Thursday, 2019-03-14

huatszigo: I am sorry but peschk_l is on holidays16:41
huatsfor a few days16:41
zigohuats: Oh ok. I believe I need help because I do have everything setup correctly, but I'm not getting any rating in cloudkitty.16:42
zigoAnd I don't really know where to look into ...16:42
zigohuats: Do you think someone could help me, in the near future, to add this to ?16:43
huatszigo: what do you mean by "near future" ?16:43
zigohuats: In the next following days/weeks ...16:43
huatsThat is clearly something doable16:44
zigohuats: It took me a long time to get the zookeeper stuff up and running, and I do believe all ceilometer services are pushing data somewhere, but I have no clue how to go from there, and what to check ...16:44
zigocloudkitty summary get <--- Always replies zero ... :(16:45
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