Friday, 2015-08-28

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adam_gdavidlenwell, do you have a devstack up currently?19:51
davidlenwellI just unstacked.. whats up?19:51
adam_gdavidlenwell, is /opt/stack still there? can you just paste me whats in there. i need a list of what repos we require19:52
adam_gdont have one up atm19:52
davidlenwellakanda-horizon  akanda-rug  data      glance   keystone  neutron  noVNC         status19:52
davidlenwellakanda-neutron  cinder      devstack  horizon  log       nova     requirements  tempest19:52
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davidlenwelladam_g: So I kinda suck at bash and doing stuff with strings.. so I just made this in python which does the trick nicely..20:23
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adam_gdavidlenwell, cool20:29
adam_g$ for i in `ip addr | grep "^[0-9]" | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d: -f1 | egrep '^qv|^qb|^ta'`; do sudo ip link set $i down ; done20:30
adam_gshould do the same. probably a better way to do that in bash, too, but w/e works20:30
drwahlMY EYES!20:31
* drwahl hates string parsing in bash20:31
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adam_gim sure that could be cut down to just one pipe /w some sed-fu20:34
davidlenwellsed-fu.. yay20:35
adam_g1) match only lines with a that start with a number (1. eth0: xxx) 2) print the second thing (eth0:) 3) strip the : (eth0) 4) match for devices starting with qv or qb or ta20:36
drwahlip addr | grep "^[0-9]:.[qv,qb,ta]" | cut -d":" -f220:38
drwahlthat gets you pretty dang close20:38
drwahlit'd run into issues if you have more than 10 interfaces20:39
adam_gyay bash golf20:39
drwahli got suckered into playing :(20:40
davidlenwelldevstack with akanda kicks off around 58 interfaces20:41
davidlenwellso being less than 10 won't work20:41
drwahleasy fix:20:42
drwahlip addr | grep "^[0-9].:.[qv,qb,ta]" | cut -d":" -f220:42
drwahljust gotta sneak another "." in there20:42
davidlenwellthat outputs some of the interfaces twice20:44
drwahlya, working on a fix for that20:44
davidlenwellneeds to start with [qv,qb,ta] not a contains20:44
davidlenwella ^ in front of that list should do it20:45
davidlenwellsee I hate bash golf20:45
drwahlip addr | grep "^.*[0-9]: [qv,qb,ta]"20:47
drwahlthat should catch any number of interfaces and the interface name would need to start with qv, qb, or ta20:48
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