Thursday, 2014-10-02

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openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Install gdbm in ubuntu base image
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openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Add more tests with runner
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Fix py3 compatibility
chmouelEmilienM: ping13:47
EmilienMchmouel: good morning Sir13:47
chmouelEmilienM: don't do you east coast guy suddenly since you moved you know i am still in europe ;13:48
chmoueli was thinking about your issues for testing with dox13:48
EmilienMI'm Canadian now \o/13:48
chmouelis the puppet modules you are testing need a full stack or just one container?13:48
EmilienMby a full stack you mean multiple containers communicating together?13:49
EmilienMI think for now, what I would like to see is unit testing in a container13:49
EmilienMa next step would be functionnal testing in one container13:49
EmilienMand the step after this would be multi-nodes13:49
chmouelok so for the first step you can just have your dox.yaml pulling the ruby image13:50
EmilienMunit testing in puppet = rspec13:50
chmouelthe official image provided by docker.inc13:50
chmoueland can just run in there wihtout needing the infra images13:50
chmouelwhich repo are you trying to test?13:50
EmilienMchmouel: all stackforge/puppet-*13:51
chmouelok give me a random one and i'll to send an example13:51
chmouelof what i mean13:51
chmoueli don't know what the -* mean13:52
chmouelok yeah, i'll start by this one
EmilienMchmouel: there won't be functional testing for this one, only unit. But it's ok13:54
chmouelyeah at first that should be ok,13:54
chmouelwhen you say functional testing what sort of functional testing it is?13:54
chmoueli.e: for puppet-nova do you need nvoa spinned up?13:55
EmilienMchmouel: that means, we setup nova with puppet-nova and check nova is really working13:55
EmilienMchmouel: the current testing is only unit testing.13:56
EmilienMchmouel: we validate puppet syntax, lint and rspec13:56
EmilienMlater, we want to make functionnal, like a devstack-gate13:56
chmouelEmilienM: so when you say we setup, that's not with a devstck that' with the actual puppet-nova right?13:56
EmilienMbut instead of configuring openstack with devstack, it will be puppet.13:56
EmilienMchmouel: right13:57
chmouelEmilienM: ok, and you can checkout from packages or from git is ok?13:57
EmilienMchmouel: we rely on packaging now13:57
chmouelEmilienM: ok let me have a try to see how that works13:58
EmilienMchmouel: though we can manage to say "Hey, don't manage the package at all"13:58
chmouelEmilienM: is the puppet configuration tight to the distro?13:59
chmouelEmilienM: would it find the differences between ubuntuies and redaties?13:59
EmilienMchmouel: yep14:01
EmilienMchmouel: we support CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL14:01
chmouelEmilienM: cool, perfect (and obv i should know that ;))14:01
EmilienMchmouel: no, it's not obvious, but it's in our contribution policy though.14:01
EmilienMchmouel: I have to be afk for ~40min. I'll catch-up later. Thanks for helping me on that thing14:02
chmouelk np14:02
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chmouelEmilienM: here we go
EmilienMchmouel: looking15:46
chmoueli have had some help from francois to get a centos base installed properly with the puppet support15:46
chmouelbut it's launching them15:46
EmilienMchmouel: that looks great15:48
chmouelmy docker file is simple as that
EmilienMchmouel: I'm curious though, CentOS 5 ?15:48
chmouelha its latest not five15:49
chmouelthats just a typo15:49
chmoueli cant follow releases number too old for that ;)15:49
EmilienMchmouel: ahah. Just want to be sure we have EL7 support15:50
chmouelEmilienM: should be good
chmoueli think i need to rename it and upload it to infra15:52
chmouelmordred: how can I upload an image to infra/ namespace in docker?15:52
EmilienMchmouel: yeah I was about +2 your patch on puppet, but I think we should use infra/ namespace15:55
chmouelit doesn't matter much to be honest, we can have a puppet-openstack repo as well where we have all the puppet docker base images in there15:56
chmoueland be independent of infra/15:56
EmilienMchmouel: I don't mind, really. I +2 it15:59
chmouellet's see how it goes it's not really hard to move those images16:00
chmouelbut i'll definiivey rename it before16:00
EmilienMchmouel: so let's start by having this patch for this module. Then patch dox (if needed?) and then patch infra to run unit tests with dox. What do you think?16:04
chmouelEmilienM: i'd like that we have some proper use case advantages16:05
chmouelEmilienM: currently we just run dox like tox would do in a virtualenv16:05
chmouelEmilienM: it's nice cause it's contained but nothing that would push grand adoption16:05
chmouelEmilienM: i think we should work on getting the functional tests properly working16:06
chmouelEmilienM: so that would make a good showcase16:06
chmouelcause to have docker installed on the infra i don't know (or think) it's trivial16:06
chmoueland involve some work from the infra folks16:06
EmilienMchmouel: dox is not yet used? (dummy question btw)16:06
chmouelEmilienM: it's in active development :)16:07
chmouelEmilienM: it's not even release on pypi yet16:07
EmilienMchmouel: I mean, openstcak gate is using it somewhere?16:07
EmilienMjust to know16:08
chmouelEmilienM: no not yet,16:08
chmouelEmilienM: there is some things to figure out still i think before we can make ready for consumtption16:08
chmoueli was hoping to use the puppet modules to have showcase it16:08
EmilienMchmouel: I would be very happy to see this happen asap16:11
chmouelEmilienM: cool so now let's talk about the functional test,16:38
chmouelEmilienM: when you say functional test you mean again a devstack?16:39
chmouelEmilienM: i am sure we had that discussion somewhere, prob better by hangout16:39
EmilienMchmouel: I was afk to grab a lunch16:41
EmilienMchmouel: can it wait 15min, the time I eat my food?16:41
chmouelEmilienM: sure16:42
EmilienMchmouel: thanks. I'm back in a few.16:42
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EmilienMchmouel: back17:23
chmouelEmilienM: hod on17:26
chmouelEmilienM: woo woo i got keystone, mysql running from devstack in intra container17:51
chmouelnow to clean up the patches17:51
chmouelbut go home fist ;)17:51
EmilienMchmouel: enjoy your evening, and good jobs.17:51
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