Thursday, 2019-01-24

peschk_lhello everybody, I'm back in office. I'll try to answer all questions that have been asked. i I forget you, please ask your question again08:13
peschk_lzigo; could you paste the whole traceback + cloudkitty.conf somewhere ?08:14
zigopeschk_l: Sure, hang on !08:15
zigoAh no... :/08:15
zigoI distroyed my cluster, got to reinstall it.08:15
zigopeschk_l: Will you hang around today?08:15
peschk_lzigo: yes. I have a few calls so it might take some time to reply but I'll be there08:16
zigoIt will take me maybe 1 or 2 hours to reinstall my cluster.08:16
peschk_lLinkid: I'll make the changes you requested on the v2 API. if you are available today, it would be great if we could discuss a few things here08:37
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peschk_l*v2 API spec09:10
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openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty-specs master: Spec: Adding a v2 API
zigopeschk_l: I think I get what's going on, but not sure where to fix. Where do I set the root ca for the processor?13:27
zigoIt's either that, or we have a more serious problem...13:28
peschk_lzigo: depends on the component (fetcher, collector, api...)13:30
peschk_lwhich step fails ?13:30
zigopeschk_l: Well, starting fails ...13:30
zigoAs I wrote, I use my own root ca ...13:32
zigo(as this is in a virtualized PoC...)13:32
zigoIn production, of course, I use a real CA file.13:32
peschk_lzigo: ok, you need to add "cafile=/your/path" to the [keystone_fetcher] section13:32
zigoI mean, real SSL cert.13:32
peschk_l(or [fetcher_keystone] if you deploy from master)13:33
zigopeschk_l: Well, in it, I have auth_section = keystone_authtoken13:33
zigoWhy doesn't it use the ca_file that's there?13:33
zigocafile=, I mean.13:34
zigoLooks like that fixed it, now I got a different error.13:35
zigo2019-01-24 13:34:36.264 7637 WARNING cloudkitty.utils [-] Error when trying to retrieve etc/cloudkitty/metrics.yml file.: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'etc/cloudkitty/metrics.yml'13:35
zigoI'll fix that ...13:35
peschk_lzigo: if you use the gnocchi collector, you'll also need to add the cafile to the "gnocchi_collector"/"collector_gnocchi" section13:37
peschk_lzigo: it's a keystoneauth issue, session and auth options are registered and loaded the same way:
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cloudkitty-dashboard master: Imported Translations from Zanata
zigopeschk_l: Looks like it works now! :) Thanks.14:39
zigoAll wired-in in my installer using puppet ...14:39
peschk_lzigo: glad to hear that :)14:39
zigopeschk_l: How can I check that storage for cloudkitty works as expected?14:40
peschk_lzigo: which storage backend are you using ?14:40
zigopeschk_l: ceph.14:41
zigomysql + ceph.14:41
peschk_lI meant for cloudkitty. sqlalchemy ?14:41
zigoCan't it be Ceph too?14:42
zigoI probably need to call the cloudkitty::storage class...14:43
zigoAh no, it's called automatically.14:44
zigopeschk_l: What do you put in gnocchi's coordination_url ?14:54
zigopeschk_l: Is it possible to use memcache?14:54
peschk_lzigo: no, we don't support ceph. It's possible to use influxdb with master though14:55
zigopeschk_l: So what storage? Just MySQL, right?14:55
zigoI believe I've just left the default.14:55
peschk_lzigo: yes, memcache is supported by tooz:14:57
peschk_lcoordination_url = memcached://memcached-host:1121114:57
peschk_lfor cloudkitty14:57
peschk_lzigo: mysql is the most robust one yes14:57
peschk_land for gnocchi, same URL in the [DEFAULT] section of gnocchi.conf14:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cloudkitty-dashboard master: Explicitly specify the region_name when instanciating a client
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openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Add collector documentation
openstackgerritLuka Peschke proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Add collector documentation

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