Friday, 2014-01-03

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openstackgerritDennyZhang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix get_column_num problem in heat-keystone-setup
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-heatclient: Fixed typo error OS_IMAGE_URL
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/python-heatclient: Wrapped some long lines
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fixes typo of explanation on
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openstackgerritDennyZhang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Improve tools/uninstall-heat
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sdakestevebaker are you out of the office or in the office today?03:17
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fixes missing "_" on msg_fmt
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: update rackspace
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Add new Ceilometer combination alarm resource
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openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Removed unused variables
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: I18N support for InvalidContentType exception
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Sort the output of config/ by group name
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Alienyyg__shardy: hi08:06
Alienyyg__Hi guys, I  meet an authenitcation  error while doing autoscaing with aws resources: the cloudwatch seems ok ,but an authentication errors appear in heat-api, and after I stress the instance, no more instance appears, the heat-engine.log :
Alienyyg__ the heat-api.log :
shardy"AWS authentication failure"08:16
shardyThere is something wrong with the signed URL you're using08:16
shardyAre you using cfn-signal in-instance, ceilometer signals, or a curl call?08:17
Alienyyg__shardy: cfn-push-stats08:18
shardyAlienyyg__: And you've created the user/accesskey as here?08:19
Alienyyg__shardy: yes08:20
Alienyyg__shardy: I followed this example08:20
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Alienyyg__shardy: but when I create the stack ,the first webserver is correct, then the second failed because of the webserverkey? what is the diffirence between the first one and the second one?08:24
shardyAlienyyg__: This seems to be another manifestation of the issue you reported under rhbz #104731608:25
shardyIt's not failing to validate the signature, keystone is just denying the request08:25
Alienyyg__sharyd: in that bug,I use neutron network08:27
Alienyyg__shardy: I use nova network herer08:27
shardyAlienyyg__: I don't think that's relevant, in both cases the ec2tokens validation is failing with denied08:27
Alienyyg__shardy:maybe some config error in keystone?08:29
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shardyAlienyyg__: Possibly, is there anything in the keystone log indicating errors?08:31
Alienyyg__shardy: I just turn it to debug level, and will take me some time to get the log information08:32
therveGood morning!08:33
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shardyHi therve08:34
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openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: Replace try...except...pass block with assertRaises
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alienyyg1shardy: the keystone.log
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therveI have a problem creating a AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer resource when I have several networks09:05
therveNova complains that I need to specify the network ID, but I don't seem to have the possibility?09:06
alienyyg1therve: It seem impossible to assign a network ID to loadbalancer.09:06
therveIt sounds problematic :/09:06
shardytherve: Can you use the neutron loadbalaner resource instead?09:07
therveshardy, I don't have it deployed in this environment yet...09:08
therveBut I have have to09:08
therveI may have to09:09
shardyObviously we're constrained by the AWS properties for the cfn compatible resources09:09
shardyI'd like to see all of them replaced with provider templates over time09:09
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add migration method to test sqldump files
openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Test db migration 31
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asalkeld_anyone keen to review:
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shardyasalkeld_: looking09:39
asalkeld_shardy, to me a question is whether to hash the plugin code or use the new version09:40
shardyasalkeld_: One interesting side effect of this is it will make testing handle_update, or retrying failed updates (in development where you're changing the code between attempts) kinda interesting ;)09:42
shardyMaybe should be a config option to disable it09:42
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asalkeld_well shardy we could use the version for that09:43
asalkeld_that's why the question of hash/version09:43
asalkeld_but it's progress, don't be nervous ;)09:44
shardyYeah, I'm not that keen on the hash tbh - I'm thinking it will also hit users after a heat upgrade, the next update blows away nearly every resource in their stacks, cos we've changed stuff ;)09:44
asalkeld_not yaco (yet another config option)09:44
asalkeld_well the update should be a no-op09:45
asalkeld_if values have not actually changed09:46
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asalkeld_only if the plugin sucks09:46
shardyEven if the signature has changed?09:46
asalkeld_and doesn't have a update09:46
* shardy looks at the patch more closely..09:46
asalkeld_sure it will run update09:46
asalkeld_shardy, there is a major and minor "version"09:47
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asalkeld_so impl. signature == replace09:47
asalkeld_sorry, major version change == replace09:48
asalkeld_for a plugin the class name has to change before a replace happens09:49
shardyasalkeld_: I'm not sure that's what users will want - they want to update the definition of their stack, and if we then replace stuff they haven't changed, it could get really confusing09:49
asalkeld_but if the code changes then it is just an update09:49
shardyOk, so if the code changes, we don't replace the resource?09:50
asalkeld_shardy, correct09:50
shardyMaybe a wiki page with a few worked examples would help, to illustrate the use-cases09:50
asalkeld_the main use case is for template resource09:51
asalkeld_the plugin stuff shouldn't change much09:51
asalkeld_the use case is in the commit message09:51
shardyYeah I just don't get how that relates to hashing the python plugins - seems like we should only be comparing the templates of the before/after provider templates09:52
shardymaybe I just need more coffee :)09:52
asalkeld_I made it generic09:52
asalkeld_(on your request)09:53
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asalkeld_lol shardy read your own review a month ago09:53
shardyHaha, yeah, it's been a while, sorry ;)09:54
asalkeld_"I have a question re the scope of this change - I'd like to understand why we can't have a hash signature for all resources, as provided we can figure out the right stuff to hash, this seems more widely useful than just for template_resources?"09:54
asalkeld_I think it is ok as-is (my only qu. is hash/static version)09:55
shardySo my original comment was about hashing the template snippet, not the plugin implementation09:56
* asalkeld_ thinks it's improved09:58
shardyif prev_class != cur_class09:59
shardyWon't that replace the resource every time the signature changes?09:59
asalkeld_no, it's just the name10:00
asalkeld_it returns (class name, hash)10:00
asalkeld_for a template resource it returns (schema hash, template hash)10:01
shardyAha.  Maybe some variable renaming could make that a bit clearer10:01
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shardyasalkeld_: If we rename plugins due to migrating to provider templates (like OS::Heat::CWLiteAlarm) will they all get replaced on the next update?10:22
asalkeld_yip, and you would want that10:22
shardywell you'd only really want it if the new resource implementation was a provider template, not if we'd just renamed the old plugin?10:23
asalkeld_difficult knowing that (besides hashing the code)10:25
asalkeld_but shardy that is not a common thing10:25
shardyYeah, just trying to figure out the path-of-least-surprises for users, I guess we can document it10:25
asalkeld_and also knowing when we do/don't what a replace10:25
shardyasalkeld_: well it could be if we decide to reimplement all the CFN compatible resources as provider templates10:26
asalkeld_I think that patch improves what we haev10:26
shardybut I guess we'd just have to document it as part of the release notes10:26
shardyasalkeld_: Sure, it definitely gives us more information at update time10:26
shardyasalkeld_: Couple of minor comments but OK otherwise10:28
asalkeld_cool, thx shardy10:28
asalkeld_I know it looks scary10:29
asalkeld_but I think it's quite neat10:29
shardyYeah, I just wanted to discuss it, so we can be clear what the user impact is, I like the general idea10:29
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alienyyg1shardy: did you get something from that log information?10:38
shardyalienyyg1: "Authorization failed. EC2 signature not supplied."10:40
shardyalienyyg1: Can you please confirm the version of python-boto and heat-cfntools in the instance?10:41
shardyalienyyg1: and the version of python-keystoneclient on the box running keystone10:41
alienyyg1boto (2.5.2)10:42
alienyyg1heat-cfntools (1.2.3)10:42
alienyyg1shardy: It is the heat-engine tell keystone that a new isntance need to be lanuched, so why the boto adn cfntools in the instance?10:49
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shardyalienyyg1: see slide 510:52
shardyYou have errors from the waitcondition notification in api-cfn.log, you also need to check for similar errors in api-cloudwatch.log10:53
shardybut the issue appears to be the requets don't contain the correct signature10:53
shardywhich is created either by heat-engine (pre-signed URL, for wait conditions)10:53
shardyor by boto (for stats sent via cfn-push-stats)10:54
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alienyyg1shardy: It maybe  something wrong with boto,because there is no /etc/boto.cfg file (or ~/.boto) is found, and it( says I can get the AWS key via keystone ec2-credentials-list, but it returns nothing, is this because I create the AWS key via heat ??12:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: "mountpoint" should not be required parameter
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shardyalienyyg1: Yes heat creates the credentials for you, owned by a new keystone user (do keystone user-list to see them)13:25
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shardyalienyyg1: we then deploy a heat boto config to /var/lib/heat-cfntools/cfn-boto-cfg13:27
openstackgerritSimon Pasquier proposed a change to openstack/heat-cfntools: cfn-signal provides a unique default id
shardyAnd the credentials should be set in the template in /etc/cfn/cfn-credentials13:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: EventService exception handling to not log errors
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openstackgerritSimon Pasquier proposed a change to openstack/heat-templates: Fix MultiNode_DevStack template
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openstackgerritVijendar Komalla proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add _() to rackspace resource strings
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove X-Auth-Url header from authtoken middleware
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openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Refactor Instance#_check_active
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openstackgerritDennyZhang proposed a change to openstack/heat: Improve tools/uninstall-heat
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Check resources are in expected states
openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add way to group exceptions in DependencyTaskGroup
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pafuentHi everyone. Can somebody take a look at these patches?17:01
shardypafuent: will do17:03
pafuentshardy: Thanks17:03
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jasond`if someone can look at i'd appreciate it17:04
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shardyjasond`: Sorry I had a quick look yesterday after you asked, I'll try to take a closer look later17:05
jasond`shardy: thanks17:05
jasond`one thing i don't fully understand is when the context switching happens in the service.Service greenthreads17:06
shardyNobody does because it's eventlet17:07
jasond`uh oh :)17:07
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make LoadBalancer nested stack template configurable
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make LoadBalancer nested stack template configurable
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Document Heat terms in glossary.rst
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add documentation for multi-engine
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix schema format in template generation unit tests
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Use the new Schema class for template generation
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Correct use of Fn::Split in generated provider templates
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Generate provider templates with Boolean params correctly
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Include a format version in generated templates
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Check resources are in expected states
openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add way to group exceptions in DependencyTaskGroup
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Server to new Schema format
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Unscoped List Stacks
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed a change to openstack/heat: Convert Server to new Schema format
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pscheieIf I want to have multiple instances of a resource (a VM), is that just a matter of having a Count parameter in the Properties for the resource?21:42
zanebpscheie: no21:42
zanebpscheie: for VMs, you can use a ScalingGroup resource to accomplish what you want21:43
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pscheiezaneb, is that the same thing as autoscaling?21:44
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yogeshis there a way to add a lag/wait within the template so that the resource creation is sparsed....i am facing a nova over rate issue and thinking of this as one of the solutions...21:58
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zanebpscheie: it's autoscaling without the auto part22:29
zanebyogesh: I can't actually think of a way to do that :(22:30
yogeshzaneb: i was reading about the waitcondition22:31
jasond`yogesh: you could do explicit dependencies so they all create sequentially22:31
zanebyeah, but I don't think that's what you want22:31
yogeshneed to explore more, was curious about more ways than waitcondition or dependson22:31
zanebyeah, I was about to suggest what jasond` said22:32
zanebso make one server depend on another22:32
yogeshit is not about servers...22:32
zanebthen you won't hit the nova api again until after the first is built22:32
yogeshi have to add multiple security rules...22:32
yogeshand all of them are within the same security group...22:32
yogeshwhich makes my nova over rate ruptured...22:33
yogeshone of the ways is definitely to have multiple security groups...and distribute rules amongst them...22:33
zanebwaitconditions won't help you, because when they time out they cause your whole stack to fail22:34
yogeshwith 'dependson'22:34
yogeshbut didn't find it too elegant22:34
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zanebyogesh: that sounds like a good idea under the circumstances22:34
yogeshyeah, a good hack... :-)22:34
jasond`i was thinking about putting in a patch for the way polling happens during resource creation22:35
zanebwill just adding dependencies between the rules (even within one security group) not help? I suspect not, but worth a try22:35
yogeshit won't actually22:35
jasond`to make it non-linear, so the longer it takes, the longer the poll interval will be22:35
yogeshcoz the rate limit will still exceeed until and unless there is an explicit wait22:36
jasond`zaneb: does that sound like a bug report or a BP?22:36
zanebjasond`: ah, my least favourite question ;) Yes. Yes it does.22:37
jasond`depends on how close we are to freeze, right?22:37
zaneblol, exactly22:38
zanebI guess that makes it a bp then ;)22:39
lifelessjasond`: I'd much rather you fix the resources you're creating to callback on completion / failure, so we don't need to poll at all22:41
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jasond`lifeless: not sure i understand.  we're polling (nova, for example) to see when the resource creation is complete22:44
jasond`is there a way to tell nova to tell us when it's done?22:44
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yogeshjasond`: is it related to my question...if yes, how is it going to help...22:49
yogeshsorry, for being lame...22:49
lifelessjasond`: there isn't, but if there was, heat and nova would both spend less wasted effort handling polling.22:49
lifelessjasond`: so the obvious thing to do is to fix nova :)22:49
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zanebjasond`, lifeless: actually there is, nova has some sort of notification thingy22:50
zanebor so I am told22:50
jasond`yogesh: yes.  your rate limiting is probably N requests/minute,  so dynamically increasing the polling interval would definitely affect that22:51 it22:51
jasond`zaneb: i will have to research that22:52
zanebask shardy about it, I think that's who I heard it from22:52
jasond`zaneb: will do.  thanks22:52
zanebI doubt that in yogesh's case we are polling security group rules. those are more of a one-shot thing anyway22:53
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yogeshzaneb: yeah, point...22:54
yogeshsecurity rules are not separate resources22:54
* zaneb looks at the code22:55
zanebdidn't realise a rule was not a separate resource type22:56
zanebso we're actually creating them all in a tight loop :(22:57
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zanebso maybe we need to split that up into batches22:59
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zanebyogesh: can you file a bug?22:59
lifelesszaneb: even more reason to use it23:06
zaneb+1, I'd love to get rid of polling23:06
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sjmci folks. i'm trying to pass an existing auth token to heat (rather than a username/password) but getting a 401 even though the token's valid23:10
sjmcare there any settings i should be looking at? i've been digging around but i haven't found any evidence the token's getting used23:11
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sjmchey yogesh23:28
yogeshplease check that the admin credentials configured in the heat configuration are configured right23:28
yogeshthis is 123:29
sjmci'm not running as an admin23:29
yogeshthere are couple other things..23:29
sjmcso if that's necessary, that might be it23:29
yogeshthat is it...23:29
sjmcbut i can make requests using a username/password23:29
yogeshare u communicating with keystone in insecure mode?23:31
yogeshor do u have a certificate configured?23:32
sjmcno cert23:32
yogeshis insecure flag set for keystone?23:33
yogeshin your heat configuration?23:33
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sjmcmy setup, for some background, is that i'm running heat as an ordinary tenant on a cloud on which i don't have admin privileges23:34
yogeshunder [keystone_authtoken] and [clients_keystone] sections23:34
yogeshset insecure =true23:35
sjmci know there are some things i can't do (like creating wait conditions), but are there other limitations i'm likely to run into?23:36
yogeshso, if the user you have configrued as admin on heat, doesn't have admin privileges on won't work23:36
yogeshbecause the auth token u r passing...needs to be confirmed from keystone for validity23:36
yogeshand only the admin roile has the privilege to confirm the validity of another token23:37
sjmcand that requires admin? ok, my misunderstanding23:37
yogeshonce u fix this u'll get into the insecure related issues...23:38
sjmcyeah.. so is it impractical to use heat at all like this?23:38
yogeshfor them, u need to set insecure flag under [keystone_authtoken] and [clients_keystone] sections23:38
yogeshwehre are u running it...?23:39
yogeshu can run it in devstack...23:39
sjmcjust experimenting with it for now23:39
yogeshto get some control..23:39
yogeshi would say...23:39
yogeshtry using heat in conjunction with devstack23:39
yogeshu'll have some control from the openstack perspective23:41
sjmcyeah, that won't help longer term though23:41
sjmcok, maybe i need to rethink23:41
yogeshthere is a next step... :-)23:41
yogeshtehn u can try heat standalone:
sjmcthat's essentially what i have23:42
yogeshyeah but since u dont have control on teh openstack on your cloud..23:42
yogesh.u need a devstack to see things happening23:42
sjmci've been able to provision stuff23:42
yogeshusing username, password?23:43
sjmclike i said, username and password works23:43
yogeshso standalone, anyways u have it working23:43
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sjmcdoes the engine try to authenticate in the same way? i.e. if i wasn't going through heat-api would the same problem crop up?23:47
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