Thursday, 2015-07-30

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openstackgerritRama Puranam proposed stackforge/akanda: Implements: blueprint vm-reduce-footprint
sarobpuranamr: welcome new contributor!17:58
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adam_gsarob, did you just cut liberty tags or something?18:40
adam_gsarob, i think you need to also push
adam_gand we can push through the respective setup.cfg changes18:51
adam_gotherwise we need to bump setup.cfg to 2015.218:51
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sarobadam_g: im updating my semver patches right now20:08
sarobadam_g: my mistake for not following through20:08
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openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: release versioning servers change
sarobadam_g: ^^20:12
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thingeewhoa dreamhost crew in da house20:31
markmcclainadam_g: thingee was asking me about the ring stuff you've been working on20:32
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adam_gsorry, cant chat now will be available soon20:32
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sarobadam_g: no prob20:45
adam_gsarob, you're going to need to push before the setup.cfg change will work20:46
sarobreally, why?20:46
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sarobi tagged at 2015.2.0b120:46
sarobwouldnt the pbr version need to be 2105.2?20:47
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sarobpuranamr: you need to be on the gerrit change21:10
sarobpuranamr: git fetch refs/changes/59/207559/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD21:10
sarobpuranamr: you can find the link on the review page21:10
puranamrsarob: i see it21:11
sarobpuranamr: on the patch set21:11
sarobpuranamr: the little tiny copy to buffer icon21:11
sarobpuranamr: not very easy to figure out21:11
sarobor copy the string21:11
puranamrsarob: i see it, i will cancel the previous review and merge it back21:12
sarobpuranamr: cool21:12
sarobadam_g: you good with the 2015.2.0b1 for lm1 and then voting next week on proceeding with 2015.2.0b2 or 7.0.0b2?21:14
sarobits all minuta right now for our eyes21:14
adam_gsarob, oh, ok.21:20
adam_g2015.x is fine by me21:20
sarobadam_g: of course gate is broken when i break the tests21:22
sarobadam_g: and push the fix21:22
adam_gsarob, huh?21:46
adam_g197787 should pass21:46
adam_gyou'll need similar patches to the other projects you tagged21:47
sarobadam_g: yup,21:47
adam_gthingee, hey wassup21:47
sarobadam_g: i was waiting to make sure we were in synch21:47
thingeeadam_g: so I'm getting some pressure from folks on getting Cinder active/active. The problem is if two cinder-manager processes work with the same resource like a volume, they could clobber each other. People are suggesting tooz and other complexity that I'm not sold on Cinder needing. I had a crazy idea though. What if I just had each cinder api and21:48
thingeecinder-manager process subscribe to a topic. Everytime a cinder-manager does anything with a volume for example, it would broadcast the uuid. When it's done, it'll broadcast it's done with that uuid. Each cinder-manager process and cinder api process will take that broadcast and store the uuids being used in memory. The cinder api will always stop something21:48
thingeefrom happening if a uuid was broadcasted. The cinder manager will also not attempt something if it already knows that uuid is being used. None of the processes need to know about each other since they're only subscribing to a mq topic. I have not figured out what time out will look like for this yet.21:48
thingeeadam_g: then dhellmann told me you're bring in the swift ring solution instead of me doing something wrong and crazy21:48
sarobadam_g: yeah,
thingeeadam_g: ok, I'll bb, my plane is about to land.21:48
openstackgerritRama Puranam proposed stackforge/akanda: Implements: blueprint vm-reduce-footprint
thingeeadam_g: but please point me to anything on the efforts with akanda bringing in the swift ring solution. I'm curious21:49
adam_gthingee, actually its not the swift ring21:49
sarobadam_g: should pass, but its stuck as check has 570 jobs21:49
adam_gthingee, ive copied the hash ring from ironic21:49
thingeeis this merged, in review with akanda?21:50
adam_gthingee, no im still working on it,
adam_gthingee, but our use case is different than yours. it hink what you've describe more closely resembles how ironic uses its hash ring21:51
thingeeadam_g: excellent thank you. I'll try to find information more on this21:51
adam_g(i think)21:51
adam_gstill trying to grok brain dump above :)21:51
thingeeooo a gist in the commit message. I appreciate short answers21:52
adam_gthingee, im using tooz for tracking cluster membership21:52
adam_gthingee, that membership list is whats used to construct the consistent hash ring21:52
adam_gtooz broadcasts membership changes to all nodes21:52
adam_gevery time it changes, nodes rebalance their ring given the new list of members21:53
thingeeadam_g: thank you21:53
adam_gthingee, im not sure my solution would offer the kind of guarantees you'd want for clustering a storage system, though21:55
thingeeit's not about clustering storage systems, it's clustering the cinder-managers which are essential just message passers (i.e. cinder api->cinder-manager->storage solution)21:57
thingeeand making sure to cinder managers don't do an attach while another is doing a snapshot or something21:57
adam_gthingee, is cinder-manager a new thing? or is it the same as cinder-volume?21:59
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Bump version in setup.cfg to 2015.2
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