Thursday, 2015-06-04

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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda-appliance: Restart netfilter-persistent instead of iptables-persistent
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Silence exception when provider rules not found
markmcclainadam_g: was talking with ryanpetrello at lunch today.. with the recent changes you've made to our devstack plugin17:33
markmcclainseems like we might be able to avoid stopping and starting neutron17:34
markmcclainmight just need to tweak when we set a few vars so that when neutron does start things will work well17:34
adam_gmarkmcclain, maybe, im not sure how to hook into the neutron plugin stuff in devstack but its probably doable17:35
adam_gso that when neutron sets itself up before akanda, its doing so with akanda17:35
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markmcclainyeah really it's just making sure the Q_PLUGIN is set right17:35
adam_goh we can proabbly just set that in akanda-rug/devstack/settings17:36
adam_gmarkmcclain, this look familiar to you at all?
markmcclainyeah... that's a sign that the config update failed on the appliance17:40
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adam_gmarkmcclain, right. wondering if that error points to something  specific17:41
adam_gwe should get some kinda logging happening inside that we can copy out17:42
markmcclainyeah... so there's some odd thing with gunicorn because originally the appliance would send the traceback17:44
markmcclaintraceback with the 500 error17:45
markmcclainsometimes the request processing fails and requests doesn't get a valid response17:45
adam_gyeah, i see tracebacks for other things17:46
adam_goh, cool. reproduced locally17:52
adam_gis there a way to reapply config without rebuilding?18:05
markmcclainyeah.. the config command should push a new copy of the config18:05
markmcclainrug_ctl router update <uuid>18:06
markmcclainwhich pushes an update event onto the rug's event queue for the router18:06
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davidlenwellmarkmcclain: ryanpetrello same results on a "hyperspeed" instance .. which is 16 gigs of memory and 8 vcpus19:39
davidlenwelloh weird .. just as I typed that the instance switched to "ACTIVE"19:39
davidlenwellso maybe things are okay and it was just slow to come up this time.. no nova errors19:40
markmcclainyeah.. seems like some strange error in scheduling19:40
davidlenwellanyways .. its active now19:40
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adam_gwith some guincorn logging enabled in the appliance, those BadStatusLine errors correspond to a gunicorn [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:426)19:49
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adam_gthe default timeout is 30s, wonder whats going on thats taking so long19:51
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adam_galso strange: arping'ing timesout on jessie but works on wheezie20:03
ryanpetrelloI've been seeing an arping issue on our end, too20:13
ryanpetrellobeen trying to track down what's causing it20:13
ryanpetrelloadam_g: I think it's some sort of race with the interface add20:21
adam_gupdate_metadata sometimes takes a while20:22
adam_g(re worker timeout)20:22
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adam_gryanpetrello, the arping fails initially on wheezy but later works (afaics), but on jessie it just doesn't ever work20:25
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ryanpetrelloyea, I'm seeing the same20:35
ryanpetrelloI'm actually working on debugging it currently in our DHC sprint20:35
adam_gso the metadata restart takes >30s and times out the gunicorn worker20:36
adam_g(at least the initial restart)20:36
adam_gthat is, in an unaccelearted qemu guest20:37
adam_gi think, in the gate slaves, it times out consistently because theyre slower20:37
adam_gconsidering raising the gunicorn worker timeout but dont know if there other implications there20:37
adam_g(dont know much about gunicorn at all atm tbh)20:38
adam_g"Generally set to thirty seconds. Only set this noticeably higher if you’re sure of the repercussions for sync workers"20:39
adam_gi have NFI about the repercussions for sync works :)20:40
ryanpetrellowe used to raise this when we tested awhile back on virt-in-virt-less hardware20:40
ryanpetrellothe issue, I guess is that you're tying up a sync worker until the HTTP call completes20:41
ryanpetrello(one of the rug workers)20:41
ryanpetrellofor your testing, it's probably fine to configure it higher20:41
ryanpetrellosince you're really just testing devsack20:41
ryanpetrelloand there's really no way of knowing how long it'll take on different hardware20:41
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adam_gmaybe expose it as a DIB config option that defaults to 30s?20:42
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adam_gso we can potentially tune later if needed20:42
ryanpetrelloor maybe just set a saner default, like a minute or so20:42
adam_g or that, i just dont know enough about gunicorn to know how that might affect other htings20:44
markmcclainok.. so the slaves I guess can't do virt-in-virt that well20:58
markmcclaintaking longer than 30s is usually a sign that the instance is backed by qemu or out cpu starved20:58
adam_gmarkmcclain, probably, they're usually slow (especially on HP Cloud) but even on a non-accelerated qemu here on my system takes 15s-20s to restart the metadata service, and it seems to timeout on the first attempt (probably due to other startup load021:07
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-appliance: Allow for building non-wheezy releases
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-appliance: Bump gunicorn worker timeout to 60
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davidlenwellis there a reason why our default service image size is 2gb?22:06
adam_gdavidlenwell, what do you mean?22:09
adam_gimage i just bulit is 472M22:09
davidlenwellinstalled fresh devstack in an isntance and the service vm uses 2gb of memory.. sorry I should have said service vm flavor uses a lot of ram for some reason22:09
adam_gdavidlenwell, oh yea, i tried booting a /w m1.micro but the vm image is too big. we should create our own flavor to use that specifies 512M with enough disk to satisfy the image22:10
davidlenwellwould make running it in a vm that has 4gb of ram possible22:11
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adam_gsarob, not sure why this is marked as completed, but it is and not showing up in the main blueprint list @
sarobadam_g: which what?22:26
adam_gdo you have access to change the status? i dont22:26
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-appliance: Setup logging in the appliance
* adam_g goes to learn more about the miracle of life at baby school22:45
adam_gback later22:45
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