openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Fix for Lint warnings | 02:34 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Encoding secret data in airshipctl config files | 02:35 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Use table driven test cases | 02:47 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#21] - prompt for config init options | 03:04 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Encoding secret data in airshipctl config files | 03:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add utility function to be get current context target-path | 06:27 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 06:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Smruti Soumitra Khuntia proposed airship/treasuremap master: Changes supporting k8s 1.16 | 08:29 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul is currently failing testing, please refrain from recheck and submitting of new changes until this is solved. | 09:00 | |
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born2bake | Hi guys, I spoke to the guy who managed to deploy Airsloop on Ubuntu 18.04 but he didnt explain me how. So I am wondering, its possible to deploy Airsloop on Ubuntu 18.04 O_o? | 09:00 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> > Hey @dukov, does your airshipctl doc render PS have any dependencies on other things in progress, or does it just need a good rebase? @mattmceuen I'm not sure this CR is still relevant since we kind of moving towards pipelines or stages. each stage will have it's own model so it's not trivial how to implement rendering so far. I'd postpone this CR till we have at least basic concept of | 09:01 |
airship-irc-bot1 | document model entrypoints in terms of stages. | 09:01 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> you still can use kustomize build... it's not really convenient though | 09:02 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul is currently failing all testing, please refrain from approving, rechecking or submitting of new changes until this is solved. | 09:10 | |
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born2bake | Hi guys, I spoke to the guy who managed to deploy Airsloop on Ubuntu 18.04 but he didnt explain me how. So I am wondering, its possible to deploy Airsloop on Ubuntu 18.04 O_o? | 09:15 |
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openstackgerrit | Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Replacement transformer improvement | 10:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Smruti Soumitra Khuntia proposed airship/treasuremap master: [WIP] Changes supporting k8s 1.17 | 11:08 |
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born2bake | can someone share bash to configure networking on genesis node | 11:58 |
born2bake | plase | 11:58 |
openstackgerrit | Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Replacement transformer improvement | 12:02 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted, all events are lost, recheck or re-approve any changes submitted since 9:50 UTC. | 12:23 | |
openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed airship/kubernetes-entrypoint master: Fix Zuul configuration: Remove duplicate files | 12:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 13:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: Replacement transformer improvement | 13:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Jagan Mohan Kavva proposed airship/porthole master: [FIX] Upgrade Ceph version to execute utilscli | 13:23 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> @dukov agree, per design meeting going on right now :slightly_smiling_face: landing on `airshipctl apply --dry-run` for "just rendering". May be reuse from your patchset though. | 13:24 |
airship-irc-bot1 | Action: mattmceuen is repeating it here just to close the loop | 13:25 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> I think we can just pass this to kubectl client directly | 13:26 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> since we already have this kubectl integration for initinfra. So i guess mu CR can be abandoned and kubectl should handle the rest | 13:27 |
openstackgerrit | Roman Gorshunov proposed airship/treasuremap master: Uplift all charts/images | 13:27 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> ahh | 13:28 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> If that integration works just as well, that's even better. However, that ties us to the version of kustomize that's used by kubectl, right? Do we have that constraint either way? | 13:28 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> filtering | 13:28 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> we may still need it | 13:28 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> can we not just filter the output from kubectl? | 13:29 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> only for `kubectl get` i guess | 13:29 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> ahh | 13:29 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> not for `kubectl apply` | 13:29 |
born2bake | mattmceuen I just want to clarify, networking should be configured on switch/router lever right? I cant just have vlans configured on my control-host? | 13:31 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> born2bake - yeah that's right, if you configure different vlans on the hosts, they'll rely on the switch/router configuration to recognize that and network them | 13:33 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> @mattmceuen may be we still need render | 13:33 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dukov> since filtering needs to be implemented anyway | 13:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airship-in-a-bottle master: Deprecate airship-in-a-bottle | 13:42 |
openstackgerrit | Dmitry Ukov proposed airship/airshipctl master: etcd encryption addition | 13:44 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> Hello all, IRC meeting is starting in ~8 minutes. Agenda is here: | 13:53 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> please feel free to add additional topics | 13:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Improve config package organization pt.1 | 13:53 |
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dwalt | #startmeeting airship | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Apr 28 14:00:08 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dwalt. Information about MeetBot at | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'airship' | 14:00 |
dwalt | o/ everyone! Here is the agenda for today's meeting | 14:00 |
howell | o/ | 14:00 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> o/ | 14:00 |
dwalt | Will give it until five after for the rest of the team to migrate over from the design call | 14:00 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> O/ | 14:01 |
pramchan | o/ | 14:01 |
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airship-irc-bot1 | <mf4716> o/ | 14:02 |
jemangs | o/ | 14:02 |
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dwalt | There are no announcements today. Let's jump right into the new topics: | 14:05 |
dwalt | #topic Treasuremap uplift needed | 14:05 |
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dwalt | #link | 14:05 |
dwalt | roman_g: this is yours | 14:05 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mb551n> o/ | 14:05 |
dwalt | roman_g: ping! | 14:06 |
dwalt | he may not be with us :( | 14:06 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/airshipctl master: Update developer guide for deployment with proxy | 14:07 |
dwalt | We can circle back to this topic another time | 14:07 |
dwalt | #topic Treasuremap v2 branch is stagnated, requesting updated on latest plans on it | 14:07 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Treasuremap v2 branch is stagnated, requesting updated on latest plans on it (Meeting topic: airship)" | 14:07 | |
dwalt | this was also roman_g. AFAIK, there are still plans to use it, but we are storing the nascent Airship 2 documents in the airshipctl repo. Does anyone from the airshipctl team have anything else to add on this one? | 14:08 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> high level - airshipctl is being used to store documents for testing purposes, down the road full example documents will be added to treasuremap/v2 as they were in versions of airship 1 | 14:09 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> those full example documents are not ready, so this is a future effort. please use airshipctl manifests as references for high level | 14:09 |
dwalt | Well said. Thanks for the summary @alexanderhughes | 14:10 |
dwalt | #topic roundtable | 14:10 |
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dwalt | we are on it today :) | 14:10 |
dwalt | That's the end of the agenda. Anything for roundtable? | 14:11 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> just a general call for reviews, work is moving so fast we're having a hard time keeping review list manageable | 14:11 |
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roman_g | dwalt: sorry, have been late | 14:12 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> had ~1.5 pages worth of reviews early last week, up to over 2 pages of patches now | 14:12 |
dwalt | ++. A lot of the requested reviews today appear to be Airship 1. But the Airship 2 backlog is growing rapidly | 14:12 |
dwalt | hey roman_g | 14:12 |
roman_g | anyway, all my topics are written in etherpad | 14:12 |
dwalt | We just addressed the plans for the v2 branch in treasuremap if you don't mind catching up on the logs. As for the uplift patch, is there anything you want to add to that? | 14:13 |
roman_g | Yes, I read logs. Thank you. | 14:13 |
roman_g | Reviews, please. | 14:13 |
roman_g | Only want to get patches reviewed. | 14:13 |
dwalt | That seems like a reasonable request :) | 14:14 |
dwalt | I do have a question. Is the hardware available at the moment to test the uplift? | 14:14 |
roman_g | dwalt: atlanta foundry is up and running. Theoretically, patches could be tested there. | 14:15 |
dwalt | awesome | 14:15 |
dwalt | last call for roundtable. Any takers? | 14:15 |
roman_g | It's calm here. | 14:16 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#21] - prompt for config init options | 14:16 |
dwalt | It is! Everyone is busy, busy, busy | 14:16 |
dwalt | hard at work | 14:16 |
dwalt | #topic reviews | 14:16 |
*** openstack changes topic to "reviews (Meeting topic: airship)" | 14:16 | |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
dwalt | #link | 14:16 |
roman_g | Nobody is interested in Airship 1.x anymore? People concentrate on 2.x work/confcalls | 14:16 |
dwalt | Some patches that could use some eyes. A lot of these are Airship 1 | 14:17 |
dwalt | I don't think I'd say that. A lot of us are working tirelessly to get Airship 2 out the door | 14:17 |
dwalt | So low-hanging fruit in Airship 1 may not be getting the attention it used to. Critical patches are being merged daily | 14:18 |
roman_g | Oh, nice. The last PS is from Dell folks | 14:18 |
roman_g | But it's for openstack/ironic repo :) | 14:19 |
dwalt | Nice. I noticed that :) | 14:20 |
dwalt | Very interesting to keep track of the various efforts we have in-flight | 14:20 |
dwalt | Anything else team? I see @alexanderhughes is typing in slack | 14:20 |
dwalt | so will give it a few | 14:20 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> if it helps people with reviews, you can add a shortcut on to take you to all Airship patches that are ready for review (didn't fail gate, not a wip/dnm, doesn't have workflow -1 etc.. Settings -> preferences -> add a new URL: `#/q/projects:airship+status:open+NOT+label:Verified=-1+NOT+label:Workflow=-1+NOT+message:DNM+NOT+message:WIP+NOT+owner:self` | 14:21 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <> adjust as needed if you only care about a specific project, but this one is for all of Airship | 14:21 |
dwalt | Yep, that's the one I use. ty | 14:22 |
dwalt | I think that's all we've got. Thanks everyone for joining! Giving you forty minutes back for some review time :) | 14:22 |
dwalt | #endmeeting | 14:23 |
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roman_g | Yes, that's a good one. If I'm not mistaken, it's a topic of this IRC chat room #airshipit | 14:23 |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Apr 28 14:23:00 2020 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 14:23 |
openstack | Minutes: | 14:23 |
openstack | Minutes (text): | 14:23 |
openstack | Log: | 14:23 |
roman_g | Community feedback | 14:23 |
dwalt | oops, sorry for the cutoff roman_g | 14:23 |
roman_g | Heard that Airship 1.x only works on Ubuntu 16.04. Anything for Ubuntu 18.04? Docs updates, process/procedure updates? | 14:23 |
roman_g | \//disclaimer: that's what I've overheard. | 14:23 |
roman_g | Do we have anything regarding 18.04 in docs? | 14:24 |
openstackgerrit | Alexander Hughes proposed airship/airshipctl master: etcd encryption addition | 14:24 |
roman_g | And I guess Airship 1.x would not be updated to support latest Ubuntu 20, right? Waiting for Airsip 2.x. | 14:24 |
dwalt | While it's true that the treasuremap integration only supports 16.04 at the moment, 18.04 support is part of airship | 14:25 |
dwalt | It will require some updates. There is a small group from AT&T working on an effort that will provide 18.04 eventually | 14:25 |
roman_g | That's more or less the same what I've replied. Thanks. | 14:26 |
dwalt | Sure thing. I think we will be talking more about treasuremap soon in the coming weeks. The suspense | 14:26 |
dwalt | as for Ubuntu 20, I can't speak to that. It was only released this week, right? | 14:27 |
roman_g | yep | 14:27 |
roman_g | I wonder what other network glitches would it bring. Like we have had with 18.04. systemd-resolved, absolutely new network config, etc. etc. :) | 14:28 |
dwalt | I'm sure it'll be lots of fun :) | 14:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Encoding secret data in airshipctl config files | 14:36 |
donnyd | If I can get some feedback on the new provider - like does it run well, are there any issues, etc it would be very helpful | 14:36 |
donnyd | roman_g: if you have any provider related problems feel free to ping me | 14:37 |
roman_g | donnyd: so far all works good: | 14:39 |
roman_g | donnyd: works great, actually. Thank you. | 14:39 |
roman_g | There are only 32GB nodes in this job, one node per job. | 14:40 |
roman_g | I'm setting up a multinode gate now, 1x32 + 3x16 | 14:40 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Fix for Lint warnings | 14:41 |
roman_g | donnyd: any idea on how do I easily get info on which provider did my job launch? | 14:41 |
donnyd | well that is a great success. OE works a little different than other providers, so its possible we could bang up against some issues. If this happens please alert me, and I will try to get it fixed right away. Also if you need anything else custom I am happy to accommodate - with the understanding that the jobs will likely only run on a single provider | 14:41 |
roman_g | because I can't distinguish it. I only know that there are only 2 providers who are offering 32gb instances to us at the moment (it's seen in opendev/openstack infra zuul config) | 14:42 |
donnyd | roman_g: Its usually at the top of the job output | 14:42 |
donnyd | | 14:42 |
donnyd | The provider line tells you which cloud its running on | 14:43 |
roman_g | donnyd: that's great. Thank you! Thank you! | 14:43 |
donnyd | I have many of the custom jobs that require fancy things like numa or larger memory sizes running on OE and all public side networking is ipv6... so that said I like to stay in the loop with how its doing because this gear isn't exactly new.. its not old... but sometimes we run into issues and I do what is possible to solve it | 14:44 |
donnyd | hopefully the extra resourcing is helpful | 14:45 |
donnyd | if you need anything else - please feel free to ping me | 14:45 |
roman_g | I would also check it out on how do I add OE (if you are not there) and CityCloud (Sweden) to the monitoring here - left and right graphs on the very bottom | 14:45 |
roman_g | donnyd: ipv6-only might also be needed, closer to summer time. | 14:46 |
donnyd | | 14:46 |
donnyd | this one ^^^^ | 14:46 |
roman_g | well, we can simulate "-only" part of course | 14:46 |
roman_g | great, you are there already | 14:47 |
roman_g | in grafana | 14:47 |
donnyd | well the jobs have been running on private v4 public v6 the whole time. | 14:47 |
roman_g | even better | 14:47 |
donnyd | so it looks to me like most of the v6 stuff is already working | 14:47 |
donnyd | I have been providing resourcing since last year, but under a different name (fortnebula) | 14:48 |
roman_g | yes, I remember fortnebula | 14:48 |
donnyd | the cloud was redeployed under a new name and now it has a much better architecture | 14:48 |
donnyd | same cloud - better control plane | 14:49 |
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roman_g | donnyd: is it openstack on kubernetes? ;) ceph? | 14:51 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/images master: Use ensure-* roles | 14:52 |
donnyd | so the way my cloud is build is for performance and minimum maintenance - I am a one man show ATM for this region | 14:52 |
donnyd | so we use all local nvme storage, 40G backplane and lxc based deployment | 14:52 |
donnyd | there is ceph, but only for block and object | 14:53 |
donnyd | and I have a couple different flavors of block - nvme and hdd | 14:53 |
donnyd | the backplane will be 100G in the next couple months | 14:53 |
roman_g | very nice. thanks for sharing. | 14:54 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/airshipctl master: Update developer guide for deployment with proxy | 14:59 |
uzumaki | donnyd, that sounds pretty cool, being around all that hardware all the time, or does it just sound like it? ;) | 15:01 |
donnyd | uzumaki: Well its surely one way to learn how to get clouds running well and also learn what not to do | 15:02 |
donnyd | its all personally funded by me | 15:02 |
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uzumaki | donnyd, it sure is, no better learning than doing it hands-on that's for sure | 15:03 |
uzumaki | oh, personally funded? Yummm | 15:03 |
donnyd | it's not as expensive as one would think.. and cost me a lot less than my wifes college degree | 15:03 |
donnyd | LOL | 15:03 |
donnyd | so it has been quite a journey | 15:03 |
uzumaki | donnyd, haha! Well, it sure sounds like it, all that hardware, slowly building, improving.. | 15:04 |
donnyd | the part I find most amusing is that I literally cannot give cloud resources away - the openstack community is my only consumer | 15:04 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add impl of Repository interface from cluster-api | 15:04 |
donnyd | should say "opendev" community | 15:04 |
donnyd | This whole thing runs on two racks - control plane / storage and compute | 15:05 |
uzumaki | what do you mean "give resources away" as in license them? become a small-scale provider or something? | 15:05 |
donnyd | I have 512 cores 2TB of ram and 24TB of local nvme storage.. and I would have to pay people to use my small scale cloud | 15:06 |
uzumaki | haha! what do you mean "pay people"? xD | 15:07 |
uzumaki | donnyd, that sounds really cool btw! | 15:07 |
donnyd | its comical | 15:07 |
donnyd | so I am happy airship is able to make use of my cloud.. and also if anyone needs cloud computing resources - so long as you have ipv6 - for the most part I can give you boxes for whatever | 15:07 |
uzumaki | interesting... | 15:08 |
uzumaki | all in all, playing around with that much tech is quite a fun thing to do.. | 15:08 |
donnyd | well I have been trying to find customers for 5ish years... and really just because without a workload.. you don't know how good or bad a cloud really is | 15:09 |
donnyd | anyone can build and run one of these things - but with no workloads - you cannot learn what you don't know | 15:10 |
uzumaki | that's very true! especially mixed/multi-tenant workloads | 15:10 |
uzumaki | donnyd, true | 15:10 |
roman_g | which release do you run? | 15:10 |
donnyd | For me this is an exercise in what not to do | 15:10 |
donnyd | train ATM | 15:10 |
roman_g | o | 15:10 |
roman_g | ok | 15:10 |
roman_g | donnyd: did you blog anywhere about your experience? | 15:11 |
donnyd | not yet - I really need to document what I have done and how I did it somewhere in the community | 15:11 |
uzumaki | donnyd, you really should, your work sounds amazing | 15:12 |
roman_g | would be looking for that | 15:12 |
donnyd | I will put that on my list of things to get done this year. I think it would be helpful for people to understand what it looks like to be a service provider and what is required for particular workloads | 15:13 |
donnyd | In the beginning I thought shared storage was the way to go | 15:13 |
donnyd | so I had ceph all setup with nvme journals, 100 or so OSDs and what not.. found out it my scale for ceph was way too small for this CI workload.. | 15:14 |
uzumaki | oh? | 15:15 |
donnyd | so local storage has been a blessing because from a performance standpoint for this workload | 15:15 |
donnyd | that was my first lesson | 15:15 |
uzumaki | hmmm yes, I've worked with Ceph for more than a year or so, did performance testing, and yes, it's not one size fits all, SDS only shines at really large scales, and serves quite a different purpose, just because it's a new thing, doesn't mean it improves everything | 15:16 |
donnyd | I then backed all my ceph with NVME drives only - which also fell on its face directly.. I guess for ceph to be actual fast.. you need scale | 15:17 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add management support to non-ephemeral hosts | 15:17 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move bootstrap cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 15:17 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 15:17 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add ephemeral host power on command | 15:17 |
donnyd | So in this clouds architecture.. ephemeral drives are exactly what they sound like... If I lose a hypervisor.. well your data is going with it if you didn't add a block device | 15:18 |
uzumaki | We actually published 3 whitepapers, targeting Ceph performance on nvme/ssd mixed, all-nvme and nvme/hdd mixed clusters, with various workload profiles | 15:18 |
uzumaki | donnyd, yup, that's true | 15:18 |
donnyd | ceph is great if you have scale though | 15:19 |
donnyd | I just cannot afford the scale it requires | 15:19 |
donnyd | I also have worked with rabbitmq quite a lot to get it performing very good | 15:19 |
uzumaki | ahan | 15:20 |
donnyd | in the start the cloud was constantly missing messages or hitting timeouts | 15:20 |
donnyd | so a bit of tuning there and now it works like a champ. | 15:20 |
uzumaki | nice | 15:21 |
donnyd | so if anyone is ever curious, needs resources, or haves issues with the CI jobs that run on OE - please hit me up directly and I will work to get it fixed. | 15:22 |
donnyd | *has issues | 15:22 |
uzumaki | what's OE? | 15:23 |
donnyd | Oh, OpenEdge | 15:23 |
uzumaki | what's that? | 15:23 |
donnyd | It's a company started out of italy to do specialized things with Openstack | 15:24 |
uzumaki | oh I see, I like the name | 15:24 |
donnyd | Openstack works extremely well for targeted workloads and use cases | 15:24 |
uzumaki | I guess it's all about knowing thy openstack | 15:25 |
donnyd | There are thousands of knobs to turn to get it to do exactly what someone wants... but the end workload needs to be well defined | 15:25 |
donnyd | and it is really great technology... very stable, very mature... however much like linux itself... you need to know what not to do | 15:26 |
donnyd | for instance this cloud is built around the workload - CI | 15:26 |
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donnyd | OpenEdge is a very young company - we are still trying to mature the product offerings | 15:28 |
donnyd | If there is anything else I can do for Airship - please lmk | 15:30 |
uzumaki | sure, thanks donnyd | 15:36 |
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roman_g | dwalt: Drew, do you have keys to AIAB repo on GitHub? Please, push my latest deprecation patch to that repo somehow. It (obviously) didn't sync with opendev repo. | 16:03 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/airshipctl master: Update developer guide for deployment with proxy | 16:07 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/airshipctl master: Update developer guide for deployment with proxy | 16:08 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add CAPI Metal3 prodvider | 16:08 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add cert manager | 16:15 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add version to bootstrap kubeadm provider | 16:15 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add management support to non-ephemeral hosts | 16:32 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move bootstrap cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 16:32 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 16:32 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 16:32 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 16:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 17:00 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 17:00 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 17:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/pegleg master: Uniquely name managed documents | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dwalt> roman_g: done- manually pushed. I also archived it | 17:16 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <dwalt> thanks for doing all the deprecation work | 17:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Stas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#116]: added sub-commands to set/get bootstrap info | 17:23 |
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openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: [Fix] Fix Missing application selectors | 17:50 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Revert "Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers" | 17:51 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Revert "Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers" | 17:51 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Add management support to non-ephemeral hosts | 17:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Move bootstrap cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 17:59 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Removed old v1alpha2 version of CAPI componets | 17:59 |
openstackgerrit | Sreejith Punnapuzha proposed airship/airshipctl master: Proxy support enhancement | 18:04 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers | 18:16 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 18:22 |
openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#24] [REBASING] Fix airshipctl config get-cluster filtering | 18:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Fix for Lint warnings | 18:32 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged airship/porthole master: [FIX] Upgrade Ceph version to execute utilscli | 18:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Howell proposed airship/airshipctl master: Increase code coverage | 18:46 |
openstackgerrit | Sirajudeen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Encoding secret data in airshipctl config files | 18:47 |
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muko46 | Hi, we have sucessfully deployed airship treasuremap many combinations successfully. Thanks for all the contributors this invaluable effort. Nowadays we are planning to upgrade opentsack to stein and kubernetes to 1.17 or 1.18 | 18:50 |
muko46 | Do you have any plan to upgrade openstack and kubernetes before the airship 2.0? | 18:50 |
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muko | Hi, we have sucessfully deployed airship treasuremap many combinations successfully. Thanks for all the contributors this invaluable effort. Nowadays we are planning to upgrade opentsack to stein and kubernetes to 1.17 or 1.18 | 18:53 |
uzumaki | Congratulations muko !! :) | 18:54 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add airshipctl cluster init command | 19:03 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> Hey muko, that's great news! We do have a work-in-progress (not yet ready to use) to bump OpenStack to stein and k8s to 1.17 | 19:04 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> If you'd like to take an early peek :slightly_smiling_face: it's here: | 19:04 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Proxy support enhancement | 19:06 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Update developer guide for deployment with proxy | 19:07 |
muko | that is amazing matt, thank you | 19:08 |
muko | I will check it quickly | 19:08 |
muko | and We will try this | 19:08 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 19:14 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 19:14 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 19:14 |
openstackgerrit | Cliff Parsons proposed airship/porthole master: Add openstack/swift clients to postgresql utility | 19:15 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/porthole master: Revert "Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers" | 19:22 |
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openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 19:26 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers | 19:29 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> just a warning muko, it almost surely still has bugs to work out. You might want to check again after it merges to master (at which point we'd like to tag it as an airship v1.8) release. OTOH, if you give the current config a try, please let us know how it goes! | 19:32 |
openstackgerrit | diwakar thyagaraj proposed airship/porthole master: Enable Consistent Selectors across all Utility Containers | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl resource type. | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl interface and factory functions | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add utility function to be get current context target-path | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 19:36 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add airshipctl cluster init command | 19:36 |
muko | Sure mattmceuen, this week we will try and I will inform you about the progress. BTW when are you planning to merge this release to master? | 19:51 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> as always, as soon as possible :slightly_smiling_face: the patchset will probably merge to v1.8-prime branch late this week or early next week (once the linting gates are green) and then to master as soon as we get it fully tested successfully. I'd guess 2-3 weeks from today for that. | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 20:27 |
muko | great news mattmceuen, by the way we will attend ETSI NFV Plugtest at June 15 and our system based on Airship of course. We will test the system with different MANO and VNF vendors. So as a Havelsan team we will represent Airship at the Plugtest | 20:31 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> Oh that's fantastic muko - hopefully we'll have some more of the team there to meet with you! it's not clear yet when corporate travel guidelines will be relaxed. Do you know if it will be recorded? | 20:47 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <andrew.schiefelbein> Quick question on airshipctl, is isogen a basic cloud init to build the iso image or is it a custom app? I'm trying to track down a very specific thing for my env and I'm not quite sure where it's to be injected and I'm not quite grokking the code. | 20:49 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <andrew.schiefelbein> specifically needing to inject root certificate authorities | 20:50 |
muko | It is totally remote mattmceuen. Registration closed but all of the session are public I guess. I will check it and inform you. | 20:52 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> @andrew.schiefelbein the airshipctl isogen command reads in Secret yaml documents (e.g. [1]) as input, generates cloud-init data from them, and mounts that into a container-hosted script [2] that it spins up to actually do the work of generating the ISO [1] [2] | 21:02 |
airship-irc-bot1 | | 21:02 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <andrew.schiefelbein> @mattmceuen Thanks, is there a way to inject root cas based off that? | 21:03 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <andrew.schiefelbein> or is that something I'd need to track down | 21:03 |
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airship-irc-bot1 | <andrew.schiefelbein> I may be able to use the cp command, let me try that thanks | 21:05 |
airship-irc-bot1 | <mattmceuen> yeah, you should be able to copy those in via the userData input, it can have a write_files stanza that includes the contents you want to spit out on disk | 21:08 |
openstackgerrit | Marjorie Middleton proposed airship/porthole master: Refine pod name searched for when ovs-client is called. | 21:17 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal ejectmedia command | 21:20 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add metadata support for clusterctl repository implementation | 21:22 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl resource type. | 21:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl interface and factory functions | 21:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add utility function to be get current context target-path | 21:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 21:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add airshipctl cluster init command | 21:28 |
openstackgerrit | Merged airship/airshipctl master: Increase code coverage | 21:41 |
openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#24] Fix airshipctl config get-cluster filtering | 21:50 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 21:55 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 21:56 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 21:56 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 21:56 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal ejectmedia command | 21:59 |
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openstackgerrit | James Gu proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#24] Fix airshipctl config get-cluster filtering | 22:28 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add metadata support for clusterctl repository implementation | 22:32 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl resource type. | 22:37 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl interface and factory functions | 22:37 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add utility function to be get current context target-path | 22:37 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 22:37 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add airshipctl cluster init command | 22:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 22:41 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 22:41 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 22:41 |
openstackgerrit | Trung Thai proposed airship/porthole master: [WIP] Initial Automation Validation Testing framework | 22:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Move remote cmd functionality to baremetal cmd | 22:54 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 22:54 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 22:54 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal ejectmedia command | 22:54 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add metadata support for clusterctl repository implementation | 23:04 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl resource type. | 23:07 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add clusterctl interface and factory functions | 23:08 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add utility function to be get current context target-path | 23:09 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 23:09 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal ejectmedia command | 23:09 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add command line library to integrate clusterctl with airshipctl | 23:09 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add airshipctl cluster init command | 23:09 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal host poweron command | 23:12 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add label support to baremetal power commands | 23:12 |
openstackgerrit | Drew Walters proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add baremetal ejectmedia command | 23:12 |
openstackgerrit | Kostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add metadata support for clusterctl repository implementation | 23:16 |
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