Wednesday, 2021-02-24

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airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> Hi all, please review this patchset I appreciate your help.01:40
airship-irc-bot3<outbackdingo> ok welp booted ephemeral from bare metal.... LOL whats the login... or am i barking up the wrong tree02:19
airship-irc-bot3<ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi all, please help to review . Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:02:29
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airship-irc-bot3<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, I would like to request some reviews on these PSs: Thank you in advance!13:46
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airship-irc-bot3<scott> Is anyone else having an experience where airship build stalls in the 30's?  `TASK [airshipctl-run-script : Run script ./tools/deployment/` ?  It will sometimes stall on 30, sometimes 31, 32 up to 33 but never make it past 33.16:05
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> Hi team, does anyone know how to append to a list using the Replacement transformer? The syntax below is replacing the existing list instead of appending it.   `- source:`       `objref:`         `name: dex-catalogue`       `fieldref:`     `target:`       `objref:`         `kind: KubeadmControlPlane`       `fieldrefs:16:12
airship-irc-bot3<ih616h> Good morning team. Could I get some reviews on this PS? Thanks in advance -
airship-irc-bot3<ih616h> also this PS - Zuul +1 just came through -
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> I finally opting for the json form with name with dot as it didn't work when replacing the dot by dash.17:19
airship-irc-bot3<kk6740> @scott can u share more details? it shouldn’t stall that is for sure, there are 2000 second timeouts at some points17:28
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airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> Hey, I know treasuremap was having some issues with SOPS kustomization, but is there an issue in airshipctl as well?  @ih616h seemed to get one on his AiaP patchset, not sure whether that's an AiaP issue or something unrelated
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> @sidney.shiba is there any reason you're using `extraVolumes[0]` -- are you trying to append to the end, or replace something that's already in `[0]` ?19:06
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> I am trying to append an extra volume at the end but don't know the correct syntax so tried that. Do you know what is the syntax to append an item?19:09
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> I think you would use the index = the current number of items in the list?19:10
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> Not 100% sure but can you try that?19:10
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> FYI it uses JSONPath; here's a reference:
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> Let me try.19:11
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> No, it does not work with Replacement transformer. It keeps overriding when index = 0 or -1 and errors when index = 1. It works when using `patchesJson6902`:     `{ "op": "add","path": "/spec/kubeadmConfigSpec/clusterConfiguration/apiServer/extraVolumes/1",`         `"value": {`             `"hostPath": "/etc/kubernetes/certs/dex-cert",`             `"mountPath": "/etc/kubernetes/certs/dex-cert",`             `"name":19:28
airship-irc-bot3"dex-cert",`             `"readOnly": true`           `}`     `},`19:28
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> Reason I would like to use Replacement transformer instead of `patchesJson6902` is all variable values can be found in a single file (i.e., `kind: VariableCatalogue`) so cleaner and easier to customize.19:34
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> ahh, that makes sense.  Sort of analogous to a helm chart's values overrides, but with raw k8s manifests instead of a HelmRelease and replacementtransformer rules instead of gotpl.19:40
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> I think that would be a good topic for the design call Sidney; we could discuss if/when/where/how we'd want to use that convention.  Either way we can get started with basic patching and then evolve I think20:10
airship-irc-bot3<sidney.shiba> I updated the treasuremap patchset for Dex (dex-test-site) to use `Replacement` transformer as much as possible and left `patchesJson6902` for this specific issue case.20:58
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airship-irc-bot3<scott> @kk6740 trying to get this to you but now having problems with my shared drive….21:46
airship-irc-bot3<mf4192> Hi team, the PSs for VersionsCatalogue and NetworkCatalogue CRD schemas are ready for review. Thanks!
airship-irc-bot3<mattmceuen> Sounds good - can you add it as a topic to tomorrow's design call?  Then we can look at your real world example23:23

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