Monday, 2023-02-20

_0230220-joekhello folks,10:11
_0230220-joekhave a problem with cloudkitty on startup. Cloudkitty gets a error code 400 while instantiating a mapping. Destination is a opensearch (version 2.3) cluster over elasticsearch storage driver. Can anyone help?10:13
opendevreviewRafael Weingartner proposed openstack/cloudkitty master: Add groupby options by different timeframes
_0230220-joekCan anyone tell me if cloudkitty is basically compliant to opensearch? Kolla or kolla-ansible deploys with zed release a opensearch cluster. 11:28
priteauHello _0230220-joek. Currently CloudKitty is not compatible with OpenSearch 2.x.13:50
priteauElasticsearch was replaced by OpenSearch late in the Zed cycle.13:50
priteauI am working on compatibility which we will backport13:50
rafaelweingartnerHello guys!14:02
rafaelweingartner#startmeeting cloudkitty14:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Feb 20 14:02:05 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty'14:02
rafaelweingartnerRoll Count14:02
rafaelweingartnerpriteau: are you going to join us today?14:06
priteauSorry, doing too many things at once14:07
rafaelweingartnerno worries14:08
rafaelweingartnerlet's start with the reviews14:08
rafaelweingartner#topic Target review of the meeting14:08
rafaelweingartner#link, it is that spec to add the support of start/end date to rating rules14:08
rafaelweingartnerI guess we are almost ready to merge it, right?14:09
priteauI need to take another look at it, but haven't got time recently.14:09
priteauIt's too late for A cycle anyway…14:09
rafaelweingartneryes, exactly. We do not mean to add it to A release, but just so we have a basic understanding if that would be an interesting addition to CloudKitty14:10
priteauThen I will aim to approve it next week at the latest.14:11
mkarpiarzYeah, I think we all agree we want this feature in but there are a few details we are still discussing.14:11
mkarpiarzMaybe we should merge the blueprint and move discussion to patches implementing the ideas?14:12
rafaelweingartnerhmm, if the discussion is about implementation yes14:12
rafaelweingartnerHowever, if the discussion is about design and feature scope, then it should be done in the spec, right?14:13
mkarpiarzAh, I see.14:13
mkarpiarzAnyway, I think we can wait for Pierre to have another look here.14:14
rafaelweingartnerSo, moving on to the patches. I have the following #link, which I need to create Gabbi tests14:15
rafaelweingartnerI am plan to update that patch this week14:15
mkarpiarzOK, I'll keep an eye on this one and get it into my test environemnt after your update.14:16
rafaelweingartnerWe then have this one #link, which seems to be ready14:17
rafaelweingartnerWhat do you guys think?14:17
mkarpiarzSure, I can +2 this one again.14:18
priteaukb -> kB14:21
priteauin the docs14:22
priteauI just tried to change it but it depends on not current version of
rafaelweingartnerI see14:23
rafaelweingartnerno worries, I can fix that for you14:23
rafaelweingartneras soon as I am done with the Gabbi tests on the other patch14:23
priteauThanks. I will +2 once refreshed14:24
rafaelweingartnerthat is the change, right: "up to 64 KB of size"14:24
rafaelweingartnerWhen I saw your description, I uderstood that you wanted to add a space14:24
rafaelweingartnerI did not understand that you want to change the kb to kB14:24
priteauThe space was a nit, the real fix was the b -> B14:25
priteaub = bit14:25
priteauB = byte14:25
priteau8 times more ;-)14:25
rafaelweingartnerThen, movin on to #link:
rafaelweingartnerFor this one I need to add tempest tests14:26
rafaelweingartnerAfter that one, we have the following #link:
rafaelweingartnerit seems ready to merge14:30
rafaelweingartnermkarpiarz: do you have any concerns there?14:32
rafaelweingartnerMoing on with the optimizations, we have #link:
rafaelweingartnerwhich is another optimiaztion that we did for Gnocchi fetcher14:34
mkarpiarzI haven't looked at this one yet.14:36
rafaelweingartnerno worries, but this is an interesting one to have to speed Gnocchi fetchers14:37
priteauSorry but 865417 is not ready14:40
priteaumkarpiarz can you please remove your W+114:40
rafaelweingartnerisn't it?14:40
rafaelweingartnerI have not read the release notes14:41
rafaelweingartnersorry for that mistake14:41
priteauNo a big problem. Let's update and merge again.14:42
rafaelweingartnerGood catch14:42
rafaelweingartnerAnd, last,but not least, the last patch I had here in my list #link:
rafaelweingartnerhave you reached a conclusion about it?14:45
rafaelweingartnerI mean, have you had time to finish the review there14:47
priteauI am not really familiar enough with Gnocchi to be honest14:48
rafaelweingartnerno worries, but in theory it should not be limite to Gnocchi14:50
rafaelweingartnereven though it was implemented for it first, we can validate the idea, and maybe apply to others14:51
rafaelweingartnerthat is all from my side guys14:53
rafaelweingartnerDo you have something else to add?14:54
mkarpiarzNothing from my side.14:54
priteauAs mentioned earlier, I've been working on the OpenSearch support14:55
priteauI got a bootstrap working but still need to test the migration14:55
rafaelweingartnerI see14:56
rafaelweingartneris your intention to migrate the data via CloudKitty?14:56
rafaelweingartnerOr some process that operators do ?14:56
priteauNo, it would be done by Kolla Ansible14:56
priteauBut need to check that it works fine14:57
priteauIt has only been tested for logging data, not CK14:57
rafaelweingartnerah, I see14:57
priteauThis week is crazy but I will try to go back to it ASAP14:58
rafaelweingartnerok, no worries14:59
rafaelweingartnerand if you need a hand, just let me know14:59
rafaelweingartnerI guess that is all for today15:00
rafaelweingartnerThank you guys for participating. Have a nice week.15:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Feb 20 15:01:07 2023 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:01
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
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