Friday, 2015-08-07

openstackgerritRama Puranam proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Adds docstring for akanda.rug.daemon.ignore_signals()
openstackgerritRama Puranam proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Adds docstring for akanda.rug.daemon.ignore_signals()
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openstackgerritRama Puranam proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Adds docstring for akanda.rug.daemon.ignore_signals()
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Add support for hash-based RUG scale out (WIP)
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openstackgerritSean McGinnis proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Remove deprecated LOG.warn calls
adam_gsmcginnis, going through your comments on that db patch. thanks for catching all that.18:05
smcginnisadam_g: No problem. Some are pretty minor.18:07
smcginnisWhat is the translation convention here. I see a mix of _(), _L[IWE](), and none at all.18:10
smcginnisAre translation markers being used?18:10
adam_gsmcginnis, we should be using them everywhere at this point18:10
smcginnisadam_g: OK, thanks.18:11
adam_gsmcginnis, ive been meaning to go through and add where missing18:11
smcginnisadam_g: Yeah, one of those easy but painful tasks. ;)18:12
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Move caching of resolved router_ids from state machine to worker
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Adds a DB layer, use it for debug modes
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Add support for hash-based RUG scale out
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drwahlfinally got a running with what should be a copy of our franken-juno akanda. hopefully i'll have results of this test soon18:28
drwahland hopefully it will work without issues18:28
adam_gdrwahl, nice18:28
drwahlok, i think i'm at the same point with our current akanda image18:53
drwahlin that the MTU setting seems to be causing slight issues, but otherwise, everything seems to be working18:53
adam_gdrwahl, what issues are you hitting?18:58
drwahljust noticed that there was no VM for the router18:59
drwahlrestarted the rrug and it's spawning...18:59
drwahlthere we go19:03
drwahlworks like a charm!19:03
drwahlnot even any MTU issue19:03
drwahloddly enough...19:03
cleverdevilthat's great news.19:04
drwahlsort of... i don't quite get why we don't have the MTU issue...19:04
drwahlbut i verified with a tcpdump that the packets are indeed going over the vxlan interface19:04
drwahlso.. there's that19:04
adam_gdrwahl, yeah, rama had luck yesterday on DHC instances with no MTU issues. not sure why it snot an issue there but is for me locally19:09
drwahlin theory, the MTU issues seems like it shouldn't be a blocker. it should just cause packet fragmentation19:10
drwahlwhich would slow things down, but shouldn't actually cause communication issues19:10
drwahlunless the virtual router doesn't deal with packet fragmentation like it should, i guess19:15
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Add support for hash-based RUG scale out
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