Monday, 2014-01-13

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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Add `update_type` as parameter to stack-update
openstackgerritJun Jie Nan proposed a change to openstack/heat: RPC service for software config/deployment
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openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove X-Auth-Url header from authtoken middleware
openstackgerritAnderson Mesquita proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove X-Auth-Url header from authtoken middleware
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed a change to openstack/heat: Let Integer property convert strings to numbers
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mkollaro do I have this right?14:29
mkollarobecause once I added it, I can't even ping to the floating IP14:29
mkollarowithout it, the floating IP is pingable14:29
mkollaro(once I added the user_data)14:30
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shardyHi sdake14:48
shardymkollaro: You can't specify cloud-config in the userdata like that unless you specify user_data_format=RAW14:48
mkollaroshardy: thanks :)14:48
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shardymkollaro: by default the userdata is handled by a custome part-handler, which means you can only specify a simple script, unles you select RAW14:49
mkollaroERROR: Unknown Property user_data_format14:50
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shardymkollaro: what version of Heat are you using?14:50
mkollaroI will have to figure out some other way to set cloud init14:50
mkollaroshardy: my client is 0.2.614:50
shardymkollaro: No I meant what version of heat-engine14:51
mkollaroshardy: how do I get that?14:51
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shardymkollaro: how did you install heat?14:51
mkollaroshardy: I didn't install it, it's a production system14:51
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mkollaroshardy: I only know it's havana14:51
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shardymkollaro: Hmm, yeah it looks like that feature landed in early icehouse14:53
shardymkollaro: You should be able to log in to the VM using the user created by heat (specified by instance_user in your heat.conf)14:53
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shardybut you have a network issue meaning cloud-init is not getting the required data from the nova metadata service14:54
mkollaroyeah, probably14:54
shardyso modifying what goes into the userdata is unlikely to make any difference, unfortunately14:55
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radixgood morning15:02
shardyHi radix15:02
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mkollaroin what kind of state is this now?
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mkollaroerr, bad link15:56
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shardymkollaro: in-progress, right now you have to use either heat-cfntools bootstrapped via cloud-init, or some other tool bootstrapped via the user data script15:59
mkollarooh well15:59
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sdakeshardy was that bug with rhel6 + qpid a "notabug"16:14
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed a change to openstack/heat: Let Integer property convert strings to numbers
shardysdake: I believe so, yes, but I've not currently got a functional install on RHEL to test16:23
shardylemme see if I can get it running again quickly16:23
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mkollarois there some way to reference the name of the stack in the template? I want the VMs to have the same name as the stack (plus numbers as suffixes)16:25
thervemkollaro, Yeah you can use AWS::StackName16:25
mkollarotherve: cool16:26
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mkollarois there somewhere the cnf version of this?
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mkollaroor, does it make sense to use that hot template on a production system with havana? I got it to work, but I'm afraid I'll run into problems soon17:12
mkollaro(there should be a big warning in that folder that the hot format is still work in progress...)17:12
shardymkollaro: If you want to convert that the the CFN format, it should be possible with a small amount of sedding - the hot syntax for Havana was mostly a cosmetic change17:15
shardyE.g check out the yaml rendered CFN templates in heat-templates:17:16
mkollaroshardy: thanks :)17:16
shardyThe resource interfaces are the same, so mostly it's sedding the format and uppercasing the section delimiters17:16
openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed a change to openstack/heat: Let Integer property convert strings to numbers
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radixstevebaker: have you had a chance to look at the BPs I posted? do you want to chat about them?17:21
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mkollaroshardy: is it required that the resources and variables are uppercase?17:31
mkollaroI'm just getting "ERROR: Template not in valid format", without no explanation...great17:31
shardyIf you do heat --debug stack-create -f foo.yaml does it not give you any reason?17:32
shardyAnd yes, the section keys are case sensitive17:32
mkollaroshardy: no, not really17:35
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tspatzierzaneb, you're there?17:57
zanebtspatzier: hi17:57
tspatzierzaneb, I am mostly done with the param schema patch rework. Could avoid much of the back and forth translation now. One thing is still open ...17:58
zanebexcellent :)17:58
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tspatzierthe template validate output still looks different since the output is a dict of the new schema objects17:59
zanebhas tims's patch merged yet?18:00
* zaneb goes to check18:00
tspatzierI was thinking of moving the template_output_format func wich is currently a lambda func into the schema class18:00
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zanebtspatzier: IMO it should move into the heat.engine.api module18:01
tspatzierzaneb, that is Tim's patch?18:02
zanebthat's where we have translated stuff from the internal representation into the format defined for the RPC API18:02
zanebtspatzier: no, tims's patch just modifies changes the lambda to be a fully fledged function. It doesn't move it, but I think that is the next step18:03
zaneb (it's still work-in-progress btw)18:03
tspatzierI see18:04
zanebso the theory is that you'll be able to look at heat.engine.api and see what the output format of the RPC API is18:05
zaneband it won't change when an internal representation changes18:05
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tspatzierYes, that would be best.18:05
zanebif you look at that file, we already did it for a bunch of things, but for parameters we have been lazy up to this point ;)18:06
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zanebI believe the dictionary keys are already defined in heat.rpc.api18:07
tspatzierThe question is what I do in my current patch set. In my current context, moving the function to the Schema class seemed most appropriate. But the API brings in a new point ...18:08
zanebtspatzier: perhaps if/when we add a new validate call that handles more sophisticated constraints, we will do it in the same way as the properties schema (i.e. convert the Schema object to a dict)18:11
zanebbut for maintaining compatibility with the existing RPC API, I think a format_*() function in heat.engine.api is a good way to go18:12
tspatzierFor now to be CFN backward compatible, I would have to convert constraints like Length(min = 4, max = 8) to 'MinLength': 4, 'MaxLength': 8 etc18:13
zanebyes, sadly18:14
zanebI don't think we can break that API, but I don't think that is our long-term API either. We will replace/augment it with something that better fits HOT18:15
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tspatzierSo question is, whether I introduce some translation function in the API as a follow-up patch, do it in the same patch, or ...18:16
tspatzierlet Tim do it, merge his change and add my stuff18:16
zanebI think do it in the same patch, because otherwise the API will be broken in the meantime18:17
tspatzierDoing it myself as a follow-up patch, the first patch would break backward compatibility until the 2nd patch gets merged18:17
zanebTim's patch is still W-I-P, so I think just go ahead but add a comment on it so that he knows about it18:18
tspatzierOk, so I will give it a try. Tim's current change should be an easy port aftewards.18:18
zanebhis change is fairly minor, so I don't think it will be hard for him to rebase18:18
zanebyeah, most of his work will for that will be in writing unit tests, which won't be affected18:19
tspatzierMaybe I'll submit my changes so far as a WIP review so you can have a look at the current state ... in case you have time to look at it18:19
zanebsounds good, I will definitely try to look at it today18:19
tspatzierNot sure if I can do it today. Have to do some cleanup. At the latest tomorrow morning my time.18:20
zanebor whenever you post it, just realised it is already late there18:20
zanebsounds good, thanks!18:22
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mkollarohow do I get the stack name again? therve said something about AWS::StackName, but I'm not sure how to use that18:29
mkollaroI want to give the VMs names stackname-1, stackname-2, etc18:29
shardymkollaro: AWS::StackName18:29
shardygrep heat-templates for examples, it's an intrinsic function18:29
shardyAlthough by the looks of it one we've not documented yet..18:30
mkollarooh, apostrophes...18:31
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add stack id and resource id in logs
openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add stack id and resource id in logs
openstackgerritThomas Spatzier proposed a change to openstack/heat: Refactor Parameters Schema based on common Schema
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tspatzierzaneb, I did some cleanup and submitted the WIP review. Will work on the remaining stuff tomorrow.18:53
zanebtspatzier: awesome, thanks! I will look at it right now18:54
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stevebakerradix: the bps look good. Is the intent for the intermediate resources to fully resemble the full API resources?19:05
radixstevebaker: yep19:06
radixI'm still not so sure on their feasibility. it was zane's idea, and I think it's a good one, but doing stuff like the webhook support may be annoying19:07
radixso I would leave a little bit of wiggle room for that19:07
stevebakerradix: I've approved them all. Could you go through and set some finger-in-air Milestone Targets?19:08
radixstevebaker: yep! thanks19:08
zanebit was actually shardy's idea19:08
* zaneb runs away19:08
* shardy denies all knowledge ;)19:09
radixheh heh19:09
radixis there a milestone that represents icehouse RC?19:11
stevebakerunfortunately i-3 is the last milestone for features19:12
stevebaker... no pressure19:12
radixok :)19:12
zaneb-3 is feature freeze, then bug fixes only until -rc, then critical bug fixes only until release19:13
zanebI think that's how it works19:13
stevebakerbut it has been known for features to land after i-3, we just have to apply for an exception19:14
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zanebthat's true, but it had better be no more than 1-2 days after i-319:15
zanebwe bumped a significant autoscaling feature from h-3 because it was too late19:16
shardyzaneb: That was more than a few days late tho IIRC19:17
shardyand it was a complex, risky feature19:17
zanebyeah, it was a bit less than a week by the time it was ready to land iirc19:17
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shardyultimately at some point, you have to say "no" and shift to test/fix mode19:18
zaneband the world didn't end ;)19:18
zanebit's good that there's a process for when it really makes sense19:18
zanebbut it's also good to create the expectation that late features will be bumped by default19:18
* shardy -> dinner19:19
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stevebakerHey, I have a pile of heatclient changes for review,n,z19:33
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timshey zaneb, tspatzier, I just read the backscroll. I'm fine with rebasing my change after tspatzier's patch. I've been pulled off of that patch to work a few bugs but I plan on getting back to it in a day or two19:34
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zanebtims: thanks :)19:34
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Use region for cinder management uri
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sdakestevebaker is hot-software-config going to land in i3?20:10
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stevebakersdake: I'd like to think so20:12
stevebakerHere is the new poll for the alternate heat meeting time
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Refactor CLB to work with groups
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randallburtstevebaker: could you give that a peek again?20:32
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Update heat.conf.sample
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add stack id and resource id in logs
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zanebjasond: thanks for fixing that heat.conf.sample one, I just went ahead and approved it21:53
randallburtzaneb, jasond whew! thanks for that. I was going nuts trying to figure out why my patch was failing pep8 for that and I didn't add any config stuff ;)21:55
zanebyeah, that's kind of a flaw in the process that an update to the global requirements will break the gate in every project21:56
jasond`zaneb, randallburt: np21:58
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Allow an in-progress stack to be deleted
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mnaserWriting a HOT template, let's say I want to launch a cluster, I have a launchconfig and an instancegroup, but how can I then know the IPs of all nodes in the launchconfig to add them to the cluster/haproxy/etc?23:30
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