Monday, 2025-02-03

rafaelweingartner#startmeeting cloudkitty14:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Feb  3 14:00:10 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is rafaelweingartner. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.14:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'cloudkitty'14:00
rafaelweingartnerHello guys!14:00
rafaelweingartnerRoll count14:00
rafaelweingartner#topic  adoption for the secure RBAC14:03
rafaelweingartnerpriteau: do you have an update on this one?14:03
rafaelweingartnerI guess you were going to talk with Gmann14:03
priteaugmann has posted patches14:04
priteauI haven't looked in depth yet14:04
priteauTesting here:
priteauLooks ok14:05
rafaelweingartnerI see14:05
rafaelweingartnerI will take notes to review it later14:05
rafaelweingartner#topic Target reviews14:08
rafaelweingartneras the target reviews, we only have the #link
rafaelweingartnerI guess you all wanted some more time to think about it14:08
priteauSorry, too busy at the moment to look at it :(14:09
rafaelweingartnerno worries :)14:10
rafaelweingartnerI understand14:10
rafaelweingartnerdo you have some other patch that you would like to bring some attention to?14:11
priteauNot particularly.14:13
rafaelweingartnerThen, I guess that is all from my side :)14:14
rafaelweingartnerif you do not have anything else, we can close for today14:14
priteauI wanted to check your plans for the PTG14:15
rafaelweingartnerwhat do you mean14:15
rafaelweingartnerI guess we can schedule as usual, right?14:15
priteauIf it works for you. I am afraid I may not be available all of that week, but my colleagues may be able to join.14:17
rafaelweingartnerthat works to me14:18
rafaelweingartneris the scheduling already open?14:19
priteauJust the team sign up for now14:20
priteauScheduling usually happens much closer to the date14:20
rafaelweingartnerI see14:20
rafaelweingartnersure, I will sign us up14:20
priteauI also wanted to check with you your plans for the next election14:23
priteauThe nomination period officially begins Feb 05, 2025 23:45 UTC.14:23
rafaelweingartnerProbably I can apply for the next cycle as well14:23
rafaelweingartnerI have not see the emails about it14:23
rafaelweingartnerbut I will do so14:24
priteauThank you for your service14:25
priteauThat's all I had to share today.14:28
rafaelweingartnerme too14:30
rafaelweingartnerI guess we can close today then14:30
rafaelweingartnerThank you for participating. Have a nice week.14:30
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Feb  3 14:33:25 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)14:33
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