Wednesday, 2021-05-26

airship-irc-bot<zainub.wahid> Hello, As discussed in yesterday's meeting, I have sent an email related to "RAID Config Implementation" for feedback.06:02
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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Core Reviewers, Requesting reviews for below PSs related to #280 airshipctl issue needs one more +2 and WF +1. Thank you in advance!13:37
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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, Requesting review for treasuremap issue #27 -- adding local-static-provisioner charts Thank you in advance!14:17
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi Everyone, Just wanted to share this. If you are having issues with deploying baremetal target cluster behind a proxy, the cause might be the size of dev VM you are using to host this virtualize cluster. I was having issues with VM of size _8 vcpus | 20 GB mem_ with inconsistent errors. Once I switched to a VM size _*24 vcpus/96GB mem*_ I was able to deploy the cluster twice yesterday without a glitch. NOTE: This is a big VM15:23
airship-irc-botand there might be a smaller VM (TBD) that can be referenced as the minimum required VM flavor for the dev environment.15:23
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