Thursday, 2019-05-30

*** jonher has joined #cloudkitty10:57
canori01peschk_l: I think the problem is with my metrics.yaml. I see the data in gnocchi and the processor trying to grab it, but I get something like this:11:29
canori012019-05-30 10:39:52.473 1085 WARNING cloudkitty.orchestrator [-] Error while collecting metric cpu: {u'cause': u'Metrics with unknown aggregation', u'detail': [[u'f8ce4b8d-b314-4226-945b-b21e6f1fba58', u'max']]} (HTTP 404): NotFound: {u'cause': u'Metrics with unknown aggregation', u'detail': [[u'f8ce4b8d-b314-4226-945b-b21e6f1fba58', u'max']]} (HTTP 404)11:29
canori012019-05-30 10:39:52.473 1085 INFO cloudkitty.orchestrator [-] No data collected for metric cpu at timestamp 2019-05-30 08:00:0011:29
canori01So it looks like the gnocchi archive policy that ceilometer created for me didn't have max as one of the aggregation methods. So I changed my metrics.yaml to do mean and cloudkitty evaluating the data now12:47
canori01I'm trying to figure out how to update my archive policy to also do max now12:48
*** happyhemant has joined #cloudkitty13:16
canori01Looks like there was a change in how ceilometer does the archive policies in gnocchi in rcoky14:02
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