Friday, 2017-03-17

openstackgerritJeremy Liu proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Enable coverage report in console output
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thomasemantonym: That looks like you have MySQL < 5.7. What version of MySQL are you using?06:01
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openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Include project_id only where needed
openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Include project_id only where needed
openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Create user under project_id passed in request
openstackgerritSulochan Acharya proposed openstack/craton master: Create user under project_id passed in request
thomasemHappy Friday13:41
thomasemantonym: Or MariaDB... :D13:51
sigmavirusthomasem: Is it happy?13:52
sigmavirusIs it really?13:52
thomasemsigmavirus: I mean, maybe?13:54
thomasemI dunno. Surely not in some places of the world.13:55
thomasemWhere's that damn Gandalf meme...13:56
sigmaviruswhich one?13:57
thomasemALL OF THEM13:58
thomasemReferring specifically to the one between Bilbo and Gandalf when Bilbo attempts to dismiss Gandalf with a "good morning!" and Gandalf goes on his pedantic tangent.14:01
sigmavirusIf you're trying to call me Gandalf the Grey, I appreciate that =P14:02
sigmavirusMy beard is not nearly long enough, nor grey enogh14:02
thomasemLol, I dunno. Gandalf did sort of keep abusing his relations with the eagles... multiple times rather than one time to just do the silly job. But, I guess that wouldn't have made a great vehicle for peddling a language.14:16
thomasemVery inefficient, if you ask me.14:17
thomasemWhat's the weekend got in store?14:18
sigmavirusChores, cooking for the week after, hoping to release a few libraries that are in need of releases14:18
thomasemSounds like fun! Depending on how much you're into those things. :P14:18
sigmavirusI like having a clean home. Having meals prepared a week in advance helps with my diet, and OSS is always fun, even when it's miserable14:21
thomasemOh, definitely. We've gone on several different diets in the past for various reasons and it always helped tremendously to have everything prepared for the week. We'd set up a bunch of things cooking all at once each Sunday, lol.14:28
sigmavirusWhat's harder for me is getting into exercise patterns14:39
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thomasemOh man. It really is.15:22
thomasemI finally ran my first 5K last November. Not sure if that sounds like much, but it was a huge deal for me.15:23
thomasemThe signal to myself that I really could change if I really wanted to.15:23
thomasemWhat's more - I enjoyed it. It wasn't a chore for me after a time, training for it.15:24
thomasemBut, then that car wreck when I first joined this team sort of put a wrinkle in things for me.15:25
thomasemSo, gotta get back on track. It's so difficult!15:26
thomasemlunch/dog walk15:41
sigmavirusA 5k is huge. I can't really run very far thanks to the shitty lungs I inherited and further abused by living in NJ for 20 years15:46
antonymthomasem: yeah, running mariadb16:02
antonymso needs to be mysql?16:03
thomasemantonym: yeah, 5.7 for JSON column support16:09
antonymk, is that something we should change in the docker setup then?16:10
thomasemThat's the parent to the JSON path patch16:10
thomasemSo, the branch you're using should have that Dockerfile16:11
antonymah, got it, thanks, i'll get that set up today and test16:11
thomasemYou bet! Sounds good.16:11
thomasemantonym: also, lemme forward you an e-mail regarding that... it is a bit up in the air about whether we're cool with MySQL 5.7.16:11
thomasemsigmavirus: Yikes... That's really unfortunate. :(16:12
sigmavirusWooo asthma16:13
thomasemSooooo not fun.16:14
thomasemC'est la vie!16:22
thomasemI saw Logan last night... Ohhh man. I thoroughly enjoyed it.16:22
thomasemAny of y'all seen it yet?16:22
sigmavirusHave not, but looking forward to seeing it16:24
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antonymthomasem: thanks for that email, helps give some context16:32
thomasemantonym: you bet!16:39
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add user documentation for the Python API
openstackgerritMerged openstack/craton master: Fix a typo
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add basic shell documentation for cratonclient
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/python-cratonclient master: Add Python API Reference documentation
sigmavirusthomasem: missed your -1 on the betamax testing patch series19:38
sigmaviruswill resolve that monday19:39
thomasemsigmavirus: No worries! Sounds good. :)19:41
thomasemAppreciate all of the docs patches19:44
thomasemHope everyone has a lovely weekend!20:43

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