Tuesday, 2015-07-28

adam_gquick approve everything00:00
davidlenwellflood the gate!00:01
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openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix debug and browse config issues  https://review.openstack.org/20474800:02
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix ability to recover from an existing appliance VM  https://review.openstack.org/19484100:02
adam_gdavidlenwell, ^  last one could use a +A if it looks okay00:03
adam_gfixes a nasty bug we should backport00:03
davidlenwelland ads docstrings!00:04
sarobadam_g: im running demo_builder against another instance00:10
sarobadam_g: so far so good00:10
adam_gsarob, neat00:10
sarobadam_g: the original instance is borked00:10
adam_goh, what happened?00:10
saroberror writing to the horizon log, plus something bad with rug-ctl00:11
adam_gis it still up?00:11
adam_git'd be good to know what exactly borked00:12
adam_gin case its a bug affecting long-running RUGs00:12
sarobyup, its still up00:12
sarobi rebooted it00:12
adam_g/dev/vda1       82536112 79143860         0 100% /00:13
sarobhmm, i thought i wiped the logs00:13
sarobto save space00:13
adam_g-rw-r--r-- 1 akanda akanda  70G Jul 28 00:04 ceilometer-anotification.log.2015-07-23-20314200:14
davidlenwellthats a whole lot of log00:14
sarobill wipe the rest unless you are tinkering00:16
adam_gi was just restarting everything00:17
adam_gsarob, fyi you shouldnt really need to run the demo builder, at least not often00:17
adam_gjust spin up from the snapshot and you should be able to rejoin-stack.sh00:17
sarobyeah, i didnt think so, but i want to understand how to recover quickly from scratch00:17
adam_gsarob, looks like everythings coming back up now00:19
sarobill do a better job of wiping the logs next time00:20
sarobtoo much context switching00:20
saroblooks good00:22
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adam_ganything else that might be helpful here?00:54
adam_gsarob, ^00:54
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sarobget davidlenwell to +2a the doc spec ;)00:57
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sarobadam_g: you were going to reorg some of your specs00:59
sarobits pretty important so markmcclain and others get an idea of where we are going01:01
sarobi have a meet with nginx this week01:01
sarobspecs to point to would be good01:01
sarobthe handwavey thing only goes so far01:02
adam_gsarob, no, i was going to stack one on another to make the depenency explicit01:11
adam_gbut the first one merged so its not necessary01:11
sarobdavidlenwell: hows the driver spec coming?01:19
sarobadam_g: i broke screen01:32
sarobadam_g: :(01:32
adam_ghow so?01:33
sarobi ctrl-z ak-rug out of stack01:33
adam_gsarob, not really sure. you should be able to just reboot, akanda_demo.start (restart as required)01:35
sarobyeah, i was attempting to figure out how to fix it01:35
sarobinit 6....01:35
sarobi attempted to run the ansible demo on another instance01:46
saroblogs here https://github.com/akanda/operations/tree/master/general_logs/demo_builder_27jul201501:46
sarobadam_g: original demo instance restarted , looks good01:46
sarobadam_g: going home to family and bourbon01:47
adam_gsarob, enjoy01:57
sarobadam_g: i needed to use shutdown and then start,but its up again02:10
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sarobadam_g: you online?15:00
sarobadam_g: never mind im good15:09
sarobadam_g: demo went really well16:34
sarobadam_g: wind beneath my wings16:34
sarobadam_g: ...brah16:34
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adam_gsarob, nice16:39
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix ability to recover from an existing appliance VM  https://review.openstack.org/19484116:47
cleverdevilhey, akanda-ites!16:49
cleverdevilhow's it going?16:49
cleverdevilcool ranch.16:53
cleverdeviljust wanted to check in.16:53
cleverdeviland see how things were going.16:53
* adam_g is good, about to jump on a call16:54
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix ability to recover from an existing appliance VM  https://review.openstack.org/19484117:24
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix debug and browse config issues  https://review.openstack.org/20474819:01
adam_gnow with passing tests ^19:01
sarobadam_g: we like passing tests19:13
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix debug and browse config issues  https://review.openstack.org/20474820:12
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adam_gdoctor time21:28
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