Monday, 2019-10-21

vishalmanchandajferrieu: peschk_l : hi.04:47
vishalmanchandaI have a query if two modules like hashmap and pyscripts have the same priority in which one of them will be executed?04:50
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: both of them. All enabled modules are executed. What changes is the order in which they are executed (highest priority first)07:21
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: ok. thanks.07:22
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vishalmanchandapeschk_l: jferrieu : I have created a rating policy for a flavor and then launch a new instance with that flavor but predictive price shows $ 0.0 in the horizon which is incorrect. The same thing happens in this video .09:58
vishalmanchandaany workaround/fix for the above issue.09:59
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: Sorry, didn't see your last message. We'll have a meeting in 5 minutes, and we'll help you afterwards :)13:56
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: ok np.13:56
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jferrieuhi everyone13:58
peschk_lwe'll start in a sec13:59
peschk_l#startmeeting cloudkitty14:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Oct 21 14:00:04 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is peschk_l. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: cloudkitty)"14:00
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty'14:00
peschk_lHi everybody and welcome to this meeting14:00
peschk_ltoday's agenda can be found here14:00
peschk_las usual, feel free to add any topic you wish to discuss to the end of the list14:00
peschk_land we'll have some time for Q&A at the end of the meeting14:01
peschk_l#topic train14:01
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peschk_lAs you know, the train release happened a few days ago, and we're now in the ussuri development cycle. WE can now merge features again14:02
peschk_land with the new release came the first bug14:03
peschk_lbasically, every authenticated user retrieving data from /v1/dataframes or /v2/dataframes specifying no filters also retrieves data from other projects14:04
peschk_leven if the user isn't an admin14:04
peschk_lI'll provide a patch ASAP, which we'll backport to the stable/train branch14:04
peschk_land we'll make a 11.0.1 release afterwards14:04
peschk_lAny questions on this ?14:05
peschk_lall right14:06
peschk_l#topic developer documentation14:07
*** openstack changes topic to "developer documentation (Meeting topic: cloudkitty)"14:07
peschk_lsome developer documentation explaining how to implement a scope fetcher has been added. Reviews would be welcome14:07
peschk_lany comments on this ?14:08
jferrieuNo, LGTM14:09
peschk_l#topic grouping by timestamp in /v2/summary14:09
*** openstack changes topic to "grouping by timestamp in /v2/summary (Meeting topic: cloudkitty)"14:09
peschk_la patch has been proposed, allowing to group by timestamps on /v2/summary has been added14:10
peschk_lthe spec will come soon (and the patch will be adapted to the reviews on the spec). I proposed the patch first because it is trivial, and was required by julien-pinchelim's work on the new dashboard14:11
peschk_lthe patch can be found here14:11
peschk_land I'll let jferrieu introduce the next topic: work on the tempest plugin14:12
peschk_l#topic tempest plugin14:12
*** openstack changes topic to "tempest plugin (Meeting topic: cloudkitty)"14:12
jferrieuAlright, just to announce that tests on v2 endpoints concerning dataframes are coming, I am just struggling a bit with the architecture of the CK tempest plugin at the moment14:13
peschk_land test splitting and zuul job adaptation has been merged14:14
peschk_lboth patches were jferrieu's work14:14
peschk_lpatches can be found here14:14
jferrieuBut the goal is to detect in the future, bugs like we have been noticed this morning concerning role based access14:14
peschk_ljferrieu: testing that access to admin endpoints is indeed refused to non-admins would be a big plus in the tempest plugin14:16
peschk_lso i completely agree =)14:16
jferrieuSo, it is coming guys, once I will have discussed my problems with peschk_l I think that it will be done quickly14:16
jferrieuYes that would have prevented those concerns indeed14:16
peschk_lany comments on this ?14:17
peschk_lall right, moving on to q&a14:18
peschk_l#topic Q&A14:18
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peschk_lnow's the time to ask any question14:18
jferrieuHmm it's not a question but I had an idea about something14:19
jferrieuTo do maybe a doc page about most common caveats/pitfalls at operating CloudKitty14:20
peschk_ljferrieu: If you have some time to spend on this, it would be great!14:21
peschk_lit's been planned for a loooong time14:21
jferrieuI'd be glad to be in charge of that, I would require your help tho as you are the most experimented active member of the project14:21
* peschk_l is trying to find the associated story14:21
jferrieuI could come with questions you would answer at your own pace, and synthesize the collected information14:23
peschk_ljferrieu: well, I can't find it, but you could add a task to!/story/200417914:23
jferrieuInterviewing qanglade and julien-pinchelim on the difficulties they encountered getting on board would be nice I think14:23
jferrieuI will14:23
peschk_lYes, definitely14:24
peschk_lalso, most commonly asked questions by ciustomers14:24
peschk_l"why does X show 0 ?" "why don't I have any data ?"14:24
julien-pinchelimIt can be usefull for us also :)14:25
jferrieuYes that would be great, definitely, as these take times and can be a disturbance at some point14:26
jferrieuok let's add this task to the storyboard :)14:26
peschk_ljferrieu: I'll let you create the task then14:26
peschk_land self-assign of course ;-)14:26
jferrieuDoes this need a spec?14:27
peschk_ljferrieu: no. It's been planned for too long, am I'm fine with a "free" format, to encourage external contributions ot it14:28
peschk_l*to it14:28
peschk_lSome other topics anybody would like to discuss ?14:29
peschk_lall right, that's it for today then. Thanks everybody for attending!14:31
*** openstack changes topic to "Rating component for OpenStack"14:31
openstackMeeting ended Mon Oct 21 14:31:19 2019 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:31
openstackMinutes (text):
peschk_l vishalmanchanda: still around ?14:35
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: yeah14:36
peschk_ldo you have any logs to provide ?14:38
peschk_lis the processor running ?14:38
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: which types of logs do you need?14:40
vishalmanchandayeah processor is running fine.14:40
peschk_lfrom horizon, and from the api14:40
vishalmanchandayou mean apache log.14:43
vishalmanchandalet me check.14:43
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vishalmanchandaplease find horizon-error.log  here
vishalmanchandaI don't know these are useful or not.15:08
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: seems like cloudkitty-api is returning 500s15:11
peschk_lcould you provide API logs please ?15:11
vishalmanchandahow to check api-logs?15:13
vishalmanchandacloudkitty-api logs?15:13
peschk_lhow did you deploy it ?15:17
vishalmanchandausing devstack15:17
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peschk_lokay, could you do an ls /var/log/apache2 please ?15:18
peschk_lor ls /var/log/http if you're on centos15:18
vishalmanchandaplease find output here
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: thx. Could you please send the content of cloudkitty.log, cloudkitty_access.log and error.log ?15:28
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: thanks for helping me.15:37
peschk_lvishalmanchanda: no problem. Unfortunately, I can't find what I'm looking for in the logs you provided... Could you please do a grep -rn Traceback /var/log/apache2 ?15:39
vishalmanchandapeschk_l: sure.15:40
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vishalmanchandaplease find above command output here :
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