Tuesday, 2017-11-28

openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Import ARA configuration, views and API "just-in-time"  https://review.openstack.org/52298302:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Add helper modules/scripts to know where ARA is  https://review.openstack.org/52289802:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Temporarily switch unit test jobs to non-voting  https://review.openstack.org/52288902:23
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Re-structure API routes and responses to match a list/detail model  https://review.openstack.org/51617202:48
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Provide some base for functional/unit/integration tests unification  https://review.openstack.org/52271002:48
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack/ara feature/1.0: Refactor configuration and drop static generation  https://review.openstack.org/52301302:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Re-structure API routes and responses to match a list/detail model  https://review.openstack.org/51617203:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Provide some base for functional/unit/integration tests unification  https://review.openstack.org/52271003:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/ara feature/1.0: Refactor configuration and drop static generation  https://review.openstack.org/52301303:44
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Bakeysomeone fix my idiocy here:  I can't seem to get ara to look at the correct database file16:51
BakeyCLI queries return fine16:51
Bakeyweb UI never shows anything16:52
dmsimardBakey: hey o/16:52
dmsimardBakey: how are you running the web interface ?16:53
Bakeysave me! \o16:53
Bakeytried to follow https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/latest/webserver.html#apache-mod-wsgi16:53
Bakeyweb UI loads OK, got no data16:53
dmsimardBakey: that means it's one of two things, 1) apache doesn't know where the ara database is 2) it doesn't have access to it16:54
dmsimardBakey: are you running sqlite ? mysql ?16:54
Bakeynot opposed to using mysql, was trying to KISS16:54
dmsimardBakey: are you running ansible from the same machine where your apache is installed ?16:54
Bakeyansible playbooks run as root16:54
Bakeyapache runs as apache of course16:54
dmsimardBakey: where is the database located ?16:54
Bakeyhow can I tell?16:54
dmsimardby default it'd be in ~/.ara/ansible.sqlite so /root/.ara/ansible.sqlite16:55
dmsimardand apache is probably looking for it in his vision of ~/.ara/ansible.sqlite (/var/www/ ?)16:55
Bakeylooks to be in /root/.ara/16:55
dmsimardif you look at the docs, there's a mention of an ansible.cfg file with a SetEnv directive16:55
dmsimardbasically both your user and apache need to use the same config and have access to the database16:55
Bakeyyeah, in the virtual host16:55
dmsimardif you want to just try out ARA and KISS, do away with apache for the time being and just fire up the standalone webserver: ara-manage runserver16:56
Bakeyok, so it seems to make more sense to have my root user use /var/www/ara/.ara/ansible.sqlite16:56
Bakeyor I could do that16:56
dmsimardneed to brb.16:56
Bakeydmsimard:  got it working, what I gather is if your'e going to use apache, you'd probably also be better off using an actual DB like mysql or postgresql17:03
dmsimardBakey: it depends on the use case and the scale you're working with17:16
dmsimardThe embedded webapp is fine but when there's a lot of data/users it doesn't scale very well17:17
dmsimardThat's when it is time to start considering wsgi/apache instead17:17
dmsimardSame thing for mysql versus sqlite17:19
dmsimardmysql is not necessarily faster than sqlite, but it makes you able to aggregate data from multiple locations, for example.17:20
*** dmsimard changes topic to "ARA - Ansible Run Analysis: Making playbook runs easier to visualize, understand and troubleshoot | Git: https://github.com/openstack/ara - Docs: https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - Latest version: 0.14.5: https://github.com/openstack/ara/releases/tag/0.14.5 | This channel is logged: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23ara/"17:27
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BakeyI don't see the need to aggregate data any time soon, so this will most likely be a scaling issue more than anything18:07
BakeyI'll see how it goes18:07
dmsimardBakey: neat! Let me know if there's anything, and if the docs aren't clear, always happy to review patches or improve them :)18:21
BakeyI did notice one thing in the docs18:22
Bakey"ara data list" doesn't work18:23
Bakeyyou have to do "ara data list --all"18:23
dmsimardBakey: hmm, I'll take a look when I have a chance. Thanks :)18:30
dmsimardBakey: I don't have a stable database handy and currently checked out in the middle of a patch for the next major release, what does "ara data list" say ? and what does "ara help data list" do ?18:31
Bakeyone sec18:31
Bakey"ara data list: error: one of the arguments --playbook/-b --all/-a is required"18:31
Bakeyara help data list returns proper help documentation18:32
Bakeybut it lists "--all" or "-a" as optional18:32
Bakeysoemthing about ara data list is requiring an argument18:33
Bakeybut your online docs at readthedocs.io doesn't mention that18:33
dmsimardBakey: so you mean here right ? https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#querying-the-database-with-the-cli18:40
dmsimardBakey: hm, so that's the "global" help -- like if you do "ara help". Maybe we could add all the commands and their help in there.18:43
dmsimardBakey: yeah that's the one. It's just copy/pasted verbatim in the docs -- but I just found out that the library we're using to create the CLI has a module to automatically document commands so we should definitely be using that.18:51
dmsimardBakey: thanks for making me look :D18:51
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Bakeyno prob18:53
Bakeyit's not a super huge thing, just figured you might want your documentation to be 100% accurate :)18:54
dmsimardwell those auto-generated docs would be much better and more importantly, accurate and maintenance-free18:54
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ara-slack1<voronenko> Q: If I want to reference playbook log externally, what is the best way to know play GUID like `a1c96dab-34ef-403f-ae93-29ce5ac6f0d0` at the end of the play inside play itself ?22:09
ara-slack1<dmsimard> @voronenko hi! Registering the result of an ara_record or ara_read task will provide a playbook_id variable.23:24
ara-slack1<dmsimard> I happened to have a gist that explains exactly that: https://gist.github.com/dmsimard/0335667e69539c1dd22a169cbd43e61623:25
ara-slack1<dmsimard> Should probably take the time to document that!23:25

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