 -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd` then you can likely over come any issues w/o using root20:09
roman_g> then you likely won't run into the same issues20:10
sthusseyassuming that nothing in the container image has restricted permissions20:10
roman_gI do still run20:10
roman_gtreasuremap$ docker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target pegleg site -r /target collect seaworthy -s collect20:11
roman_g^^^^ this drops an error when run as user20:11
roman_gfrom freshly cloned treasuremap repo20:12
sthusseyyou should be able to use your USER environment variable and run as uid 100020:13
sthusseysince you don't need to access any host files like a private key20:13
roman_gIf I run workaroud I've described (with USER variable set to something), it works20:13
roman_greasuremap$ docker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target --env "USER=someone" pegleg site -r /target collect seaworthy -s collect20:13
roman_gyes, that's correct.20:13
sthusseybut that doesn't work if you want to use ssh-based git repos for pulling documents20:14
roman_gso what would be a good generic way to get it fixed?20:14
roman_gfix GitPython?20:14
roman_gso that it doesn't require valid user in passwd?20:14
sthusseyas far as I know, ssh still does20:15
roman_gwell, yes. but in this case with local site documents ssh is not used20:15
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sthusseysure, so your current method seems fine20:16
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
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alexanderhughesI'm confused if we're using local documents then neither ssh nor git is used so we shouldn't be getting userid issues right?20:25
sthusseyYou can use git w/ local repos20:26
sthusseyAnd you can use ssh but need access to local files, e.g. your SSH key20:26
alexanderhughesis git still used if you pass the -e flags to preserve the local repos ?20:27
sthusseyI'm not sure, but you can put a local path in the site definition YAML and git is used I believe20:28
sthusseyI think you're right about -e20:28
alexanderhughesyeah if you don't pass overrides with -e it'll look at site definition, call process repositories and make sure right revision of the repos is used20:28
sthusseyI don't recall seeing git log messages for it20:29
alexanderhughesbut with overrides I can't remember if process repos does anything if it already has that exact revision path/revision already20:29
alexanderhughesworth trying, digging through source code to check ordering on the various calls - we have 14 or so from the CLI.  but quick solution might just be to mount the repos into container (site, global, secrets) and then during the command use -e global=/path/to/global -e secrets=/path/to/secrets20:32
sthusseyThat is what I do locally20:33
openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Zuul: Initial airshipctl checks
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alexanderhughesnah even with the -e flags if you turn on verbose (-v) repos cloned to host and mounted into containers still get some of the git code called against them20:47
alexanderhughesso we're back to Roman's solution, pass env with pegleg is a dirty way to solve it.  more appropriate is probably to just create a pegleg user in the container like Armada does
sthusseythe problem w/ that is the user in the container, say uid 1000, may not be able to read host mounts20:51
sthusseyback to the private key issue, possibly other host files20:52
openstackgerritMerged airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: (logging) Add Pod YAML to debug logs
roman_g> still get some of the git code called against them20:55
roman_gproblem arises only if repository is dirty20:56
sthusseyhow would pegleg know if it doesn't call git to find out?20:56
roman_gno problem to run _some_ git commands20:57
roman_gHere is a note from Felipe20:58
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roman_giw we wouldn't call repo.index.commit('Temporary Pegleg commit'), then everything is perfectly fine20:58
sthusseyah, so likely it should use stash instead of commit20:59
sthusseyavoiding this issue entirely20:59
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roman_glooks good at a first sight21:00
alexanderhughesusing -e ?21:01
roman_gno, I run without -e21:01
alexanderhughesoh with the env solution from earlier?21:02
roman_gtreasuremap$ docker run --rm --net=host -it -u 1000:1000 -w /target -v /home/vagrant/1/treasuremap:/target pegleg -v site -r /target collect seaworthy -s collect21:02
roman_g^^^^^^^^ this will fail if cloned local treasuremap/ is dirty21:02
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roman_gsthussey: untracked files will also make it fail21:04
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sthussey`git clean`21:04
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roman_gor git add . amd then git stash?21:04
sthusseyit looks like the code block is running against a replica of the repo21:05
sthusseySo it seemingly doesn't matter21:05
sthusseyCould just use `git reset --hard <refspec>`21:05
roman_grefspec could be empty21:06
roman_gor even would be empty21:06
sthusseyThat's fine21:06
sthusseyassumes HEAD of the current branch21:06
roman_gsthussey: I will test and then submit a patsh to pegleg tomorrow. 23:07, I'm tired.21:07
roman_gsthussey: I'm very thankfull for your great help21:07
roman_galexanderhughes: thank you too21:07
alexanderhughesthanks roman_g have a good evening!21:08
openstackgerritMerged airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: multinode: Add Shipyard test site stage
roman_gNight, 11:09pm. Need to get home :)21:09
openstackgerritDrew Walters proposed airship/divingbell master: CI: Fix K8s deployment
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: (multinode) Make disk layout flexible
openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: [WIP] Network enhancements for gate-multinode
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openstackgerritMerged airship/drydock master: Add release uuid annotation to POD spec
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openstackgerritIan Pittwood proposed airship/spyglass-plugin-xls master: [WIP] Testing for plugin
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openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift Promenade
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align java_opts parameter for elasticsearch
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Separate fluentbit and fluentd charts
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/treasuremap master: WIP Uplift all components
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