Tuesday, 2020-06-02

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gfidenteildikov if we can have the rgw/edge discussion at 14utc we can have Christian to join us12:37
gfidenteso he can explain the proxy with affinity scenario he commented about in the etherpad12:37
ildikovgfidente: sure, we can try to balance out the agenda12:38
gfidenteok I'll be around before then12:38
gfidenteildikov thanks12:38
ildikovgfidente: sounds good, thanks12:39
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fultonjdpaterson: swift or rgw14:08
fultonjdpaterson: rbd is working14:09
fultonjdpaterson: on edge14:09
fultonjdpaterson: the question is, do we want to add object storage14:09
fultonjyes we could use rgw14:09
dpatersonIt is isolated to that edge site correct?14:09
fultonjdpaterson: yes14:10
dpatersonThanks John14:10
dpatersonCan RGW instance running at an edge site transparently acquire object from central rgw instance?14:28
dpatersonthat would be a good feature, federated rgws or something like that14:29
fultonjdpaterson: yes, i think that's the idea14:30
fultonjdpaterson: i'm trying to get a sense of what people would do with that14:30
fultonjdpaterson: i consider multiple cephs w/ rbd at the edge pretty much solved https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/tripleo-docs/latest/features/distributed_multibackend_storage.html14:31
fultonji'm curious though.. if we add rgw... would people find it useful14:31
dpatersonsounds useful to me14:32
dpatersonyou basically get cdn without need for third party reverse proxy etc14:32
fultonjdpaterson: ok, thanks14:41
gfidentefultonj dpaterson though caching for read-only with swift central sounds promising15:00
gfidentefultonj dpaterson I am thinking rgw might be beneficial when you have write-many15:02
gfidentevs read-many15:02
dpatersonIt does15:09
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