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openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Adding base airshipctl cluster command https://review.opendev.org/685795 | 01:53 |
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openstackgerrit | Hemanth Nakkina proposed airship/promenade master: Use k8s binary names instead of hyperkube short alias https://review.opendev.org/685872 | 04:03 |
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openstackgerrit | Rahul Khiyani proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] integrate calicoctl utility container in airship/treasuremap https://review.opendev.org/681055 | 05:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Jenkins Uplifter proposed airship/treasuremap master: Auto chart/image uplift to latest https://review.opendev.org/685878 | 06:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Nikolay Fedorov proposed airship/images master: [AIR-152] Initial debian based iso builder https://review.opendev.org/682050 | 10:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/674680 | 11:19 |
openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/674680 | 11:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/680482 | 11:52 |
openstackgerrit | Nikolay Fedorov proposed airship/images master: [AIR-152] Initial debian based iso builder https://review.opendev.org/682050 | 11:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: [WIP] Uplift promenade and deckhand https://review.opendev.org/685953 | 12:37 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: bugfix for global encrypt/decrypt https://review.opendev.org/683209 | 12:38 |
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mattmceuen | GM/GE all, and happy October -- FYI the agenda for our meeting coming up in 38 minutes is here: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-10-01 | 13:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: WIP: doc and continuation of Gates integration testing and validation experimental. https://review.opendev.org/685176 | 13:33 |
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kskels | good morning everyone - the team meeting will soon start, please add agenda you wish to discuss https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-10-01 | 13:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/treasuremap master: Auto chart/image uplift to latest https://review.opendev.org/685878 | 13:56 |
kskels | #startmeeting airship | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 1 14:00:11 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is kskels. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'airship' | 14:00 |
kskels | #topic Rollcall | 14:00 |
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mattmceuen | o/ | 14:00 |
roman_g | o/ | 14:00 |
nishantkr | o/ | 14:00 |
alexanderhughes | o/ | 14:01 |
kskels | Let's give 1 more minute to all and remind that here is the agenda for today https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-10-01 | 14:01 |
michael-beaver | o/ | 14:01 |
kskels | #topic treasuremap | 14:02 |
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howell | o/ | 14:02 |
dwalt | o/ | 14:03 |
kskels | latest treasuremap is out https://opendev.org/airship/treasuremap/src/tag/v1.5 | 14:03 |
aaronsheffield | o/ | 14:03 |
mattmceuen | woo hoo!! | 14:03 |
sthussey | here | 14:03 |
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kskels | there are all the uplifts pulled in (no blacklisted items) which is great as of yesterday | 14:03 |
kskels | there were fixes done to Promenade overrides so now also k8s version and helm should have proper versions | 14:04 |
kskels | I think that's all there is for treasuremap anouncement | 14:04 |
mattmceuen | is there any way in opendev to show the commits in 1.5 vs 1.4? Kind of a poor man's release notes? | 14:05 |
kskels | I'll take an action item on that - I'm pretty sure there must be | 14:05 |
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roman_g | no. but there might be gitea plugin for that | 14:05 |
mattmceuen | cool - worth looking into | 14:05 |
mattmceuen | although we need to start doing some legit release notes as well | 14:06 |
kskels | yeah - I feel probably release notes are better anyway to be honest | 14:06 |
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roman_g | #action Roman to add reno for release notes to treasuremap and document it | 14:06 |
openstackgerrit | varagini karthik proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Postgresql Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/675866 | 14:07 |
seaneagan | not sure about gitea, but: https://github.com/airshipit/treasuremap/compare/v1.4...v1.5 | 14:07 |
mattmceuen | nice - ty seaneagan | 14:07 |
roman_g | https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/3780 go-gitea/gitea | 14:08 |
roman_g | Feature: Allow comparison of tags, etc. #3780 | 14:08 |
kskels | maybe we should then start release notes section somewhere in https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | 14:08 |
roman_g | Status: Open | 14:08 |
kskels | initially just to give links to this "compare" | 14:08 |
sthussey | It will probably be difficult to build useful release notes without the underlying components doing the same | 14:09 |
roman_g | Probably would be good to show interest in this Gitea feature here https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/3780 | 14:09 |
* mattmceuen gets a kick out of gitea being hosted on github | 14:09 | |
roman_g | sthussey: true. | 14:09 |
sthussey | The change 'Updated SHA X to SHA Y for Promenade' | 14:09 |
sthussey | not great | 14:10 |
sthussey | Of course overrides can be described directly in Treasuremap | 14:10 |
kskels | P.S. Small note on opendev.org -> github.com replication - the tags only show up after next commit to the repo as our triggers only replicate on commit (not on pushed tag!) | 14:10 |
roman_g | ^^^ - there is a possibility to trigger job in Zuul on tag creation | 14:11 |
roman_g | which could e.g. create same tag on github if needed | 14:11 |
kskels | the tag somehow gets pushed automatically - it's just that we need to wait on next merge.. | 14:11 |
mattmceuen | we've talked about reno for a while, and I think we need to start somewhere, even if it's not 100% fidelity. Treasuremap would be a good place to cut our teeth on it, since that's the thing that gets the most visibility w.r.t. release notes. If roman_g can help us get reno into treasuremap, and we can develop good granularity/practices there, then maybe we can start migrating it into other projects? | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | agree on "sha updates" not being valuable | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | would take a little digging and manual updating by a human | 14:12 |
mattmceuen | we don't necessarily need to update the reno notes on each commit | 14:13 |
mattmceuen | kskels we've really hijacked your first agenda item haven't we :D thanks for taking lead on getting the monthly release put together and well-tested, as usual! | 14:14 |
kskels | no worries, I will work with Roman to get the release notes going - I think it would be great and we have talked about it more before | 14:14 |
roman_g | mattmceuen: Gitea hosted Gitea https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/1029 | 14:14 |
kskels | #topic nominations | 14:14 |
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mattmceuen | roman_g: +1 to that | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | this one's mine | 14:15 |
mattmceuen | reminder of what we've discussed before - we want to fill our 5th working committee seat with a special election offset by three months; that sets the nomination period (one week) to begin on Oct 9 | 14:16 |
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mattmceuen | note that this time, Ericsson and AT&Tfolks are disqualified due to employer seat limits | 14:16 |
mattmceuen | others: please do consider nominating! | 14:17 |
mattmceuen | I'll send out an email but wanted to raise awareness early and often - that's all kskels | 14:17 |
kskels | #topic Ubuntu 18.04 | 14:17 |
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kskels | sthussey: you are up! | 14:18 |
sthussey | Work is starting for the Airship 1.x components to support Ubuntu 18.04 | 14:18 |
sthussey | The question is whether this work should deprecate (either purposefully or just by not testing support) 16.04 | 14:18 |
sthussey | It is EOL in 2021 | 14:19 |
roman_g | does this chenge include only base image change? | 14:20 |
roman_g | *change | 14:20 |
sthussey | It is unrelated to container images | 14:20 |
sthussey | Related mainly to the OS requirement of the nodes running Kubernetes/Airship | 14:20 |
mattmceuen | speaking for AT&T downstream consumption - I think we'd be happy deprecating further work on top of 16.04 | 14:20 |
roman_g | sthussey: thanks | 14:21 |
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mattmceuen | and I'm not aware of anyone from other Airship consumers who need 16.04 - speak now or forever hold your peace :) | 14:21 |
kskels | this would be requiring probably fixes to AIAB as well, and potentially other pipelines | 14:23 |
mattmceuen | very true, we'll need to coordinate | 14:24 |
kskels | but same experience here, I would say I have heard a couple of times people asking for 1804 support - so generally seeing it as good thing! | 14:24 |
mattmceuen | +1 | 14:24 |
kskels | #agreed | 14:25 |
kskels | mostly wanted to test the specialized tag - but at least no objections to supporting only 18.04 | 14:25 |
kskels | I don't really see a reason for restricting it atrificially though | 14:25 |
kskels | should we need more discussion on 2nd part? | 14:26 |
kskels | "(either purposefully or just by not testing support) 16.04" | 14:26 |
kskels | e.g. if we shall purposefully disable it? | 14:26 |
mattmceuen | FWIW: Everyone who wants a non-ubuntu base operating system seems to be holding out for Airship 2.0 | 14:27 |
mattmceuen | So I think Airship 1 will only be deploying Ubuntu | 14:27 |
mattmceuen | If everyone who wants Ubuntu wants 18.04, then it's probably not worth a ton of complexity to support both versions, if it's bigger than a breadbox | 14:28 |
kskels | +1 | 14:28 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Aaser proposed airship/deckhand master: Fix encrypted doc rendering https://review.opendev.org/684366 | 14:30 |
kskels | ok, seems no more views! are we ready for next topic? | 14:31 |
mattmceuen | I think so | 14:31 |
kskels | #topic KubeCon | 14:31 |
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mattmceuen | For folks who don't watch the mailinglist like a hawk | 14:31 |
mattmceuen | If anyone is planning on attending kubecon or mobile world congress - or if you're NOT planning, or don't know -- please fill out this quick survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JFNWPRX | 14:32 |
mattmceuen | We're working with the OSF to try to estimate headcount and interest in a mini-ptg-type sync up | 14:32 |
mattmceuen | that's all | 14:33 |
kskels | thank you Matt! | 14:34 |
kskels | topic Round Table | 14:34 |
kskels | #topic Round Table | 14:34 |
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kskels | That was our last item before reviews | 14:34 |
kskels | any other item someone would like to bring up? | 14:34 |
mattmceuen | Nothing except let's please review the requests on the list - some of them are long in the tooth | 14:35 |
kskels | #topic Core Review | 14:35 |
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kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675467/ - k8s-entrypoint (lint) | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675406/6 - k8s-entrypoint (test) | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/674888/6 - k8s-entrypoint (go-modularize) | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675419/5 - k8s-entrypoint (CI) | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676700/ - Spec: Introduce isogen subcommand for airshipctl | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/676121/ - Airshipctl: Add isogen subcommand for bootstrap | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/675851/ - Airshipctl: Add logic to isogen subcommand | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/679563/ - Airshipctl: Generate cloud init settings | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685049/ airship/docs Add Ansible code formatting documentation | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685047/ airship/docs Add Bash shell scripts formatting documentation | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/685038/ airship/docs Add container image and Dockerfile conventions | 14:35 |
kskels | https://review.opendev.org/#/c/683209/ pegleg add support for global encryption | 14:35 |
roman_g | kskels: not Core, Code :) | 14:35 |
kskels | that's true! the reviews are also in the agenda link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-10-01 | 14:36 |
mattmceuen | lol | 14:36 |
openstackgerrit | varagini karthik proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for Postgresql Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/675866 | 14:36 |
kskels | please do so! reviews are great and fun! | 14:36 |
kskels | have a good day everyone! | 14:36 |
kskels | #endmeeting | 14:37 |
*** openstack changes topic to "https://opendev.org/airship || https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Airship || https://review.opendev.org/#/q/projects:airship+status:open+NOT+label:Verified%253D-1+NOT+label:Workflow%253D-1+NOT+message:DNM+NOT+message:WIP" | 14:37 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 1 14:37:04 2019 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:37 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-10-01-14.00.html | 14:37 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-10-01-14.00.txt | 14:37 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/airship/2019/airship.2019-10-01-14.00.log.html | 14:37 |
mattmceuen | thanks kskels! | 14:37 |
openstackgerrit | Sean Eagan proposed airship/pegleg master: Uplift promenade https://review.opendev.org/685151 | 14:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/porthole master: WIP: doc and continuation of Gates integration testing and validation experimental. https://review.opendev.org/685176 | 14:59 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Aaser proposed airship/deckhand master: Fix encrypted doc rendering https://review.opendev.org/684366 | 15:18 |
openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/674680 | 15:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/promenade master: fix haproxy anchor pre-stop not working https://review.opendev.org/685711 | 16:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Stas Egorov proposed airship/promenade master: Uplift etcd to 3.3.12 https://review.opendev.org/685471 | 16:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add document command and its first subcommand https://review.opendev.org/676828 | 16:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Rahul Khiyani proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] integrate calicoctl utility container in airship/treasuremap https://review.opendev.org/681055 | 16:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/promenade master: Uplift etcd to 3.3.12 https://review.opendev.org/685471 | 17:13 |
openstackgerrit | Kaspars Skels proposed airship/treasuremap master: Align Maas changes https://review.opendev.org/685133 | 17:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed airship/promenade master: [WIP] Support genesis on 18.04 https://review.opendev.org/685802 | 17:27 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: Implement Network Policy for mysqlclient-utility under Airship https://review.opendev.org/686014 | 17:28 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/armada master: Fix tiller storage configuration https://review.opendev.org/685458 | 17:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: [AIR-137] Add isogen subcommand for bootstrap https://review.opendev.org/676121 | 17:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Hughes proposed airship/pegleg master: bugfix for global encrypt/decrypt https://review.opendev.org/683209 | 18:28 |
openstackgerrit | Scott Hussey proposed airship/promenade master: (promenade) Support genesis on 18.04 https://review.opendev.org/685802 | 18:29 |
jesusaur | I'm trying to package airship for suse, but it's difficult to map versions to commits because that info only seems to be in treasuremap. Would it be possible to apply the git tags in the treasuremap repo to the other airship projects as well? | 18:43 |
roman_g | kskels: ^^^ | 18:45 |
roman_g | jesusaur: we version specific components with their commit id's in container's git tags | 18:47 |
roman_g | versions.yaml file holds references to specific versions of components | 18:49 |
roman_g | between tagged treasuremap versions this component's versions could change multiple times | 18:50 |
jesusaur | right, so I can checkout a tag of the treasuremap repo and look at versions.yaml to find out what commit of armada to use, but it would be use to me as a packager if that git tag also existed in the armada repo | 18:50 |
jesusaur | *useful to me | 18:51 |
roman_g | probably yes. you still can get this info even now. | 18:51 |
roman_g | add it as a discussion topic for the next design meeting | 18:51 |
roman_g | when you are packaging components, you don't package treasuremap, right? | 18:52 |
jesusaur | right, we're not packaging treasuremap | 18:58 |
openstackgerrit | Jordan Jensen proposed airship/airshipui master: Add unit tests to airshipui plugin https://review.opendev.org/686031 | 19:14 |
kskels | jesusaur: we had a longer discussion on general release management around this and at the time at least it was looked that it would be a quite high effort to maintain tags for all of the components: armada, drydock, etc, etc | 19:25 |
kskels | I think it might make sense to bring that up for discussion to bring forward arguments for usefulness vs the maintenance cost across all the repos | 19:26 |
kskels | so please submit a discussion topic either for weekly IRC meetings, or more broader airship design discussions | 19:26 |
kskels | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/airship-meeting-2019-10-08 | 19:30 |
kskels | here is etherpad for next upcoming IRC meeting | 19:30 |
jesusaur | ok, thanks | 19:32 |
roman_g | jesusaur: I would suggest to version packages like this, for example: armada-1.5-1-d5ab6a0 - this is armada version on 1.5 tag cut, armada-1.5-2-027b4a0 - this is armada version above tag 1.5 cut. -1- and -2- would be your internal SUSE versions which would always increment between tags, and d5ab6a0 & 027b4a0 would be short git commit hashes for those who are qurious | 19:33 |
roman_g | It's not my idea, I've seen it on some RH packages | 19:33 |
roman_g | you can cound your internal versions from 1 or from 0 | 19:34 |
roman_g | *count | 19:34 |
michael-beaver | Was just talking about this concept earlier today, I would definitely be in favor of marking our various components with treasure map version tags | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/porthole master: Revert the make file for helm make. https://review.opendev.org/686037 | 19:37 |
mattmceuen | jesusaur, kskels, roman_g: great timing, like michael-beaver said we were just tossing around ideas here... my feeling is that we could add some light tooling which could either 1) make it easy to discover/package airship dependencies based on the contents of versions.yaml, or, 2) make it easy to tag airship dependencies based on the contents of versions.yaml | 19:39 |
jesusaur | roman_g: yes, but the tooling around that depends on the repo having a git tag, but since the git tag only exists on treasuremap all the other projects get version 0.0.1-xxxxxxx | 19:40 |
mattmceuen | agree that this is good thing to hash out {use cases, approach} in next team meeting | 19:40 |
mattmceuen | jesusaur: if it were easy to "grab" the right commits of the airship projects based on the contents of versions.yaml, would that fit the bill? | 19:40 |
roman_g | 1) is doable with e.g. python script, 2) is doable via zuul job which would run on tag set | 19:40 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/treasuremap master: Align Maas changes https://review.opendev.org/685133 | 19:40 |
roman_g | jesusaur: I understand that it's not very convenient, but you still can easily get commit id's of other components from versions.yaml in your CI | 19:42 |
jesusaur | I was trying to avoid a small script inserted into the build pipeline that people might forget exists, but I'd like to hear more about zuul jobs that run on tag sets -- I'm not quite sure what that means | 19:42 |
kskels | we have a `updater.py` today that is traversing charts and images to get versions | 19:47 |
kskels | it could be something similar that is maintained as part of `treasuremap` so that it would have some level of visibility | 19:47 |
kskels | (that updater tool automcatically pulls all the latest charts and updates `versions.yaml` so that we can keep versions up to date in automated manner..) | 19:48 |
kskels | I'm almost leaning that might be most efficient then creating tags in all repos | 19:48 |
kskels | https://github.com/airshipit/treasuremap/blob/master/tools/updater.py | 19:49 |
openstackgerrit | Roman Gorshunov proposed airship/porthole master: Adjust repository for code and project conventions https://review.opendev.org/686039 | 19:51 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/porthole master: Revert the make file for helm make. https://review.opendev.org/686037 | 20:09 |
roman_g | kskels: jesusaur https://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/zuul.html#overview | 20:09 |
roman_g | release | 20:09 |
roman_g | When a commit is tagged as a release, this pipeline runs jobs that publish archives and documentation. | 20:09 |
roman_g | That's what I mean. When someone (actually exactly one ;) ) from airship-releases Gerrit group sets a tag onto the treasuremap, job could add same tag on all other airship repos | 20:11 |
jesusaur | kskels: jamesgu was mentioning an uplift process, is updater.py used for that? | 20:11 |
roman_g | yes, updater.py is for that. it maintains latest references of charts and container versions in cersions.yaml file | 20:12 |
roman_g | *versions.yaml | 20:12 |
roman_g | it runs on schedule, updates versions.yaml, checks if gates are all green. if yes, then it proposes patch to the treasuremap to update versions.yaml. | 20:13 |
roman_g | *locally updates | 20:13 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/porthole master: ignore folder jmphost as there is no helm chart. https://review.opendev.org/686040 | 20:16 |
openstackgerrit | Dan Crank proposed airship/deckhand master: [WIP] Update to newer versions of OSH scripts https://review.opendev.org/655787 | 20:21 |
openstackgerrit | Nishant Kumar proposed airship/maas master: Use 'networking.k8s.io/v1beta1' apiVersion https://review.opendev.org/686042 | 20:31 |
openstackgerrit | Nishant Kumar proposed airship/maas master: [Ingress] Use 'networking.k8s.io/v1beta1' apiVersion https://review.opendev.org/686042 | 20:34 |
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openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Setting Image to push to quay.io and delete build script https://review.opendev.org/686044 | 20:50 |
openstackgerrit | Marjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Setting image pull to quay.io. Updating Docker version. Adding Zuul gates https://review.opendev.org/685352 | 20:51 |
kskels | jesusaur: yes, it is - and we could use some similar script to map different versions to different repos | 20:53 |
kskels | so that it would not be some hidden script in your own CI but more public script here residing in treasuremap | 20:53 |
jesusaur | excellent, that sounds the most useful | 20:54 |
openstackgerrit | Marjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Setting image pull to quay.io. Updating Docker version. Adding Zuul gates https://review.opendev.org/685352 | 20:55 |
openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: Bootstrap redfish Remote direct https://review.opendev.org/683165 | 20:56 |
openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: (WIP) Smash remote direct https://review.opendev.org/686045 | 20:56 |
kskels | roman_g: I have now added all working committee members to the `airship-release` group, see https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/1914,members (used to be me and Mark as he was PTL for airship for a while I believe) | 20:56 |
openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: (WIP) Smash remote direct https://review.opendev.org/686045 | 21:00 |
gary-smith_ | The airshipui repo is now live! (https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/projects/airship/airshipui) | 21:01 |
gary-smith_ | The bad news is that the airshipui-core group is empty (https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/2065,members), so it's going to take a long time for changes to land ;-) | 21:02 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/porthole master: ignore folder jmphost as there is no helm chart. https://review.opendev.org/686040 | 21:02 |
kskels | great news | 21:02 |
gary-smith_ | Any idea what the process is for getting that seeded? | 21:02 |
kskels | mattmceuen: is usually setting that up for us | 21:03 |
kskels | so we could kindly ask his help | 21:03 |
gary-smith_ | mattmceuen: Is there any help or direction you can give us? | 21:06 |
openstackgerrit | Marjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Setting image pull to quay.io. Updating Docker version. Adding Zuul gates https://review.opendev.org/685352 | 21:10 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Setting Image to push to quay.io and delete build script https://review.opendev.org/686044 | 21:13 |
clarkb | gary-smith_: kskels the way it typically works is a gerrit admin seeds a group with a member of project leadership. Then they can add users from there | 21:22 |
clarkb | I've added mattmceuen | 21:23 |
gary-smith_ | clarkb: ok, sounds good. Probably would be good to seed it with Rodolfo Pacheco to start with | 21:25 |
clarkb | actually looks like all of those other airship core groups have airship-core as a group member | 21:27 |
clarkb | I've added airship-core to airshipui-core as a result | 21:27 |
mattmceuen | o/ clarkb - thank you sir | 21:28 |
mattmceuen | I can seed that project with the folks that will be the engineering/review leads for the airshipui project - would that be something we can discuss on the friday call, gary-smith_? | 21:29 |
gary-smith_ | excellent | 21:29 |
gary-smith_ | mattmceuen: Definitely | 21:29 |
mattmceuen | ok great | 21:29 |
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gary-smith_ | mattmceuen: You already beat me to updating the etherpad | 21:35 |
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mattmceuen | lol the one time I was proactive today, that'll teach me gary-smith_ | 21:37 |
openstackgerrit | Itxaka Serrano Garcia proposed airship/shipyard master: Remove TaskStateOperator sample https://review.opendev.org/686052 | 21:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Stas Egorov proposed airship/treasuremap master: [wip]: to test new coredns only https://review.opendev.org/686056 | 21:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Rahul Khiyani proposed airship/porthole master: Updating the image to quay.io airshipit/porthole and adding zuul gates https://review.opendev.org/686065 | 22:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/674680 | 22:44 |
openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: Chart/Dockerfile for etcdctl Utility Container https://review.opendev.org/674680 | 22:53 |
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