Thursday, 2017-02-23

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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Mirror update failures are causing some Ubuntu-based jobs to fail on invalid qemu package dependencies; the problem mirror is in the process of updating now, so this condition should clear shortly.12:59
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The mirror update process has completed and resulting issue confirmed solved; any changes whose jobs failed on invalid qemu package dependencies can now be safely rechecked to obtain new results.13:35
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tbielawamaybe I'm missing something, but on read the docs, and on github, I can not find links to an ARA issue tracker. I see in FAQ/Contributing that there's launchpad involved,, and git-review. Buuuuut I can't find a link to an actual issue tracker or anything18:48
tbielawai was going to ask if there's been any discussion or PRs or issues about enabling row sorting by 'duration' and what have you in task results, but I thought I'd check the issue trackers first...18:49
dmsimardtbielawa: that's a good point18:49
dmsimardtbielawa: we use storyboard!/project/84318:49
dmsimardI'll update the docs to mention it18:49
dmsimardtbielawa: that said, everything with be sortable in the upcoming UI rework18:50
tbielawadmsimard: is this how one would submit suggestions, or bugs?18:50
tbielawadmsimard: YESSSSSS18:50
dmsimardtbielawa: it's somewhere in ( an early prototype, the real deal will be better )18:50
dmsimardI actually officially started working on it last night but I'm fighting with html/js right now and I'm not winning18:51
dmsimardtbielawa: suggestions/feature request/bugs can go on storyboard18:51
tbielawadmsimard: it (js) happens to the best of us.18:51
dmsimardI'm not a frontend guy at all :(18:51
tbielawawell whomever did the current frontend did a Good Jorb™18:52
dmsimardI did but I take no credit, it's all the css/js framework :p18:52
tbielawaheh heh18:53
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dmsimardI'll be talking about ARA at a local Ansible meetup \o/19:49
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