Wednesday, 2021-06-09

airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Core Reviewers, Requesting some reviews on the below PSs related to #280 : needs another +2 and WF +1 Thank you in advance!13:24
airship-irc-bot<hr858f> Hi, looking for one more +2 and WF: Thanks.18:59
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I'm running the airshipctl gate scripts locally, and I'm seeing something funny after the `kubectl-wait-pods-any-ephemeral` phase finishes.  I see from the utility pod airshipctl output (and its docker logs) that it waits for ephemeral pods to be up, then returns.  But that's the last output I see airshipctl, it seems hung and isn't proceeding to the next phase.  Has anyone seen this issue?20:33
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi all, after rebasing with recently merged `treasuremap`, I get stuck while building iso images. See trace below. Anything I have to do to get it working?  `Build phase plan: iso` `+ airshipctl plan run iso --debug` `[airshipctl] 2021/06/09 20:29:44 executing phase: iso-cloud-init-data` `{"Message":"starting generic20:37
airship-irc-botcontainer","Operation":"GenericContainerStart","Timestamp":"2021-06-09T20:29:53.346887285Z","Type":"GenericContainerEvent"}` `{"Message":"execution of the generic container finished","Operation":"GenericContainerStop","Timestamp":"2021-06-09T20:29:54.751612032Z","Type":"GenericContainerEvent"}` `[airshipctl] 2021/06/09 20:29:54 executing phase: iso-build-image` `{"Message":"starting20:37
airship-irc-botgeneric container","Operation":"GenericContainerStart","Timestamp":"2021-06-09T20:29:54.766276515Z","Type":"GenericContainerEvent"}`20:37
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> @sidney.shiba it hangs there forever?20:51
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> yeah, tried three times and same place.20:51
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> can you check the resource utilization of memory and disk when it hangs?20:52
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> It should take a little time to complete that phase, fwiw20:53
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> There is plenty of memory: `ubuntu@dex-test-vm:~/projects/airshipctl$ free -m`               `total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available` `Mem:          96676        1008       85694           1        9973       94813` `Swap:             0           0           0`20:57
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Not sure what /dev/loop is but here is what I get:  `ubuntu@dex-test-vm:~/projects/airshipctl$ df` `Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on` `udev            49485048        0  49485048   0% /dev` `tmpfs            9899680     1180   9898500   1% /run` `/dev/vda1      507944172 20927540 487000248   5% /` `tmpfs           49498380        0  49498380   0% /dev/shm` `tmpfs               5120        0      512020:58
airship-irc-bot0% /run/lock` `tmpfs           49498380        0  49498380   0% /sys/fs/cgroup` `/dev/vda15        106858     8993     97866   9% /boot/efi` `/dev/loop0         32896    32896         0 100% /snap/snapd/11841` `/dev/loop1         56832    56832         0 100% /snap/core18/2066` `/dev/loop2         10880    10880         0 100% /snap/kubectl/1976` `/dev/loop4          9856     9856         0 100% /snap/helm/336` `/dev/loop5         1113620:58
airship-irc-bot11136         0 100% /snap/helm/341` `/dev/loop6         32896    32896         0 100% /snap/snapd/12057` `/dev/loop7         92800    92800         0 100% /snap/go/7696` `/dev/loop8         92800    92800         0 100% /snap/go/7736` `tmpfs            9899676        0   9899676   0% /run/user/1000`20:58
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> It seems that the difference is that it is running now `airshipctl plan run iso` while previous one was not.21:02
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> it might be worth running the phases in that iso plan by hand and see if you learn more?21:04
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I wouldn't think that the plan would cause your problem though, since it looks like the plan is invoking a phase that is at least attempting to start a generic container21:05
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> For my part, the `kubectl-wait-pods-any-ephemeral` phase doesn't complete when I re-run it by itself either:21:15
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> ```madgin@piseag-01:~$ airshipctl phase run kubectl-wait-pods-any-ephemeral   {"Message":"starting generic container","Operation":"GenericContainerStart","Timestamp":"2021-06-09T16:08:28.567785119-05:00","Type":"GenericContainerEvent"} [airshipctl] 2021/06/09 16:08:28 Starting container with image: 'localhost/toolbox', cmd: '[]' [airshipctl] 2021/06/09 21:08:30 Filtering input bundle by Group: , Version: , Kind:  + N=0 +21:16
airship-irc-botMAX_RETRY=30 + DELAY=60 + '[' 0 -ge 30 ] + kubectl --context ephemeral-cluster --request-timeout 10s get pods --all-namespaces -o name + wc -l + '[' 7 -ge 1 ] + kubectl --context ephemeral-cluster --request-timeout 10s get pods --all-namespaces NAMESPACE     NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE kube-system   coredns-66bff467f8-dtr68            0/1     Pending   0          8m41s kube-system21:16
airship-irc-botcoredns-66bff467f8-pjctm            0/1     Pending   0          8m41s kube-system   etcd-ephemeral                      1/1     Running   0          8m51s kube-system   kube-apiserver-ephemeral            1/1     Running   0          8m51s kube-system   kube-controller-manager-ephemeral   1/1     Running   0          8m51s kube-system   kube-proxy-8lh24                    1/1     Running   0          8m41s kube-system21:16
airship-irc-botkube-scheduler-ephemeral            1/1     Running   0          8m51s + break + '[' 0 -ge 30 ] (never returns)```21:16
airship-irc-bot<mattmceuen> I created a github issue for the problem I'm seeing; not sure why I'd be the only one(?) seeing it, but it seems bad:
airship-irc-bot<ao129q> may I have reviews here please

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