Saturday, 2019-07-20

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ara-slackalain: When I add this to my docker compose ( in the ara-api container)13:59
ara-slackalain: I still get :14:01
ara-slack ara-api_1      | 2019-07-20 14:00:50,086 ERROR Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'ara-api:8000'. You may need to add 'ara-api' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.14:01
ara-slack But now I also get :14:01
ara-slack ara-api_1      | 2019-07-20 14:01:42,376 ERROR Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'localhost:8000'. You may need to add 'localhost' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.14:01
ara-slack When called from the ara-web ( which I did not get before )14:02
ara-slackalain: And from inside the container ( ara-api ) - I see that the environment variable IS set14:03
ara-slackalain: I have also tried ARA_ALLOWED_HOSTS=ara-api;localhost;;::1  - it does the same.14:04
ara-slackalain: I have not had a chance to look at this since last time ... but I need to take the time now ( note - I also get the error that @aron.pedersen is mentioning.)14:06
ara-slackalain: I have about an hour to work on this until I'm sure I will not wake the neighbors mowing the lawn :slightly_smiling_face:14:06
ara-slackalain: And I know this reflects my lack of DJANGO knowledge - so I'm aware I may be missing off the rails completely.14:08
ara-slackalain: And I know this reflects my lack of DJANGO knowledge - so I'm aware I may be off the rails completely.14:08
ara-slackalain: And /root/.ara/server/settings.yaml do not reflect the change I made14:16
ara-slackalain: Reading up on Dynconf14:25
ara-slackalain: Ok - found that the 'settings.yaml' file is created with my settings ( ARA_ALLOWED_HOSTS='[ "ara-api", "localhost", "", "::1" ]') when I run ara-manage migrate ( so at container build time ) - but they do not seem to be read in15:06
ara-slackalain: Alright ... need a break15:16
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