Friday, 2022-06-03

airship-irc-bot<airshipcloud> Good afternoon! I am in the process of rebuilding my 10 node Airship 1.8 cluster with Airship 2.1.  When I run deploy-gating it is getting stuck on the "controlplane-target" phase.  My additional controller nodes have been marked ready as seen below; however, it appears the machine and metal3machine(s) are not getting created properly, as the remaining nodes never get provisioned.  I would assume this is unexpected, but I22:09
airship-irc-botnoticed that Treasuremap v2.1's reference-airship-core baremetal-plan.yaml has the following comment "(TODO) Need to add manifests for controlplane-target phase".   Do I need to create the these resources manually for each using Metal3MachineTemplate and annotation for each node? ```root@cloud11:~# kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get bmh -n target-infra NAME      STATE         CONSUMER                   22:09
airship-irc-bot ONLINE   ERROR cloud11   provisioned   cluster-controlplane-tvh8w   true cloud12   ready                                      false cloud13   ready                                      false cloud14   ready                                      false  root@cloud11:~# kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get metal3machines --all-namespaces NAMESPACE      NAME                         PROVIDERID                                     22:09
airship-irc-botREADY   CLUSTER          PHASE target-infra   cluster-controlplane-tvh8w   metal3://c1... true    target-cluster root@cloud11:~# kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf get machine --all-namespaces NAMESPACE      NAME                         PROVIDERID                                      PHASE     VERSION target-infra   cluster-controlplane-dnvmf   metal3://c1...  Running   v1.21.2``` 22:09

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