Friday, 2017-02-24

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openstackgerritsulochan-acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Ensures no extra property is allowed on creates
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git-harryjimbaker: I don't see the use of the devices object as unnecessary nesting, the nesting has come with the introduction of the hosts and network-devices arrays. devices provides a clear separation between the data (devices) and any metadata (currently links) that gets returned with the object.09:52
openstackgerritsulochan-acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Ensures no extra property is allowed on creates
openstackgerritsulochan-acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Ensures no extra property is allowed on creates
openstackgerritgit-harry proposed openstack/craton master: Add GET /v1/devices
openstackgerritgit-harry proposed openstack/craton master: Add GET /v1/devices
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sigmavirus<expletive>Charter is having an outage so I have the joy of tethering from my phone for the morning at least13:08
sigmavirusfarid: I can't meet today at that time13:12
sigmavirusI have to head to the dentist to pick up an occlusion guard13:12
thomasemsulo: At what point would testing the excluded POST properties become impractical? I'm not sure I follow.13:14
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sulothomasem: heh, its not and i have updated the patch. I meant testing every property like that might be so .. should be tests be per property or to get that the logic is sound ?13:23
sigmavirussulo: could have a semi-generative test that uses hte blacklist global in the schemas module to test each of the attributes13:25
sigmavirusI say semi-generative because the only way to actually generate new tests in nose is absolutely terrible (as git-harry has shown by example) and so just having a test that tries to create an X with those properties would make sense13:26
sulosigmavirus: rgt, sounds good, if i have to update the patch i might go that route13:27
thomasemsulo: I was suggesting either test for each property to ensure there's no regression, or one test that tests for all of them for the verbs we intend to exclude those properties from.13:31
sulothomasem: sounds good. thx for the suggestion. i have updated the patch. lets go with this for now .. if we extend that list ill refractor to do what sigmavirus suggested13:32
thomasemHell, you could break it up and test the logic, assert the expected list, and then just assert that the function is called for the expected routes/verbs13:33
thomasemSure thing! Sounds good to me. :)13:33
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds basic Cloud resource CRUD to CLI
thomasemHow's everyones' Friday going?? :)13:45
sigmavirusException of dental appointment and unreliable internet? I tested myself in the foot =P13:46
sigmavirusspent a couple days last year rewriting some of our shell unit tests only to have those backfire on me now :)13:46
thomasemAwww man13:47
thomasemI'm digging around in those, too.13:47
thomasemknitting cloud_id throughout13:47
sigmavirusGranted, they're easier to deal with now than they used to be13:47
thomasemAll you can do. Make it better and better.13:47
sigmavirusbut, we baked in assumptions about print_{list,dict}13:47
sigmavirusand that's all going away :)13:47
sigmavirusI think what I'll do, is save that work for a separate patch13:48
* thomasem hopes we don't step on toes too much here13:48
thomasemI've been intentionally following existing patterns to be sure refactorings make sense for Clouds, too.13:48
thomasemto avoid some of that pain13:49
thomasemsigmavirus: which assumptions are you referring to?13:51
sigmavirusthomasem: that's fine13:52
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add --format to the client shell
sigmavirus^ is going to change how we do formatting though13:52
sigmavirusdramatically makes it easier to understand what we were using before too13:52
sigmavirusjust need to add tests for the table formatting13:52
sigmavirusAfter that, I'll merge in your clouds cli change and then start building on both to replace print_{list,dict} with a more generic handling of our data for output formatting13:53
sigmavirusAlso want to visually test the client before any of that gets merged13:53
openstackgerritsulochan-acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Allow getting vars on get all resouce call
thomasemsigmavirus: +1!14:05
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sigmavirusthomasem: glad you like it14:21
thomasemI will be giving a more thorough review, but, yeah. Having formatters is going to be quite helpful.14:23
thomasemThis mold is going to kill me.14:27
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faridmorning all14:40
faridsigmavirus: what time works for you? we can work something out with the team14:41
sigmavirusfarid: so my appointment is at 10. Which means I have to leave at 9:30 (or possibly earlier given the freezing rain). So 9AM CST? (15 minutes from now)14:41
sigmavirusI don't think jimbaker is around though14:43
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sigmavirusI'm not sure how long the appointment will take (I don't think it should take very long) but I should be back by 11:30 CST (45 after our usual time) at the latest14:43
sigmavirus(and that's really the absolute latest)14:43
faridwe can wait til you're back then chat sigmavirus14:44
faridno hurries, hopefully rest of team have a fairly flexible schedule today, we'll find out :)14:44
sigmavirusfarid: I'm just worried about that time being inconvenient for sulo + git-harry14:45
sigmavirusI can provide you with my updates here if that would work better for everyone and they can be recited during the meeting in memoriam of my presence14:45
faridsigmavirus: that should work fine, thanks :)14:45
faridinterested in blockers if any so the team can think about them while together later14:46
sigmavirusNo blockers on my end today. Working on client formatting and testing refactors. All of this to work towards significantly better client testing and less coupled items.14:46
sigmavirusActually, only thing approximating a blocker is our lack of review bandwidth14:46
sigmavirusbut that's a minor problem14:46
* sigmavirus expects people to read that as sardonically as I typed it =P14:51
openstackgerritsulochan-acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Allow getting vars on get all resouce call
thomasemlol sigmavirus14:54
thomasemI'd be happy read sigmavirus's statements to you all in our meeting. Not certain I'll get the tone absolutely correct, but I will try.14:55
thomasemIf nothing else, I can read it as if I were reading a children's book. That'd be entertaining.14:55
sigmavirusthomasem: ++14:55
sigmavirusi'll give you bonus points if you can read it to the rhythm of "Little Miss Muffet"14:56
sigmavirusjust keep it SFW. No Andrew Dice Clay versioning14:57
thomasemBonus points... like Schrute Bucks?14:58
sigmavirusexactly. Everyone knows I'm the Assistant something or other, which gives me authority to handout dead deer14:58
thomasemOh dear. I made myself laugh.14:58
thomasemThat is definitely something Dwight would do, too.14:59
sigmavirusin better news, should get my gunnar's today15:00
thomasemExcellent! What style did you go for?15:00
sigmavirusOnyx Emmisary's with Crystalline tint lenses15:01
thomasemOh very nice15:02
sigmavirusalso found a 10% coupon15:02
thomasemHeyyyy, nice15:02
thomasemDoesn't hurt15:02
sigmavirusexactly. was only 7 bucks, but still nice to get a semi-discount15:02
sigmavirusbrb internet's working again. going to switch over to wifi instead of tethering15:03
thomasemI spy rebasing on the horizon.15:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Ensures no extra property is allowed on creates
thomasemI wonder how my neighbors will receive it if I show up with already paid for Reactive Dog Rehabilitation classes for their dogs... Investing in my sanity.15:22
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thomasemI can't open my back door without them trying to tear down my fence, lol.15:28
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faridwhat a pain, good neighbor finding is probably amongst the hardest part of home buying15:31
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thomasemHaha, yep. The original neighbor in that house was the seller's agent that sold me this house.15:34
thomasemBut, then they moved... and yeah. C'est la vie. :)15:34
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/craton master: Add Cloud resource before Region
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds basic Cloud resource CRUD to CLI
openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds basic Cloud resource CRUD to CLI
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thomasemAlright, both the Craton API Clouds and Craton CLI Clouds patches are gtg, please let me know if you see any issues.16:15
thomasemAdded a dependency for the CLI patch to the API patch.16:16
thomasemActually, flip that.16:16
thomasemI set the CLI patch to depend on the API patch. :)16:16
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jimbakerthomasem, awesome about the cloud work being ready16:31
thomasemjimbaker: !! Mhmm16:31
jimbakersigmavirus, any thoughts on the format of the devices endpoint that git-harry worked on? i just want to make sure it's workable as it is now16:32
thomasemThinking about what git-harry said, I'm inclined to agree and am in favor of using {"devices": {"hosts": [...], "network-devices": [...]}}16:33
thomasemFor what that's worth.16:33
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jimbakerthomasem, missed that in my logback from the bouncer16:36
jimbakertaking a look at the actual log16:36
jimbakerok, works for me. we can obviously make it work with the client16:37
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thomasemSounds good!16:40
thomasemIt is a beautiful day outside. I'm definitely doing at least dog walkies over lunch, maybe a run.16:40
jimbakerhas the  sample data from osic16:54
faridzz_pwnall1337: around for meeting ?16:54
jimbakercorrected link:
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openstackgerritgit-harry proposed openstack/craton master: Add GET /v1/devices
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* thomasem is preparing for an epic rebase.17:25
sulojimbaker: is the ?details=all to get vars on list calls btw17:26
sulothomasem: ^17:26
sulosomething that was asked for17:26
jimbakeryep, good stuff17:26
suloafk for now17:26
jimbakersulo, cool, we will regroup when you get back17:27
jimbakershould have some stuff merged in just a few17:27
jimbakerthomasem, ok, please rebase away17:34
thomasemDanke shön!17:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Add GET /v1/devices
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faridsulo / jimbaker / sigmavirus :
faridseems like looping over the hostvars section would be good for now17:47
faridhere's the link in the screenshot btw
faridI'll get an osic inventory17:48
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jimbakerfarid, ok. any chance you can put the image somewhere public?17:50
faridah yeah17:50
faridand the json links to the 'hostvars' section of the json inventory17:51
jimbakerfarid, thanks!17:51
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pwnall1337how does one define whether a host is physical vs container vs vm when importing a device?17:57
pwnall1337i assumed we were only putting physical inventory hosts in craton but farid told me containers as well.17:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Allow getting vars on get all resouce call
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jimbakerpwnall1337, so we consider all of these as host objects, but with a specific parent and device_type (so 'server' or 'container' or 'vm')18:22
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pwnall1337how can i specify the device type?18:29
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sigmaviruspwnall1337: what are you using? Python client? CLI?18:32
sigmavirusperl + some HTTP module?18:32
sigmavirusruby + one of the umpteenmillion HTTP gems?18:33
pwnall1337lets just hypothetically say im using craton client18:34
pwnall1337im not, but let's say i am18:34
pwnall1337well not using the cli18:34
pwnall1337i am using the objects imported18:34
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jimbakerpwnall1337, assuming something like craton-get (, i will get device_type in the output with v1/devices or v1/hosts or v1/network-devices. i can set this as well, eg with -X PUT -d '{"device_type": "switch2"}'18:47
pwnall1337jimbaker: are device types documented or is it just any string?18:54
jimbakerpwnall1337, they are just any string18:54
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jimbakerthe assumption is that the user of this inventory has some convention18:55
jimbakeri just updated so it has better support for CRUD ops (post, get, put, delete)19:00
jimbakershould rewrite so it's not duplicating code, but a subsequent revision. my bash is weak19:00
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thomasemSo, what've folks got planned for the weekend?19:54
sigmavirusthomasem: work on some projects, you?19:55
thomasemBit of the same. I have to catalog a bunch of needed repairs around the house for the contractor, we're going to see Lego Batman Movie for funsies on Saturday, and probably going plug away at some Craton things as time allows.19:57
thomasemMow the crazy backyard... seems it turned into a jungle over the week.19:57
sigmavirusah, our backyard is currently frozen19:57
sigmavirusI have probably a few more weeks before I need to worry about it growing19:57
thomasemHah! Nice.19:57
thomasemYeah, I thought I did and then it was upon me in a flash.19:58
sigmavirusWe literally had hail and freezing rain this morning, so I'm covered =P19:58
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/craton master: Add Cloud resource before Region
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thomasemAllright. Think that's gtg ^^20:43
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openstackgerritThomas Maddox proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Adds basic Cloud resource CRUD to CLI
thomasemSame with that ^^20:51
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1667809 in craton "500 when creating child resources for parents that don't exist" [Undecided,New]20:55
thomasemruh roh, Scoob20:55
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thomasemLooks like the patch git-harry got in for devices didn't link up properly to their LP issues to set them to Fix Released. I just moved those to Fix Released. They are: and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1664696 in craton "Support GET on a collection of devices" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to git-harry (git-harry)21:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1662614 in craton "Allow search by parent_id filter to retrieve all child devices" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to git-harry (git-harry)21:16
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thomasemExcellent. Thanks, sigmavirus!21:22
sigmavirusHTH thomasem21:22
* sigmavirus hops on VPN21:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Add Cloud resource before Region
jimbakerjust need the CLI stuff now21:27
thomasemThat's on its way in, too.21:27
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add --format to the client shell
sigmavirusOkay, think I'm out for the weekend. Enjoy Lego Batman thomasem21:29
thomasemsigmavirus: Will, do! Thanks. Have a wonderful weekend!21:30
thomasems/,// :P21:30
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thomasemAlright, I need to get running. Have a lovely weekend, everyone!!22:13
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faridlaters thomasem have a great weekend!22:15
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