Monday, 2014-09-08

Shrewswell, i guess that's putting the cart before the horse. nm00:00
mordredShrews: we should get a horse00:16
* Shrews phones up olaph00:16
mordredShrews: that's a cow, man00:17
Shrewshe's got connections00:18
mordredgood point00:18
mordredShrews: however, I was thinking that we bind-mount the source dir into the container each time - so things like log files or .testrepository dirs should just stick aroudn00:42
chmouelsince it's 2:57AM and i am jetlagged, i have published the blog post here00:57
chmouelwith some lame diagram but ppl said that blog posts look better with an image so i had to make up one00:58
chmouelprobably should have put a horse there instead00:58
chmoueli may go try to go to sleep by dreaming of ponies now :)00:58
Shrewschmouel: awesome!00:59
Shrewsalso, go to sleep  :)00:59
chmouelheh thanks00:59
mordredchmouel: thanks! tweeted01:02
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Logging improvements
Shrewsoh neat. bot is active02:14
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* flaper87 re-tweeted05:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Logging improvements
flaper87chmouel: good blog post, btw06:57
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Use `:20` tag in f20's DockerFile
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Add support for multiple images
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Add support for multiple images
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Add support for multiple images
dmelladoHi guys08:43
dmelladohas anyone tried to run tempest tests08:43
dmelladousing dox?08:43
chmoueldmellado: for the functional tests?11:05
chmoueldmellado: i don't think the support of devstack in docker works properly currently so this may need to be ironed out before doing this11:06
dmelladoI see chmouel11:07
dmelladojust visited your blog and wanted to check if we could give it a try ;P11:07
dmelladoit looks quite promising11:07
chmouelhopefully down the line that would be very cool if that happen11:09
flaper87chmouel: thoughts on ?11:44
flaper87does that sound reasonable ?11:44
* flaper87 has run glance's and zaqar's tests11:45
chmoueli was just reviewing that :)11:46
chmoueli like the idea, even if i am trying to map my head off between environements (i.e: tox env) and images11:47
flaper87right. I was talking to mordred yday and ideally, developers shouldn't do "custom" things on the image except from installing the base requirements and perhaps setting some env variables if needed11:49
flaper87I still think we may need som per-image-prep section later on but nothing we should worry about right now11:50
chmouelyeah probably for example the running tempest use case11:50
chmouelwe may want to have a auto generated devstack image of the day11:50
chmouelinstead of building it from scatch all the time11:51
chmouelbut that's long term as you said11:51
flaper87yeah, one idea is to have a `infra/zaqar/trusty` infra/devstack/something`11:51
flaper87so that devs just have to point to that11:51
chmouelbtw: some comments here
chmoueli am in rh induction for all day so may have limited access11:51
flaper87good luck with that11:52
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Add support for multiple images
Shrewsflaper87: lol. fast12:09
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Shrewsflaper87: so, thinking about 119705... not sure this makes sense. If you have a dox.yml with multiple images (say 'ubuntu' and 'fedora'), then the 'prep' commands may not be able to be applied to both12:37
Shrewsubuntu may want to 'apt-get install' stuff, but you'd need to use rpm on fedora12:37
flaper87Shrews: hehe, yeah. So here's the thing12:39
flaper87I was kinda discussing this with mordred yday12:39
flaper87Ideally, developers shouldn't need to use `prep` at all12:40
flaper87that is, prep should be used *just* to install project requirements and not to prepare the base test image12:40
flaper87we would provide images like `infra/zaqar/trusty` etc12:40
flaper87However, I still think we'll need a way to have per-image prep sections in the future12:40
flaper87something like `prep-infra/f20`12:40
flaper87(not sure whether that's valid yml, TBH`12:41
flaper87but I think that's a problem we should work on later12:41
flaper87I mean, if we really face the need of having per-image prep sections, we can hack something out then12:41
flaper87Shrews: does that make sense?12:42
Shrewsthat's a very openstack-centric view. for folks outside of openstack hoping to use this, it might not make sense for them to follow that model.12:42
flaper87I agree12:42
flaper87which is my main reason to think that we will need it12:43
Shrewshrm, need to think it over a bit. too early still.12:44
* Shrews needs coffee12:44
* flaper87 gives Shrews a cup of coffee \_/?12:44
flaper87FWIW, I pushed that patch as a way to start the brainstorm12:44
flaper87I've been using it since saturday and I felt comfortable with the API and how the images are specified12:45
flaper87I did faced the need for a custom prep section right away12:45
flaper87but I figured that we could probably start moving the multiple/images thing forward and brainstorm on the multi-prep section thing later12:45
flaper87that patch there is already useful for testing on trusty/saucy/etc12:46
flaper87with the same prep section12:46
Shrewswe need a ML to discuss these things  :)12:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Add `--fix-missing` to trusty's Dockerfile
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/dox: Use `:20` tag in f20's DockerFile
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flaper87this just happened:
Shrewsflaper87: nice. i'm working on it for ironic15:54
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Checks that docker is installed
chmouelsuper cooooll flaper8716:54
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Checks that docker is installed
jrollflaper87: neat17:01
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Shrewsflaper87: so how are you getting your test code into the test image? i don't see that happening in dox18:02
Shrewsit's not enough to copy the requirements files  :/18:03
Shrewsunless i'm _totally_ not seeing something18:03
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Shrewsmordred: oh, look who i've enticed into looking at dox. welcome mr. crews  :)18:10
mordredpcrews: ola!18:10
mordredShrews: there is a bind-mount thing .. one sec18:11
Shrewsmordred: doh! i see it now18:11
pcrewsmordred: howdy!18:11
mordredpcrews: welcome to happy fun land!18:12
* pcrews notes Shrews is a helluva salesman18:12
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Checks that docker is installed
Shrewsmordred: i'm already desiring an infra/ironic/trusty image18:26
Shrewsin the meantime, i can use shrews/ironic/trusty   :)  yay custom images18:27
mordredShrews: I gave flaper87 access to upload images to that namespace for now until we have a more appropriate mechanism - you want I should do the same for you?18:29
Shrewsmordred: i can just use my account for now, until we know how this is going to work18:29
mordredShrews: done anyway18:29
Shrewscoolio. thx18:29
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chmoueli have send a proposal for pycon us about docker python testings / dox18:56
chmouel(didn't have any other ideas to be honest)18:56
Shrewswow. we'd better make it work, then  :)18:57
chmouelif any of you are going there, i will be happy to put you as co speaker if you want18:57
chmouelyeah that's in 6 month so i figured we have a bit of time18:57
Shrewschmouel: where is it?18:58
chmouelShrews: this year again python us is in montreal18:59
chmouelmid april18:59
Shrewsgah, meeting18:59
chmouelyou have alreayd your calendar booked for april 2015?19:00
chmouelwoo i guess you must be busy :)19:00
Shrewsmeeting NOW19:00
chmouelhah :)19:00
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Shrewsnot sure what that's supposed to look like in the .yml file21:14
Shrewsi need to execute more than one command, but that's not currently working. not sure it ever did21:15
mordredShrews: so - that's supposed to be checking for a list21:15
Shrewsbut, it comes back as a string with the | operator. guess that's why it doesn't work21:16
* Shrews munges the yml a bit21:16
mordredShrews: maybe we should also try to detect a multi-line | string and dtrt?21:19
Shrewsmordred: does docker even _support_ multiple commands?21:19
Shrewsok, this works:  docker run shrews/ironic:trusty ls && ps21:21
Shrewsso i guess so21:22
Shrewsthink i know how to fix this21:23
Shrews    - pip install -e .21:23
Shrews    - python testr --slowest21:23
Shrewsjust always make it a list21:24
Shrewsand add && between the cmds21:24
mordredah - nice21:25
cdentShrews: what version of docker are you using?21:32
ShrewsDocker version 1.0.1, build 990021a21:32
cdentI'm on on 1.1.2 and I can't replicate your && trick21:33
cdentI get the ps of the shell on the host, not the container21:33
cdentare you wrapping things somehow?21:33
* Shrews checks docker changelogs21:34
cdentwhat shell do you use?21:35
cdentme too21:35
Shrewsnothing in the release notes21:35
Shrewshmm, odd21:35
Shrewsperhaps i should upgrade and try again21:36
cdenthold, just checking something21:36
cdenthmm, I thought perhaps it was because I was using sudo, but that's not it21:37
Shrewsthough, this is the version from trusty21:37
Shrewsyeah, i'm not using sudo21:37
cdentI'm not any more21:37
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EmilienMmordred: hey21:41
EmilienMso here is the context:
mordredEmilienM: biggest issue withi using dox for puppet integration tests will be cinder because iscsi doesn't work in containers21:41
EmilienMI want to bring advanced CI for OpenStack puppet modules. And dox could really help21:41
mordredEmilienM: but I'm _sure_ that there are plenty of other things that could be tested in it21:41
EmilienMmordred: we are far from this issue for now.21:42
mordredEmilienM: ++21:42
EmilienMif I can run basic tests for now, I'm sure that will be good for starting. iSCSI is only one of the use cases, we could use other ones.21:42
EmilienMmordred: please read the mail if you have 2 min and let me know your thinking21:43
mordredEmilienM: it's open in my browser - I'll read through it in just a bit21:43
EmilienMmordred: no hurry, cool21:43
EmilienMmordred: I just want to be sure we are doing things good.21:43
Shrewscdent: try -- docker run shrews/ironic:trusty sh -c 'ls && ps'21:45
cdentthat works Shrews21:46
Shrewsgreat. so if >1 commands given, we could use that i suppose21:46
cdentseems reasonable starting point at least21:47
Shrewsugh. dinner or code.... so conflicted21:47
ShrewsWhat Would Mordred Do21:47
Shrewsprobably very quickly code something that was horribly broken, leaving others to fix, then go have dinner  :-P21:48
mordredShrews: yes! you're learning! :)21:49
cdentmordred: have you met ingy?21:57
mordredcdent: not in person, we keep missing each other21:58
cdentthat's his strategy too21:58
cdentI wondered if perhaps it was a conspiracy21:58
mordredcdent: it's possible that he and I are two halves of a personality disorder21:58
EmilienMmordred: dummy question, the dockerfiles/infra/trusty/Dockerfile in place is _really_ needed for Python testing. What if I want to do some ruby or puppet testing. Should I amend this one? or create a new one? Split in 2 files?21:58
mordredEmilienM: I think we're talking about having multiples - we haven't fully figure out where to put them yet though21:59
mordredso like we may have an infra/python27 and an infra/ruby19 or something21:59
EmilienMmordred: for now, I'm working on a new one21:59
mordredI think that's a good plan for now22:00
EmilienMthat would make more sense to me22:00
mordredas we try things and figure out what feels good and what feels angry :)22:00
EmilienMmordred: where in dox do you specify the python version?22:01
mordredwe don't yet - so far that's in the base image description22:02
mordredbut I want to get to the point where you can do something like in tox ... like "tox -epy27"22:02
mordredand have that do something sensible22:02
mordredand I think having a set of built-in targets like py27 or ruby19 would make things nice for folks (again, like tox does for python)22:03
Shrewsugh. i'm making this too hard. quick fix is to just make that sh command my .yml command22:09
Shrewsmordred: i think i'm going to add support for mounting a volume during test image build so we can run project setup at that time, if we desire22:12
Shrewsif possible, that is22:16
Shrewsdunno. tired. leaving22:16
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to stackforge/dox: First implementation of Puppet unit testing
EmilienMmordred: this is a very first implementation.^^^^^^22:27
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EmilienMso this is an idea :
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