Wednesday, 2019-01-09

openstackgerritinspurericzhang proposed openstack/cloudkitty-tempest-plugin master: Update hacking version to latest
openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty-dashboard master: Explicitly specify the region_name when instanciating a client
openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Add some developer documentation for collectors
peschk_lhi Linkid! I had a look at mostt of your reviews, but I haven't had the time to update the v2 api spec. I'll be out of office until january 23rd, I'll take care of it once I've returned. Just proposed a quick patch on the dashboard for multi-region deployments, would you mind having a look at it ?
fresta_In Queens release of Cloudkitty I get "Ceilometer collector is deprecated and will be removed during R cycle. This collector only works with versions prior to Ocata".16:19
fresta_Will it not work at all with Ocata or newer?16:19
fresta_My plan was to use ceilometer for now and then switch to gnocchi after upgrading my cloud.16:20
peschk_lfresta_: it depends if ceilometer's api is available to you or not16:24
fresta_peschk_l: I do have ceilometer installed, so I can run 'ceilometer resource-list' successfully.16:26
peschk_lfresta_: It should work then, but I don't believe that it has been tested with newer versions of cloudkitty16:27
fresta_peschk_l: Ok good, that error message just confused me a bit. I'm not getting any data in Cloudkitty however.16:29
fresta_'cloudkitty total-get' just shows 016:29
peschk_lare you using the keystone scope fetcher /16:30
fresta_I have 'keystone_fetcher' defined in my cloudkitty.conf if that's what you mean16:32
peschk_lif nothing is specified under [tenant_fetcher]/backend , it's probably keystone. Does cloudkitty have the "rating" role on some tenants ?16:37
fresta_I have the rating role on one tenant. And that tenant shows up when I run 'report-tenant-list'16:38
peschk_lhave you defined some rating rules ? did you do this before starting the processor ?16:39
fresta_Yes I followed the examples in the documentation. And I have restarted the processor a couple of times after that.16:41
fresta_Not sure if I have to run 'collector-state-enable' to get it enabled?16:42
peschk_lNo you don't need to. But it is possible that the processor has processed all the data before you created the rating rules. Could you check if there is information in the "rated_data_frames" table of the "cloudkitty" sql database ?16:44
fresta_There is a lot of data in that table. So maybe it's only my rating rules that are wrong.16:48
peschk_lfresta_ either that, or your rating rules did not exist when the data was processed. you can try to stop the processor, delete everything from the rated_data_frames and cloudkitty_storage_states tables and start the processor again16:54
peschk_lthis will re-process all the data with your rating rules taken into account16:55
fresta_Alright, I will take another look at my rules and then clear the tables. Now I know that Cloudkitty successfully gets data from ceilometer at least.16:56
fresta_Huge thanks peschk_l !16:56
peschk_lfresta_: you're welcome :)16:56
openstackgerrit98k proposed openstack/python-cloudkittyclient master: Add upper-constraints.txt to releasenotes tox environment

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