Wednesday, 2021-01-20

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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, I could see that the normal zuul and jenkins CI are not getting triggered for new PS created I had to add the zuul and jenkins as reviewers manually. Post that zuul got triggered but I could see that jenkins is still not triggered. Is there any issue with my PS or Am I missing something here? Thank you in advance!11:17
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clarkbnote that adding zuul as a reviewer should never be necessary (it doesn't look at that information and instead follows the ssh event stream from gerrit to see when new patchsets and other events happen)15:37
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> @sirishagopigiri, that looks strange.. checking15:40
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airship-irc-bot<ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi, thanks for all reviews on PS for CAPG. It needs some more reviews for merge....pls review.18:58
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airship-irc-bot<steven.fitzpatrick> Hello, I wanted to follow up on a topic from today's Flight plan call. I had to leave about halfway through, so I might have missed the discussion about this. But, the concept of labeling or tying functions to a specific type within treasuremap. I have a few PS in that repo, but they're adding things to the airship-core type. Should I move those over to the network-cloud type?21:57
airship-irc-bot<sreejith.punnapuzha> Team, opendev to github mirroring fixed for vino. below are the commit to fix for sip and hostconfig-operator and please review this22:13
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