Friday, 2015-09-11

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adam_gdavidlenwell, fyi looks like your editor is saving files 0755 again00:26
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Debugging integranion test (DO NOT MERGE)
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Debugging integration test (DO NOT MERGE)
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sarobdavidlenwell: updated router patch soon?18:56
sarobso adam_g can help you debug the state machine18:57
sarobmarkmcclain: i need a review of
adam_gmarkmcclain, can you think of any issues if the instance ports we create in the  make_ports_callback get attached to the instance after its been booted?19:06
adam_glate-binding the management port wouldnt work19:06
drwahlyo akanda doods: we were talking about a tenant having multiple networks. i know adding additional networks works, but wasn't sure about deleting19:08
drwahli know it was an issue at one point. has that been fixed?19:08
adam_gdrwahl, theres currently an issue where the rug will create a router and some ports (ie the management port) which is owned by the service tenant and not user tenant. when the user tries to delete network, it fails because of the active port that it doesnt own19:10
adam_gi have a patch up to fix it in master, im not sure if the dreamhost fork is affected19:10
adam_gi imagine it would be, at least for the management port.19:10
drwahlya, that sounds about right19:10
drwahlit's been at least 12 months since i last looked at this bug19:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1491593 in akanda "tenant created networks cannot be deleted by the tenant" [High,New]19:11
adam_gi actually hit it last week when i was adding your guys' tests on top of our branch19:11
adam_gadd tests, find bugs, fix bugs, rinse, repeat19:11
adam_gas of kilo we started to create VRRP ports which also get left behind and block deletion19:12
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Delete VRRP and MGT ports on router delete
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Router driver and required changes to instance manager (WIP)
davidlenwellsarob: adam_g^^20:05
davidlenwelladam_g: I'm in the middle of reworking the event to contain a resource object like we chatted about.. I'm going to get that in later tonight.. right now the process seems to start and work fine..20:06
adam_gdavidlenwell, cool ill take a look in a bit20:07
davidlenwellsarob adam_g, So I have to go pick up devon from school shortly .. will probably be afk till this evening20:07
markmcclainadam_g: none that I can think of20:08
markmcclainadam_g: adding the ports later is like the hot plug stuff we support and with the delete fix we should be good to go20:09
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openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Router driver and required changes to instance manager (WIP)
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda: docs update describing what is akanda
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adam_gmarkmcclain, so a appliance booted *only* with a mgt address should get its address and be reachable via that address, right?20:40
markmcclaincurrently you can simulate that by creating a router w/o attaching any interfaces to it20:40
markmcclainso it would be the same20:41
markmcclainwork flow as when the first interface is added to a router w/o any vifs20:41
adam_gthe thing comes up okay but not reachable. wonder if im borking cloud-init somehow20:43
adam_gmarkmcclain, also, im curious what the idea was with passing the make_vrrp_ports around as a callback.. was that just to share the instance manager's neutronclient with rug.api.nova, or was there other plans ?20:45
adam_gmarkmcclain, yes to A or yes to B? :)20:46
adam_ghmm so booting with only the management port and no instance ports seems to break something.20:55
markmcclainadam_g: sorry too many calls21:28
adam_gmarkmcclain, no worries21:28
adam_gim clearly overlooking something. ive hacked rug's port callback to skip creating nstance ports, and only create and bind the mgt port. router comes up with a reachable mgt address. doing the same thing in another process (pez) and its unreachable21:30
markmcclainso part of the idea of the callback was that the handle we had at that moment may/may not be valid also to late bind when the ports are created21:31
markmcclainare you using the same cloud-init config?21:31
markmcclainalthough the default is to listen on all interfaces21:31
markmcclainI'm not married to the callback if we want to pass the mgt port and any instance ports as individual vars or a namedtuple21:33
adam_gmarkmcclain, ill eventually at least need to split hte callback up to mgt ports and instance ports21:38
markmcclainright makes sense21:38
adam_gand yeah, everything looks the same in both cases (cloud-init, neutron ports are equiv)21:38
adam_gone somewhat strange thing ive noticed  is that when you boot without the full set of interfaces, cloud-init doesnt set the instances hostname21:39
adam_gbut that doesnt seem to be related to connectivity21:40
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Split out instance provisioning to on demand and pez (WIP)
markmcclainadam_g: interesting.. there's nothing special that looks for more than 1 vif21:59
markmcclainso not sure why c-i is acting up22:00
adam_gmarkmcclain, wheres it actin up22:18
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda: Add spec for appliance node pooling
markmcclainadam_g: sorry cloud-init not the CI system22:25
adam_goh :)22:25
markmcclainok.. weekend time.. have a great weekend22:35
adam_gdavidlenwell, so service startup doesnt get much further /w patchset 11  a lot of the issues i pointed out in patchset 9 are still valid22:36
adam_gmarkmcclain, cheers22:36
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