Tuesday, 2019-08-06

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openstackgerritPRATEEK REDDY DODDA proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Openstack Utility Container Added Support for rbac  https://review.opendev.org/67467002:07
arunxmattmceuen: I destroyed the 1804 VM. Created a new VM with 1604, and tried latest clone of the airship project and scripts to try Airship-in-a-bottle.02:12
arunxmattmceuen: I still status of the containers, https://justpaste.it/2isuz . I still see one went to error, other 2 containers restarted 100+ times means something wrong02:15
arunxmattmceuen: Here is the postgresql-0 container log, https://justpaste.it/3omqt02:18
arunxmattmceuen: additional logs from the shell (from script airship-in-a-bottle.sh), https://justpaste.it/2o23g02:32
openstackgerritPRATEEK REDDY DODDA proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Openstack Utility Container Added Support for rbac  https://review.opendev.org/67467002:37
openstackgerritPRATEEK REDDY DODDA proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Openstack Utility Container Added Support for rbac  https://review.opendev.org/67467002:40
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Add .gitreview file  https://review.opendev.org/67473406:24
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Remove binary file kubernetes-entrypoint  https://review.opendev.org/67473506:25
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Add noop-jobs to be able to merge changes  https://review.opendev.org/67473606:30
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Support regenerating PKI  https://review.opendev.org/67133712:49
openstackgerritJagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: [WIP] Adding utility conatiners to airship-in-a-bottle  https://review.opendev.org/67462612:49
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openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Openstack Utility Container Added Support for rbac.  https://review.opendev.org/67467013:04
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480813:04
alexanderhughesgood morning all!  meeting is in an hour, agenda etherpad is up -- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-08-0613:06
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alexanderhughesalso for those new to the community we have a design call going on now, https://attcorp.webex.com/meet/rp2723 you can to the email lists where a lot of the call invites are sent out here http://lists.airshipit.org/13:11
alexanderhughessubscribe to^13:11
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openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Update airship dependencies in Pegleg reqs  https://review.opendev.org/67389913:17
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Fix: Allow Pegleg to generate unencrypted bundle  https://review.opendev.org/67390413:17
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480813:18
openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed airship/promenade master: Run haproxy-anchor and haproxy pod with the nobody user (65534)  https://review.opendev.org/65787913:34
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openstackgerritSvetlana Shturm proposed airship/pegleg master: Add support domain-scoped token for CLI  https://review.opendev.org/67417513:45
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mattmceuenAgenda for our meeting in 12min:  please add anything else you'd like to discuss today, folks: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-08-0613:48
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mattmceuen#startmeeting airship14:00
openstackMeeting started Tue Aug  6 14:00:04 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is mattmceuen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.14:00
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'airship'14:00
mattmceuen#topic Rollcall14:00
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mattmceuenHey everyone, GM / GE!14:00
mattmceuenAgenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-08-0614:00
evgenylHi everyone!14:00
mattmceuenplease add any discussion topics for today to this^14:00
mattmceueno/ all14:00
mattmceuenwe'll give it a min for folks go get their laptops warmed up14:00
openstackgerritMarjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Initial Commit of compute-utility container code compute-utility pod permits access to functionality of several compute pods.  https://review.opendev.org/67469514:02
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mattmceuenok, let's get started:14:02
mattmceuen#topic Update Eavesdrop to include links to other Airship meetings?14:02
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mattmceuengo for it alex14:02
alexanderhugheshi, we've got a large number of meetings and it seems we keep adding more.  it's great that people are interested in various aspects of airship design - I was just wondering especially for new users that haven't subscribed to the mailing lists they're missing out on some opportunities to join our discussions14:03
alexanderhughescan we add these meetings to eavesdrop?  we have 5 a week now that I know of14:04
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mattmceuenwe have been adding them to the wiki, but you're right, not evesdrop:  https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship14:04
mattmceuenI think it makes sense to add them14:04
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alexanderhughesand for the new users those email lists I mention above can be found at #link lists.airshipit.org14:04
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mattmceuenif we add new meetings, would they show up under the existing Airship header?14:05
mattmceuenor would Airship end up with five list items on an already-crowded list14:05
evrardjpI would prefer eavesdrop, because ics generation is neat :)14:06
alexanderhughescan we rename airship team meeting -> Airship community meetingS and then add each in our section?14:06
evrardjpalexanderhughes:  yeah, It's possible to have multiple meetings14:07
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evrardjpI mean14:07
evrardjpbecause it's possible to add multiple meetings, it would be clearer to have each of them named appropriately :)14:07
alexanderhughesjust thinking about organization in the summary list where our link is.  having 5 meetings seems overkill, but if you can click on our link then browse our short section it's a good balance in my mind14:07
evrardjpJust pointing to eavesdrop?14:08
mattmceuenIt looks like you might not get much differentiation between what the different time slots under a "header" are for14:08
evrardjpOr adding all the meetings into one ics14:08
mattmceuenI.e., I see Auto-scaling SIG Meeting has two different invites, but I don't see that you can differentiate between different topics (SIG-X, SIG-Y) for them?14:09
evrardjpI think it's fine to have multiple meetings, because not everybody care about everything14:09
alexanderhughesah I see.  yeah maybe we need 5 separate entries14:09
evrardjpmattmceuen: because that's the same meeting different timezones14:09
mattmceuenLet's start with that since it's good for us, and if it's frowned upon, we should find out in code review :)14:09
evrardjpfor different meetings see for example the OpenStack TC, which has meetings and office hours14:09
mattmceuenevrardjp advanced technology!!14:09
mattmceuenwhat will they think of next14:10
evrardjpmattmceuen: ics is so 21th century14:10
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alexanderhughesI'm happy with that, just want to make finding logs, calendar invites etc. easier for people in general to stay up to date with airship progress/news14:10
mattmceuenwas just going to ask for volunteer :)  that's a great idea alexanderhughes, thanks for bringing it up14:10
evrardjpalexanderhughes: I don't have Airship in my agenda because there is no eavesdrop link , so I rely on 20th century tech called human memory14:11
evrardjpvery not reliable depending age of said tech14:11
mattmceuenalright - I think we can move on to the next topic:14:12
mattmceuen#topic Airship WC election requirements14:12
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mattmceuenSo in our ongoing working committee election process, we have hit a first-time-through bump14:12
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evrardjpit's not really a bump IMO :)14:13
mattmceuenA handful of folks who had nominated for the committee were admitted by the election officials, and post-hoc discovered not to be eligible per airship governance description of eligibility14:13
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mattmceuenSo they have been withdrawn14:13
* mattmceuen feels very bad - mea culpa 100%14:13
evrardjpmattmceuen: you shouldn't worry about that : )14:14
mattmceuenReally appreciate the nominations and hope all of these excellent gents nominates again in the future14:14
evrardjpI expect there is no hard feelings14:14
mattmceuenty jp :)14:14
evrardjpeverybody is doing their best, and as you can see, there is willingness to step up ;)14:14
evrardjpmattmceuen: yw :)14:14
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mattmceuenYes, it's really awesome to see the community growth and community involvement14:15
pramchan62Any idea what requirements were difficult to meet?14:15
mattmceuenYes - let's discuss14:15
mattmceuenSo the TC requirements are different than the WC requirements14:15
evrardjpwell tbh it's not the requirements that I would like to discuss14:15
evrardjpon that topic14:15
evrardjpit's to make sure it doesn't happen ? :)14:15
evrardjp(implementing a job for validating, like it's done in openstack?)14:16
mattmceuenTC candidates are broadly eligible based on contributions to the community.  WC candidates are more narrowly eligible based on having gotten commits merged to a repo in the previous 12 months14:16
evrardjp(sorry to highjack this!)14:16
mattmceuenI think step 1 is to better understand the requirements, lol14:16
evrardjpon that I can blame myself for not reading appropriately14:17
mattmceuenStep 2 is to either automate them or have a rote process to validate them14:17
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pramchan62Is zull pipeline setup for airship 2.0 modules yet?14:17
mattmceuenevrardjp, are there any best practices you're aware of that could help with that?14:18
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mattmceuenfrom the openstack community, which has been doing this for a while14:18
evrardjpyeah we do have jobs for that in the election repo -- I suggest to speak with current election officials on how the zuul jobs are set up14:18
mattmceuenwe should be able to incorporate their functionality; our election repo was based on theirs, but with most of the automation turned off in the interest of time14:19
evrardjpyou would have to do something special for the affiliation afaik, but that probably should be done after election results14:19
mattmceuenwould be good to refine that for the next round14:19
evrardjpwhich is after candidacies14:19
evrardjpmattmceuen: yup. To make things simpler, having only one set of requirements would be easier too14:20
evrardjpfor the test jobs I mean14:20
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mattmceuenpramchan62:  the first module targeted for 2.0 (airshipctl) has zuul gating set up; we'll keep adding gates as we keep adding modules14:21
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mattmceuenI think that'll be a good thing to retrospect on - the TC can adjust the requirements if we propose reasonable changes14:21
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alexanderhughesagreed, I can add this as an action item to the TC agenda.  I'd like to take a second look at the WC requirements for next election cycle14:22
mattmceuenalright, anything else on this topic?14:23
mattmceuenwe'll be kicking off the voting later today14:23
alexanderhughesjust a heartfelt apology to those that ran and were disqualified after their nominations were merged, and thanks for your understanding with our stumbles.  we'll get better over time14:24
mattmceuenOk!  next topic:14:24
mattmceuen#topic Aligning airskiff to sloop type has presented challenges14:24
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mattmceuenSo jamesgu has been working on some manifest alignment14:25
mattmceuenbetween sloop and airskiff14:25
mattmceuenone of the goals of this is to make it easy(er) to have airskiff sites that are customized, e.g. for opensuse images14:26
mattmceuenI think we've exhausted the wiggleroom in our three-layer (global, type, site) hierarchy in trying to get all of this aligned.  Challenges include:14:26
jamesguyes, the challenge is that we only allow one shot at replacement in armada manifest, airskiff has to duplicate the abstract charts, certs, etc in airskiff site. Now we are going to make it worse with airskiff-*14:27
mattmceuenairskiff doesn't need kubernetes widgets (e.g. etcd), but has to override them in its list of "unused" charts.  To me it feels like cauterizing abstract documents we don't want anyway.  These docs would need to be duplicated across airskiff-X and airskiff-Y14:27
jamesgusorry crossed msgs14:28
jamesgumattmceuen: I added option b in the agenda14:28
mattmceuenyeah, one-shot replacement makes sense in some contexts, but jamesgu ran into wanting to replace the full-site manifest that was already replaced at the type level14:28
mattmceuenno worries :D14:28
mattmceuenI'll paste the ideas in here as well:14:29
mattmceuen    option a:Make a "skiff" a type?14:29
mattmceuen    option b: remove the full-site and cluster-bootstrap manifest from sloop type (means airsloop will add its own full site and bootstrap yaml as its own armada manifest)14:29
kskelsmaybe we need to talk about it more - but there are ways to workaround it by creating charts/chart-groups with different names14:29
kskelseven for full-site - in shipyard it's possible to specify which full-site manifest to run14:29
kskelsalso, I think we should make replacement somehow multi-level.. wonder if that is possible14:30
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480814:30
dwaltSo if we add a skiff type, we still have to override unused documents. Are there other benefits to doing so?14:30
jamesgukskels: agree that replacement should be multi level.14:30
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mattmceuenthe idea there dwalt is that at least we'd only be overriding them once at the type level, and airskiff-X becomes easy14:31
dwaltThe idea behind using sloop for Airskiff was only that it reduced the replica count and reduced the total number of Airskiff-specific documents slightly14:31
jamesguthe issue is the sloop site manifest full-site and cluster-bootstrap... both of which incudes the k8s charts for example14:31
kskelsyes - but can't we just choose different name for them14:31
mattmceuenkskels: agree that specifying a different manifest document is a tool in our toolbox as well14:32
kskelsand do armada apply `full-site-airskiff`?14:32
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480814:32
mattmceuenI think that solves for one challenge (one-shot replacement, at least for that doc)14:32
jamesguyes we are using different names, but the full-site and bootstrap from sloop are included nonetheless in the generated site and armada tries to valdiate them14:32
kskelsah.. got it..14:33
kskelsusually though extra files wouldn't matter14:33
mattmceuenkskels:  `full-site-airskiff` doesn't solve for cauterizing unused abstract documents though, right14:33
kskelsas long as they are not having errors14:33
jamesguso that could be an armada validation bug or design ;-)14:33
mattmceuenIt's intentional14:33
mattmceuenAs is one-shot replacement14:34
kskelshm.. I didn't know one-shot replacement was intential14:34
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480814:34
kskelsreplacement anyway is kind a "inheritance" or overlay14:34
mattmceuenAlthough I could be convinced that value trade-off isn't worth it14:34
jamesgua simpler solution (since this will change in 2.0) is to remove the full-site and boostrap armada manifest in the sloop type and let airsloop and airskiff to define their own14:34
openstackgerritMerged airship/pegleg master: Add support domain-scoped token for CLI  https://review.opendev.org/67417514:35
kskelsto simply fix this we could just move the sloop/full-site to site/airsloop/14:35
kskelsand then each site will automatically require to define their own14:35
jamesgukskels: texactly, hat's the option b proposal14:35
mattmceuensounds like you guys are thinking along the same lines14:36
dwaltThat makes sense to me14:36
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kskelsyeah - but then hope it's not the same for all other files in `sloop`..14:36
mattmceuenJust to confirm:  validation won't barf if there are uncauterized abstract documents, as long as they are not pulled in from a manifest file?14:36
jamesguif mattmceuen likes it too we have a deal :-)14:36
kskelswhich in that case would be better to do your own airskiff14:36
jamesguI tested it for airskiff, it seems to be happy, not tested airsloop yet14:37
mattmceuenjamesgu:  if it work well, let's do it - if not, I would suggest skiff type as a plan B14:37
jamesgusounds good!14:37
kskelssounds good!14:37
mattmceuenkskels: do you know whether anyone is actively basing out-of-tree sites off of sloop type?14:37
mattmceuenI know there were some ericsson folks who had used sloop, but I didn't know if they were pointing sites back at treasuremap or not14:38
kskelsgood question.. though due to our tags `v1.3` and all - I think it would be acceptable even if they do..14:38
mattmceuenI think we have a plan - any other discussion before moving on?14:39
jamesguno, thanks all14:39
mattmceuen#topic How to build kubernetes-entrypoint14:39
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mattmceuenok - this is my plea for help14:39
mattmceuenas discussed last week I think, k8s-entrypoint project has migrated to airship: https://opendev.org/airship/kubernetes-entrypoint14:39
mattmceuenstill getting it set up14:40
mattmceuenbut one thing that confuses me -- the stackanetes project builds a container and pushes it to quay with every merge14:40
mattmceuenbut for the life of me I can't find either a dockerfile or a CI job14:40
howelldo we have contact info for anyone from the stackanetes team?14:40
howellI assume we don14:40
howelldon't want to move the image14:40
mattmceuenalanmeadows and portdirect been chatting with those guys and could ask I'm sure14:41
mattmceuenlooks like we don't have seaneagan here  - he might know14:41
howellI'll contact him14:41
mattmceuenI think we do want to start hosting the image in the normal airship registry namespace; it's currently getting pushed to a stackanetes namespaced location14:42
howellbut beyond that, I don't see anything in that repo that could create the image nor push it to quay.io14:42
alanmeadows^ yes14:42
portdirectits build in quay.ios build system14:42
portdirectbuilt rather14:42
portdirectwe should just create our own14:42
alanmeadowswith regard to us wanting to push the image into an airship quay namespace14:42
howellif we're pushing it to a new location, what's to stop us from just writing our own?14:42
howellah, portdirect beat me to it14:43
portdirectI'll also get some basic ci pushed up today14:43
mattmceuenawesome - ty portdirect14:43
portdirectnp - though i stress the word 'basic'  :D14:43
evrardjpportdirect: have a look at zuul's buildset registry if you can14:43
evrardjpI see14:43
mattmceuenalright, let's keep moving, few items left:14:44
mattmceuen#topic Base image vulnerabilities14:44
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mattmceuenalexanderhughes go for it14:44
openstackgerritPRATEEK REDDY DODDA proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Openstack Utility Container Added Support for rbac  https://review.opendev.org/67467014:45
alexanderhughesa while back we had a discussion about reducing image vulnerabilities in pegleg and spyglass by migrating to ubuntu:xenial instead of python:3.6 - this improved, but across airship we're still sitting around 15 medium vulnerabilities per image some with as many as 200 total vulnerabilites (lows, etc. included)14:45
alexanderhughessince most of these vulnerabilities are from the base image, does it make sense for us to build our own minimal base image to use for each project?14:45
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alexanderhughesor do we want to just wait on updates to the official ubuntu images?14:46
mattmceuenmy 2c is the latter.  Operators/vendors are likely using their own base images anyway14:46
evrardjpI would wait for updates, because it's building tech debt which we might be less good to track of14:47
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mattmceuenSo probably makes sense to rely on canonical to do their own work on that14:47
evrardjpbut is that a big deal though?14:47
evrardjpsorry to ask that question, but I expected that everyone would build their own images with their own infra14:47
evrardjpI didn't expect to say "the official airship images published on opendev are secure"14:48
evrardjpliability and stuff :)14:48
alexanderhugheswe already support overriding the dokcerfiles with the FROM argument so if people want things more secure than we offer they can accomplish that.  I've just been involved in a lot of vulnerability talks lately and want to make sure we're making a reasonable effort at securing what we offer14:48
evrardjpwhile we should do the best, people should be aware of things :)14:48
roman_g+2 to evrardjp14:49
openstackgerritMerged airship/pegleg master: Fix: Allow Pegleg to generate unencrypted bundle  https://review.opendev.org/67390414:49
portdirectevrardjp: +2 to 'but I expected that everyone would build their own images with their own infra'14:49
evrardjpalexanderhughes: I think we all agree, it's just about making the message crystal clear :)14:49
portdirectbut at the same time, we want to make that easy14:49
evrardjpportdirect: agreed :)14:49
mattmceuencool - I think we're aligned.  good with that plan alexanderhughes?14:50
mattmceuenalright, moving on:14:51
mattmceuen#topic Question re. single rabbitmq cluster PS14:51
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mattmceuenall yours evrardjp14:51
jamesguthat was me... this is just an initial inquiry re. the "recent" change to a single rabbitmq cluster. we are evaluating what it means for scaling. Do we still have the flexibility / choice in place to allow seperate rabbiqmq cluster when the cloud scales up?14:51
mattmceuenpurples all look the same in etherpad :)14:51
jamesguyep :-)14:51
mattmceuenjamesgu:  yes, absolutely still have that flexibility14:52
evrardjpmattmceuen: I was following that up too, so that's fine :)14:52
mattmceuenthe choice to go down to one cluster was driven by rabbitmq clustering issues.  every time the cluster starts up, you're rolling the dice on getting an issue in the clustering14:53
mattmceuenthe more clusters, the more opportunities for clustering issues14:53
mattmceuenmy understanding is that this is resolved in an upcoming version of rabbitmq14:53
evrardjpthat doesn't sound like an answer I will accept easily :)14:53
mattmceuenportdirect can supply all kinds of hideous details14:54
jamesguwhat would it take for a smaller openstck cloud on a single cluster to scale up and have multiple rabbit clusters? It is no longer simple replicas # adjustment anymore, right?14:54
evrardjpmattmceuen: I would say.. "assuming deploy of rabbitmq is fine", what would you do?14:54
evrardjpvalid question of jamesgu on how to scale14:54
evrardjp(the question I asked was, ofc, for large clusters)14:55
evrardjpsmall clusters are just fine with minimum things14:55
mattmceuenjamesgu:  we can definitely still follow the same setup as before with multiple rabbit clusters14:55
evrardjpmattmceuen: so the option is not removed, merely the default changes?14:56
evrardjpthat's fine for me then :)14:56
evrardjpdocs have been provided?14:56
mattmceuenthe "reference archiecture" was changed, for now at least14:56
evrardjp(I know I am annoying)14:56
mattmceuendepends how much you enjoy reading yaml, evrardjp14:56
jamesgubut no gate or treasuremap will use the multi cluster approach more... concern is over the time it will become less (unofficial) supported14:56
evrardjpmattmceuen: that's not docs14:56
evrardjpjson is for machine14:57
* mattmceuen note: I am being annoying on purpose14:57
evrardjpmattmceuen: weirdly loves that :)14:57
mattmceuenyes, this is a very documentable thing14:57
evrardjpI mean I weirdly like that*14:57
mattmceuenas well as - getting documented when we can our more dependable clustering14:57
evrardjpmattmceuen: +1 on that then!14:57
mattmceuen#action mattmceuen to document our rabbitmq disposition14:58
mattmceuenjust a couple mins left --14:58
mattmceuen#topic First TC meeting scheduled for 08-Aug-2019 at 9am CST14:58
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mattmceuenlast topic!14:58
evrardjp(it's important to clarify why we did this, what's the plan, and what can ppl do if they don't like the current state)14:58
alexanderhughesjust an announcement really, connection details are here https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship/Airship-TC14:58
mattmceuenthat's great - thanks alexanderhughes14:59
alexanderhughesRyan wants to reserve last few minutes for community questions, call will be recorded and we'll share it and minutes as soon as we're able14:59
pramchan62Is it open to all are only TC members meet?14:59
alexanderhughesopen to all for last few minutes, anyone can listen to the whole duration14:59
mattmceuengreat meeting - thanks everyone, & have a great week15:00
kskelshey quick one15:00
alexanderhughesreviews pls15:00
kskelsthis one https://review.opendev.org/#/c/659369/15:00
mattmceuenah shoot15:00
kskelsbroke the integration gates yesterday night15:00
kskelsif folks can take a look.. and maybe notify on these rather impacting changes..15:00
mattmceuen#topic requests for review15:00
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mattmceuen    https://review.opendev.org/#/c/671337/ - Pegleg certificate generation enhancements/fixes15:00
mattmceuen    https://review.opendev.org/#/c/673899/ - Pegleg dependency updates15:00
mattmceuen    https://review.opendev.org/#/c/673904/ - Pegleg bugfix to allow unencrypted Genesis bundle (as supported by Promenade)15:00
mattmceuen    https://review.opendev.org/#/c/671575/ - Shipyard15:00
mattmceuenThanks for the reminder Kaspars :)15:01
mattmceueneyeballs on these guys please^  plus kskels' https://review.opendev.org/#/c/659369/15:01
mattmceuenthanks all15:01
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openstackMeeting ended Tue Aug  6 15:01:44 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)15:01
openstackMinutes:        http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-08-06-14.00.html15:01
alexanderhughesthanks all15:01
openstackMinutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-08-06-14.00.txt15:01
openstackLog:            http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-08-06-14.00.log.html15:01
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AJaegeralexanderhughes: regarding https://review.opendev.org/674734, .git is just fine - that's what we our CI pushes into new empty repos, see https://opendev.org/vexxhost/openstack-monitoring/commit/e101f4a97a7494427c459241263b5c02e570eeb7 - so I disagree with your -1 and ask you to reconsider15:04
sthusseyThey are synonymous within the git standard15:06
alexanderhughessure.  just browsed the other airship projects quickly and noticed they all omitted the .git extension in their .gitreview files.  so really should have been a nit.  amending review now :)15:07
AJaegeralexanderhughes: all? I checked - half has .git ;)15:08
AJaegeralexanderhughes: you hit the other half by accident :)15:08
AJaegeralexanderhughes: just three examples: airshipctl, tempest-plugin, treasuremap15:09
AJaegerboth work ;)15:09
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/promenade master: Add custom apparmor profile for kubernetes-proxy  https://review.opendev.org/64774915:10
alexanderhughesthat's funny.  I checked pegleg spyglass and armada they all use the other one15:10
AJaegerno worries15:11
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed airship/promenade master: [WIP] Fixes/updates for webhook-apiserver  https://review.opendev.org/66576115:27
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openstackgerritMarjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Initial commit of compute-utility container.  https://review.opendev.org/67469516:18
openstackgerritMerged airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Add noop-jobs to be able to merge changes  https://review.opendev.org/67473616:43
openstackgerritMerged airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Add .gitreview file  https://review.opendev.org/67473416:49
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed airship/porthole master: Add .gitreview  https://review.opendev.org/67487316:49
openstackgerritMerged airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Remove binary file kubernetes-entrypoint  https://review.opendev.org/67473516:50
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed airship/porthole master: Add noop-jobs  https://review.opendev.org/67487416:50
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AJaegermattmceuen: https://review.opendev.org/674874 and https://review.opendev.org/674873 set up porthole - if you want to take them this way...17:02
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mattmceuenthanks AJaeger!  That'll get us started - we can add testing after this17:07
AJaegeror add testing now and I abandon the noop-jobs change...17:09
openstackgerritTrung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: Chart and Docker files for MySql Client Utility container.  https://review.opendev.org/67488117:10
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Support regenerating PKI  https://review.opendev.org/67133717:15
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openstackgerritIan Howell proposed airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: [WIP] Move to go modules  https://review.opendev.org/67488817:42
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Update k8s, helm, coredns, promenade docker images  https://review.opendev.org/67489017:52
openstackgerritTrung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: The setup script automates the setup of user profile to connect to a K8S cluster remotely.  https://review.opendev.org/67489217:53
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Update k8s, helm, coredns, promenade docker images  https://review.opendev.org/67489017:59
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openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift helm/tiller to 1.14.1  https://review.opendev.org/67489718:02
openstackgerritKaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift helm/tiller to 2.14.1  https://review.opendev.org/67489718:12
openstackgerritTrung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: Chart and Docker files for MySql Client Utility container.  https://review.opendev.org/67488118:12
openstackgerritAlexander Noskov proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Update k8s, helm, coredns, promenade docker images  https://review.opendev.org/67489018:16
alexanderhughescan I get a review on https://review.opendev.org/#/c/671337/ please?18:18
openstackgerritLuna Das proposed airship/porthole master: Add Tracking User Identity in openstack utility container logs  https://review.opendev.org/67480818:34
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed airship/promenade master: [WIP] Fixes/updates for webhook-apiserver  https://review.opendev.org/66576118:39
openstackgerritMerged airship/pegleg master: Support regenerating PKI  https://review.opendev.org/67133718:45
openstackgerritMerged airship/election master: WC2019 election: remove non-qualifying candidates  https://review.opendev.org/67407318:53
openstackgerritTrung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: Initial commit of mysqlclient-utility container.  https://review.opendev.org/67488118:59
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/election master: Add 2019 WC Candidates  https://review.opendev.org/67491319:01
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openstackgerritDan Crank proposed airship/promenade master: Fixes/updates for webhook-apiserver  https://review.opendev.org/66576119:09
openstackgerritMerged airship/election master: Add 2019 WC Candidates  https://review.opendev.org/67491319:16
openstackgerritMarjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Initial Commit of compute-utility container code  https://review.opendev.org/67469519:22
openstackgerritAlexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: Update airship dependencies in Pegleg reqs  https://review.opendev.org/67389919:25
jamesgu_mattmceuen, dwalt, kskels: so when I remove the full site and boostrap manifest from sloop, armada apply is happy, but pegleg lint still complains about missing substitutions. I can stop pegleg ling errors by using -f flag to ignore substitution check but I don't know if that really pushes too far?19:28
jamesgu_armada apply on the airskiff site just to clarify19:29
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openstackgerritScott Hussey proposed airship/maas master: (fix) Omit maas-ingress proxy port  https://review.opendev.org/67492219:45
mattmceuenjamesgu_ -- that's what I was afraid of19:55
mattmceuenIt's less that I feel like using -f is going to far, and more that I don't think we want to have invalid (from a linting perspective) manifests living as references in treasuremap19:56
mattmceuenThis makes me lean toward splitting out sloop vs. skiff as separate types.  Is that what you're thinking jamesgu?19:58
jamesgu_agreed on not wanting to have invalid manifests in treasuremap. Just to help me understand, why does pegleg want to lint the resources that are not used by the airskiff site (I mean following down the references through the armada manifest in the deployment configuration for example)19:59
jamesgu_yes, I was thinking the same as you, having airskiff type (SW stck only) seems to be more clean. But I am not entirely sure if we'd see the same Pegleg lint issue or not20:01
mattmceuenit's because the documents are part of the declared site (due to inheritance), and are not valid rendered documents (since they haven't been finalized by a concrete document).  The docs are still ingested into the the site / deckhand, even though nothing pulls them out of deckhand during the deployment proper20:02
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mattmceuenif it was just a pegleg lint issue then I'd be all for changing it there, but I believe deckhand will be unhappy from a validation standpoint as well at runtime20:02
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jamesgu_okay, I haven't been able to get the openstack deployment yet due to a mariabdb issue, so can't confirm if deckhand will also complain.  So do you recommend to go to the airskiff type plan?20:06
openstackgerritMerged airship/pegleg master: Update airship dependencies in Pegleg reqs  https://review.opendev.org/67389920:11
mattmceuenYeah, I think that's the best path forward jamesgu20:16
mattmceuenif there were only going to be one airskiff I'd say let's spin it differently; but given we want at least a couple airskiff sites, I think it's worth it to have the skiff type20:17
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jamesgu_okay, I'll give it a spin :-)20:42
openstackgerritJames Gu proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] airskiff: Use sloop type  https://review.opendev.org/65688220:47
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openstackgerritAnthony Bellino proposed airship/promenade master: Run haproxy-anchor and haproxy pod with the nobody user (65534)  https://review.opendev.org/65787921:18
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openstackgerritMerged airship/treasuremap master: Uplift helm/tiller to 2.14.1  https://review.opendev.org/67489721:38
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openstackgerritMichael Beaver proposed airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Move from Quagga to FRRouting  https://review.opendev.org/67494122:01
openstackgerritSean Eagan proposed airship/armada master: Implement Prometheus metric integration  https://review.opendev.org/66898022:03
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