Friday, 2019-04-26

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zigopeschk_l: Now, I got Gnocchi displaying resources! \o/07:34
zigopeschk_l: But rate is still zero.07:34
zigoShould I wait 1 hour?07:34
peschk_lzigo: check the measures of the metrics you are collecting. If the first measures just appeared and cloudkitty is configured to wait two periods (which is default), you'll have to wait at least two hours after the timestamp of the first measure08:42
zigopeschk_l: How do I check for that?08:54
zigopeschk_l: I get "gnochi resource list" that shows the instance I started ...08:54
peschk_lzigo: gnocchi resource show RESOURCE_ID will show you the metrics linked to a resource, and give you their ID08:54
peschk_lzigo: then, gnocchi measures show METRIC_ID will show you the measures for that specific metric08:55
zigoOk, and what do I read there?08:55
peschk_ltry with image.size or volume.size08:55
peschk_lzigo: there will be measures associated to a timestamp08:55
peschk_lif the timestamp was at least 2 hours ago, cloudkitty will be able to collect it08:56
zigoI don't have image.size or volume.size ...08:56
zigoOh, disk.ephemeral.size: ?08:56
zigo# gnocchi measures show 79a8604a-1ce4-4e75-8de9-b26491050a7e -f value08:57
zigo2019-04-26T07:15:00+00:00 300.0 0.008:57
zigo2019-04-26T08:00:00+00:00 300.0 0.008:57
zigoThis ?08:57
zigopeschk_l: ^08:57
peschk_lzigo: for example08:58
peschk_lbut you would need measures in a metric that is specified in cloudkitty's metrics.yml file08:58
peschk_ldo you have cpu for instances ?08:58
zigovcpus: 25fb6a94-944e-4a15-9e48-c74a59d4018f08:59
zigoI get 2 records for that metric on this instance.08:59
peschk_ljust "cpu". The cpu metrics represents the cpu uptime of the instance and helps us to know if the instance is payused or not09:00
zigoMaybe the ceilometer-agent-compute isn't working correctly.09:01
peschk_lis there anything in the logs ?09:01
peschk_lof the ceilometer compute agent ?09:01
zigoOh, looks like it needed a restart.09:02
zigoNow I do see the "cpu" thing ...09:02
zigopeschk_l: Ok, I guess I need to just wait now, right?09:02
peschk_lzigo: right :)09:03
peschk_ldon't forget to enable the hashmap module in cloudkitty though09:03
zigopeschk_l: That's all done! :)09:11
zigoNow I see 2 measure for the CPU.09:11
zigognocchi is also showing more resources.09:12
zigoI can see instance_network_interface and instance_disk now.09:12
zigoSo I guess it's all working and I should just wait.09:12
zigopeschk_l: We're 2 hours after, and still zero in the Rate field ... :/11:24
zigoWhat else should I check for?11:27
zigopeschk_l: Setting fetcher = gnocchi made the trick, I finally get something in cloudkitty ! :)13:44
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