Thursday, 2020-07-23

openstackgerritKostyantyn Kalynovskyi proposed airship/airshipctl master: Allow to use variable substitution for cluster-api components
openstackgerritRuslan Aliev proposed airship/airshipctl master: [Do not merge] CI test with roles job enabled
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add deployment gate
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openstackgerritMerged airship/election master: Add Drew Walters 2020 WC nomination
openstackgerritVrushali proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing docker-gate Added scripts for installing tools for the zuul gate and  scripts for deploying docker cluster using kind, initialized management cluster with capi and capd components, and deployed target cluster in docker.
openstackgerritVrushali proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing docker-gate
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openstackgerritSirisha Gopigiri proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing certificate insertion with Zuul Gates
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openstackgerritSirisha Gopigiri proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing certificate insertion with Zuul Gates
openstackgerritSirisha Gopigiri proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing certificate insertion with Zuul Gates
openstackgerritSirisha Gopigiri proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing certificate insertion with Zuul Gates
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openstackgerritVrushali proposed airship/airshipctl master: Testing docker-gate
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openstackgerritVladislav Kuzmin proposed airship/airshipctl master: Introduce executor for clusterctl init phase
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openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add deployment gate
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openstackgerritDanny Massa proposed airship/airshipui master: WIP Adding Angular to UI
openstackgerritSean Eagan proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#177] Add Flux Helm Operator manifests
openstackgerritDanny Massa proposed airship/airshipui master: WIP Adding Angular to UI
openstackgerritUday Ruddarraju proposed airship/airshipctl master: DNM: Adding support for airshipctl encryption and decryption using sops
openstackgerritUday Ruddarraju proposed airship/airshipctl master: DNM: Adding support for airshipctl encryption and decryption using sops
portdirectwas just running through the gate/check scripts for airship216:35
portdirectand they no longer running for me in my local env16:36
portdirecti think this:
portdirectnow puts the reliance back onto ansble playbooks, meaning that the scripts no longer work stand alone?16:36
portdirectmattmceuen: ^16:36
portdirectlooks like this onwards needs to be push into a bash script to restore functionality?
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mattmceuenah, sorry about that portdirect -- yeah, moving that pre-run data munging into scripts seems reasonable to me in any case.  To make sure I understand the issue:17:00
mattmceuenIs the problem that the systemwide-executable script isn't running (i.e. you're pulling the scripts-to-run out of jobs.yaml programmatically), or that the whole set-up isn't working if the pre-run ansible data munging is skipped?17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> the latter17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> it breaks on trying to build the ephemeral iso17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> i think the expection should be17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> that you can run the scripts in /tools in order ;)17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> *expectation17:01
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> no biggie - a revert back to before this unblocks me for now17:02
mattmceuenHmm, I'm not sure why that broke in that way -- the pre-run data munging existed before, it just didn't need the kustomize plugins to be installed till now17:02
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> hmm - will double check again17:03
mattmceuenI would have thought that running the scripts in order would still be analogous to the way it was before; let me take a look17:03
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> but deff somthing broke in last week17:03
mattmceuenyeah, I don't doubt it :D17:03
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> may have attributed it wrong however - if so, muchos appoligies in advance :)17:03
mattmceuenno worries!  the iso building had been working locally for me, but I wasn't starting from a clean environment so may have had some crumbs laying around that made things work17:06
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> I think thats the delta17:07
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> i'm working an a 'clean room'17:07
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> we have 21_systemwide... script in playbook, local scripts should work17:07
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> ./tools/gate/ && ./tools/gate/ && ./tools/gate/20_run_gate_runner.sh17:07
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openstackgerritStacey Fletcher proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP][DNM] Virtual Airship in a Pod
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> @se6518 to ensure its not lost - the expactaion should be that these scripts can run in order17:33
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> if 21 is not ment to be called directly anymore, it should not be in the directory at all17:34
airship-irc-bot1<pb269f> *meant17:34
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> It works just fine. I don't see any issues with local deployment. 21... script can be run alone. Maybe I don't understand the scope of the problem. But the link to the change above is about zuul job change and has nothing to do with local scripts.17:57
openstackgerritBijaya Sharma proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#19] Add validate schema command
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: DONT MERGE: local gate
openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts
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openstackgerritBijaya Sharma proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#19] Add validate schema command
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: DONT MERGE: local gate
openstackgerritRishabh Kumar Jain proposed airship/airshipctl master: Reorganize Docker Target Manifests
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add skeleton of airship-core type
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add deployment gate
openstackgerritBijaya Sharma proposed airship/airshipctl master: [#19] Add validate schema command
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openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add skeleton of airship-core type
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add deployment gate
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: DONT MERGE: local gate
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Preparation for workers deployment
openstackgerritAhmad Mahmoudi proposed airship/drydock master: Added some validations for site model
openstackgerritStas Egorov proposed airship/airshipctl master: [WIP]: DONT MERGE: local gate
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/airshipctl master: Add hardware profile / firmware plumbing
openstackgerritMatt McEuen proposed airship/treasuremap v2: [WIP] Add deployment gate
mattmceuenDoes anyone know where we get the CRDs (like Certificate) from in the airshipctl manifest tree?  I don't see them defined in the repo itself (unless I'm missing it); is there some mechanism by which capi is fetching them?21:55
mattmceuenThe manifest validation check is failing in this patchset (, with an error coming back from the validating apiserver:  failed to get current provider object: no matches for kind "Certificate" in version ""21:57
mattmceuenI'd like to switch the validation check back to a gate, now that the gate (in other cases at least) is working again, so I'd like to find that CRD so we can include it when validating21:59
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> @mattmceuen I worked on this problem22:08
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> we do cluster init and crd delete after that, but it's not enough to fully clean the cluster before next start22:09
mattmceuenweird - what is still left behind after that?22:09
portdirectWebhook sry22:10
mattmceuenyeah maybe so22:12
openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts
mattmceuenit's not clear to me how exactly that not-clean kind cluster is breaking  validation, though, do you have more insight into that Stas?22:13
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> @mattmceuen we discussed this issue with @kk6740 and he pointed to this PS: it has validate method which is not implemented, so, need to implement it for each step and get rid of the current validation mechanism22:13
mattmceuenGotcha - that makes sense, built-in validation in airshipctl is ++ .  I'll take a look at that PS, thanks22:14
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> So, currently, we have a loop in bash script which does cluster init and phase apply --dry-run for each cluster. After the first run(for any cluster) when we do CRD delete all we try to run cluster init again. But there is something unknown under the hood in cluster init and it can't initialize full list of CRDs again.22:16
mattmceuenIn the meantime - would tearing down the kind cluster and rebuilding it between ephemeral and target cluster operations do the trick short-term?22:16
mattmceuenI'll try it locally & see22:17
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> fresh kind will help22:17
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> I mean re-create kind for each cluster22:17
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> @mattmceuen by the way, why didn't we start using kind for ephemeral cluster in Airshipctl from the beginning?22:21
mattmceuenOne reason is because, Metal3 running in a local kind cluster couldn't bootstrap nodes on a remote network.  I'm not sure if that's changed/will change at all with recent Ironic redfish enhancements though.22:23
airship-irc-bot1<se6518> thanks22:26
openstackgerritAhmad Mahmoudi proposed airship/drydock master: Added some validations loggs for site model
mattmceuenIn principle, though, the ephemeral node that we spin up remotely via redfish - that could be kind or minikube or anything, I believe22:29
openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts
portdirectK3s would be perfect for it22:34
portdirectSimply as complex self contained22:34
portdirectLol - completely22:34
mattmceuenso few letter to type too22:34
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portdirectThis is why we really want to break out the ephemeral cluster to be a container22:36
portdirectIn the simplest case it could just retrieve a kubeconfig22:36
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portdirectBut also allows you to do whatever makes sense, from kind, through to say aks22:37
portdirectin addition to the redfish boot we do today22:37
openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts
openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts
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openstackgerritMerged airship/airshipui master: Added unit-tests in Makefile
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openstackgerritCraig Anderson proposed airship/images master: WIP: image builder for ubuntu based airship hosts

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