Monday, 2014-03-10

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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Delete user_creds on stack delete
sdake_stevebaker I just want to confirm that stuff that goes into master now won't end up in icehouse, correct?00:16
stevebakersdake_: it will go into icehouse, we'll be bug fixing on master until rc100:16
sdake_stevebaker one of my commits caused a regression - it was approved before I really had a chance to test it00:17
sdake_so it may make sense to revert it then?00:17
stevebakersdake_: is that the stack trace exception decorators?00:17
stevebakersdake_: did you mention there was a rpc.common conf option to flag a whole module of exceptions as being expected?00:18
sdake_stevebaker we hard-code set that in the code base00:18
sdake_but apparently it doesn't work with oslo-incubator00:18
stevebakersdake_: maybe we should do that for heat.common.exception00:18
sdake_it is already done00:19
sdake_it works for oslo.messaging00:19
sdake_but not for oslo-incubator00:19
sdake_the rpc_allowed_remote_exceptions seems nonfunctional in the sense of catching backtraces in the engine00:20
stevebakersdake_: I don't see it as a regression which requires a revert, but lets find a good fix for rc100:20
sdake_that config option goes away in oslo.messaging entirely - instead it is passed into the rpc construction00:20
stevebakersdake_: maybe we should write our own decorator which checks for any exception extending HeatException00:21
sdake_ok I'll dig into it when I have an opportunity - alot of my other stuff has slipped because of my focus on oslo.mesaging and i need to get back on track with that work00:21
sdake_I was thinking of that - do you know how to get the parent class of an object from inside the object?00:21
sdake_I looked on google - can't find answers00:21
sdake_doing that would be trivial if I actually knew how to get the parent object in python :)00:23
sdake_rather inherited object00:23
sdake_ok well I'll check back tomorrow - sunday here and trying to unplug from a long grind on oslo.messaging :)00:23
sdake_enjoy - apologies it couldn't make it00:24
sdake_cool I'll try that00:24
stevebakerwe use it all over00:24
* sdake_ a python noob00:24
stevebakerthat only leaves the software-config changes needing reviews .... ;)00:24
sdake_I'll sort out a decorator patch for that00:24
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sdake_I'll have a review tonight after dinner00:24
sdake_feeling bit sick atm, head cold + stomach thing00:25
sdake_need to hit the rack00:25
sdake_homemade chicken noodle soup ftw00:25
sdake_118 emails unread on cloud-strategy00:26
* sdake_ has a long week ahead00:26
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix InternalException raised on stack-show
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ramishrastevebaker: good morning03:28
stevebakerramishra: hi03:29
ramishrastevebaker: the network lookup by name is becoming little messy..03:31
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ramishrastevebaker: there are instance methods prepare_properties in resources like 'Router'03:32
ramishrastevebaker: I am not sure why we have the same method as static in a super class and then an instance method in subclasses... Was that intentional...Isn't it confusing..03:33
stevebakerit is a bit03:35
stevebakerramishra: although it is valid, and it works03:37
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ramishrastevebaker: sure, but it does not provide good visibility...also, there are places like RouterInterface where the validation is either subnet or port and it uses base class 'validate'03:39
ramishrastevebaker: so I can not have the subnet name/id validation in NeutronResource and assume that it would apply to all resources03:40
ramishrastevebaker: I'll have the first patch ready today.. may be then we can discuss further on what is the best approach..03:42
stevebakerramishra: the base class could have a collection of validate functions like _validate_subnet(prop_value, deprecated_prop_value)03:42
ramishrayes, that's what I have done..03:43
ramishrabut then  you have override the validate method in every class rather than using the base class validate, case in point is RouterInterface03:45
stevebakersure, that sounds fine03:45
ramishrastevebaker: My initial flow was check if network/subnet property exists  for the resource and then call these validate_* methods from NeutronResource itself..03:46
ramishrastevebaker: but that does not work for some resources:)03:47
stevebakerramishra: NeutronResource is just to hold some utility methods/functions. Don't try and be too smart, just put helper methods in NeutronResource and do the actual logic in the resource class03:48
ramishrastevebaker: yeah.. thats what I changed to.. my 2 cents... If it's just a helper, then we should not have liefcycle methods in it validate, delete_stack etc....anyway..03:52
stevebakerramishra: you may be right, but keep in mind we are in a feature freeze03:55
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ramishrastevebaker: sure... I will keep the change to minimum possible..thanx..03:56
ramishrastevebaker: was just giving my opinion.. not making those changes:)03:57
ramishrastevebaker: if you have 2 min of spare time, please review, requires one more +2 review03:59
stevebakerramishra: that code has had many hands now. I'd be happy if someone owned it and kept it clean04:00
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ramishrastevebaker: I completely agree.. If the opportunity is given to me, I would love to04:05
stevebakerramishra: this is open source, you never need to ask permission ;)04:05
ramishrastevebaker: I know:) I thought someone else (more experienced in heat) would be interested..04:08
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Resource type implementations for structured software config
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Server property for software config transport
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove signal_id from deployments API and model
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: OS::Nova::Server support for software config
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Resource type implementation for software deployment
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Allows vip from a different subnet for lbaas resource
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex
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mspreitzDoes OpenStack survive the switch from normal time to Daylight Saving Time?06:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Allow handle_signal to assert which actions are valid
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therveGood morning!08:14
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shardymorning all08:32
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SpamapSsomewhere we're doing something naughty in our schema with indexes:08:44
SpamapSdib-run-parts Fri Mar 7 02:41:25 UTC 2014 Running /opt/stack/os-config-refresh/post-configure.d/79-heat-engine08:44
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SpamapS2014-03-07 02:41:26.168 2688 WARNING heat.openstack.common.db.sqlalchemy.session [-] This application has not enabled MySQL traditional mode, which means silent data corruption may occur. Please encourage the application developers to enable this mode.08:44
SpamapS/opt/stack/venvs/heat/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/ Warning: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes08:44
SpamapScursor.execute(statement, parameters)08:44
SpamapS(that error is from heat-manage db_sync)08:45
shardySpamapS: there was a thread about it on openstack-dev - it's an oslo warning, and apparently somewhat more strongly worded that it perhaps should be08:46
SpamapSshardy: not the traditional thing08:46
SpamapSthe 767 byte thing08:46
SpamapSpasted too much08:46
shardyOh right, yeah I noticed that last week too08:46
SpamapSthe traditional thing, though, we should aim at too :)08:46
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SpamapS256 * 3 == 76708:48
SpamapS768 rather08:48
shardySpamapS: aha, well spotted :)08:49
SpamapS'crikey' ... tenant is 1024 chars in user_creds08:49
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shardySpamapS: Hmm, yeah we should fix that08:51
shardykeystone is weird as some names are varchar 64 and others are 25508:51
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SpamapSthe keystone API docs are silent on how long a tenant id could be08:52
shardyWe might be able to rework things to drop that column completely, seeing as we also store the tenant_id08:53
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Return template based class in list resource types
therveshardy, Do you have 5 mins to talk about 1286179 ?08:59
shardytherve: sure!09:00
therveshardy, So I went down the rabbit hole a bit09:00
therveshardy, The issue I want to fix now is DBInstance not appearing in the docu09:00
therveThe problem is that We create an instance of TemplateResource, not a class, ie properties_schema is generated at runtime09:01
therveWell rather at instance time09:01
therveBut the documentation, or things like resource-type-show works on the class, which is simply "TemplateResource", thus doesn't have a properties_schema/attribute_schema09:01
therveMy main idea is to change that to generate the schema at class creation time, instead of instance time09:03
therveWhich is a bit gross but maybe the less disruptive09:03
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shardytherve: Hmm.  So we can't just create a temporary instance of the TemplateResource (instantiate a disposable object, don't actually create anything) and call _generate_schema in get_types to get the schema?09:07
therveshardy, Well we would need to change the code which expects to work in a instance09:07
therveAnd it might not work, I don't know how you can create a resource without a stack09:08
shardytherve: probably you need feedback from asalkeld and zaneb, as they implemented most of the environment and schema stuff respectively09:10
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therveOkay cool09:10
shardytherve: I'll have a think but I don't really have any great suggestions atm :)09:10
shardythanks for looking into it09:11
therveYeah both solutions aren't th ebest09:11
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openstackgerritlizheming proposed a change to openstack/heat: use six.move.xrange replace xrange
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Generate template class
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: OS::Nova::Server support for software config
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Server property for software config transport
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements
thervezaneb, I'd like to talk about when you're around14:49
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zanebtherve: aside from the fact that it doesn't work, that looks fine to me ;)15:38
thervezaneb, Yeah that was just a first approach :)15:39
zanebtherve: do you know what the cause of the unit test failures is?15:39
thervezaneb, Yeah it's (mostly?) when the file is specified in template files section15:39
zanebah, ok15:39
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therveYou need to use those when creating the resource15:40
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therveI could probably just return TemplateResource when I fail to download the template15:40
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thervezaneb, But you think the overall approach makes sense?15:42
zanebjust added a comment to that effect15:42
thervezaneb, One thing maybe would be to not download the file twice15:43
therveWhich I think we'll do in the default case15:43
zanebhmm, why are we downloading at all15:43
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zanebthis is only for files that are specified in the global environment, right?15:44
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zanebwhere TemplateResources are effectively used as plugins?15:44
therveWell nothing prevents you from using http:// in the global environment, though that would be a bit dumb I guess15:44
therveBut yeah that's the main thing I want to fix for now15:45
zanebmaybe this can be the thing that prevents you from using http:// in the global environment ;)15:46
therveI think it's the same code path whether it's a local or global environment, though15:47
zanebthere is no local environment in resource-type-show though, surely?15:48
zanebonly a stack has an environment?15:48
zanebso ResourceInfo gets used for something other than resource-type-show?15:49
therveAFAIU, every time you create a Resource instance15:49
therveYou can stack.env.get_class, which will end up using ResourceInfo15:50
zanebah, ok15:50
* zaneb hasn't really looked hard enough into the environment stuff15:50
therveI can limit that particular feature to file template easily, though15:51
therveAnd fallback to the current  behavior otherwise15:51
zanebmaybe you need a BuiltInTemplateResourceInfo class for stuff from the global environment15:52
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therveI wonder how's the security for that system15:55
zanebtbh we should never load from a URL unless it's from Swift15:58
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kfox1111Is there a heat part to ?16:08
shardykfox1111: No, but we might use the nova API if it ever lands16:09
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Qiminghi, there16:10
kfox1111It looks like it was committed.16:10
Qimingneed some help diagnosing CloudConfig resource type16:10
Qimingnot sure if it is a bug or so16:10
shardykfox1111: interesting, I looked last week and saw "Delayed till Juno" in the whiteboard comments16:11
shardylooks like some movement since then, so perhaps we will integrate with the new API during Juno16:12
Qimingwhen I am adding a CloudConfig resource, no matter whether I specify 'user: ec2-user' or not, the pubkey authentication always fail.16:12
kfox1111It was granted an exception16:12
kfox1111thats unfortunate. :(16:13
shardykfox1111: what is unforunate?16:13
kfox1111How easy would it be to write a patch that just set the flag on boot, like it requires?16:13
therveQiming, What's a CloudConfig resource?16:13
kfox1111unfortunate that icehouse heat won't be able to use the feature.16:13
kfox1111I've been trying to get my heat templates to do that since grizzly.16:14
Qimingtype: OS::Heat::CloudConfig16:14
therveYou're living on the edge :)16:14
Qimingyup, could not agree more16:15
shardykfox1111: well that feature was first discussed a long time ago and has been surrounded by considerable uncertainty so I don't see how we can be expected to integrate with uncertain stuff that lands unexpectedly during feature freeze :\16:15
shardywe'll always be playing catch-up with new features16:15
shardykfox1111: can you clarify your requirement and why it needs that feature?16:16
therveQiming, Well there is no example and I have no idea how it works. Can you share your template?16:16
kfox1111shardy: Yeah. I know. I think maybe heat should use what political powers it has to try and ensure the other api producing parties think of the heat ramifications when adding new features.16:16
Qimingtherve, yes, but how?16:16
shardykfox1111: lol16:16
therveQiming, paste.openstack.org16:16
kfox1111shardy: I'm producing a sharded mongodb cluster. For fault talerence, the nodes should be on different physical hosts if possible. GroupAntiAffinity is then needed to spread out the cluster.16:17
kfox1111shardy: Yeah, I know. ;)16:17
thervekfox1111, Open a bug, post a patch, and ask for a FFE16:18
therveI'd be surprised if it's accepted, but at least there will be progress16:18
Qimingtherve, pretty simple one, based on a template from heat-templates16:18
kfox1111therve: I would if the OpenStack foundation would let me contribute code. :/16:18
thervekfox1111, It let me, it would probably let you16:19
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therveQiming, So it doesn't seem to have much to do with the config? It doesn't understand your key_name apparently?16:19
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Qimingtherve, well ... if I am not using CloudConfig, it works fine.  It has nothing to do with the key I think16:20
therveAh, ok16:21
kfox1111therve: I've been trying to get through legal for 5 months to contribute a sort comparator function. :/ everyone's too afraid of pattents. :/16:22
therveQiming, Mokay. I don't know why the two would interfere16:24
kfox1111wait a second... it looks like they are reusing the 'group' schedular hint....16:25
Qimingtherve, another related problem I found may help understand the situation16:25
kfox1111I won't be able to create the schedular group with heat, but I should be able to set the hint in the stacks.16:25
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Qimingsince I don't have any way to log into the instance now, I rebuilt the image by manually creating an account with password in it16:26
kfox1111The schedular group should then be a resource that I can add as a stand alone file. Nice.16:26
therveQiming, You could change the cloud config to add an additional ssh key16:26
kfox1111I really don't like how they are redefining the 'group' schedular hint with each release though...16:26
Qimingafter booting the instance, I cannot ssh into it, because ssh won't accept password authentication16:27
QimingI am suspecting that cloud config data was not consumed correctly inside the VM ...16:27
Qimingin heat/cloudinit/config, there is a line: user: @INSTANCE_USER@16:28
Qimingit will be translated to something like 'ec2-user', but 'ec2-user' is not working here, unless I delete the CloudConfig resource16:29
Qimingokay, got it16:29
therveAh yes,16:29
Qimingproblem solved16:30
thervethat's because you say RAW16:30
QimingIn the template I pasted, I should specify this:  user_data_format: HEAT_CFNTOOLS16:30
Qimingyou are correct, therve16:31
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Qimingit works now16:31
therveQiming, You can also include the user in your own config file, I think16:31
Qimingnow I can do it, :-)16:31
Qimingit also means the template steveb committed need to be fixed:
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openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS:Barbican:Secret resource
sdakeshardy around?16:44
shardysdake: yup16:45
sdakeshardy re it was totally not m intention to mislead or tr to slip something past the core reviewers16:45
Qiminghi, therve, now if I'm using HEAT_CFNTOOLS as user_data_format, the CloudConfig resource is not doing what it supposed to do ... i.e. write_files in this case16:45
sdakeI can see how it could have come across that way and I'm sorry about that16:45
therveQiming, Yeah that's somewhat what I expected16:45
therveQiming, Try putting the "user:" section in your config, and use RAW16:46
shardysdake: No worries I get that, it's just that it could be really confusing in the future, particularly when someone does a non-hack sync and blows away all your changes ;)16:46
sdakehere is aciton plan16:46
Qimingtherve, that's something I tried, and no luck16:46
sdakesomeone from oslo-incubator is going to fix that bug16:46
sdakeuntil then, oslo.messaging will be blocked16:46
sdakei'll continue to work on the patch stream, but it iwll miss ffe16:47
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shardysdake: Ok, sounds good16:47
sdakei'm doubtful they would take my rewrite16:47
sdakeeven though its tidier ;:)16:47
shardytbh I was getting worried about such a big change landing right before RC anyway16:47
sdakeme too shardy16:48
sdakealthough i am confident in the code16:48
therveSo what's going on? Is config generation broken when you're using oslo.messaging?16:48
sdakeconfig generation is broken in oslo-incubator for heat16:48
sdakeeg, if ou sync oslo-incubator config, config generation no longer works16:49
sdakewith or without oslo messaging16:49
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thervesdake: Let's not sync then? :)16:50
sdaketherve and
sdakeoslo.messaging requires a sync16:51
sdakechicken vs egg :)16:51
therveAh, okay16:51
zanebsdake: has somebody from oslo agreed to take on that bug?16:51
sdakezaneb apparently Im assigned to it, but  imo I'm the wrong cat to fix it16:51
* zaneb was thinking of investigating it16:51
sdakeI have asked flavio if he can get it assigned to someone16:51
sdakebut that isn't going to happen in time for ffe16:52
zanebyeah, agreed16:52
sdakewe didn't reall llearn about the problem until reviews on march 4th16:52
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sdakezaneb if you want to tackle it that is great16:52
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sdakethe only way I knew how to fix it was rewrite it16:52
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sdakeI spent 8 hours on looking at it16:52
sdakebut tbh it wasn't my top prioirty and I don't toaloy understand how the code works currently16:53
zanebok, I will take a look and see if it's something I have time to finish16:53
sdakeit guesses group names from the options16:53
sdakerather then knowing options belong to a group16:53
sdakemy patch chnages it to know options come form a group16:53
sdakebut changes all the damn ordering and the comments about where stuff comes from16:53
sdakeit guesses wrong if the same option name is used in multiple gorups16:54
sdakethis is the core of the problem16:54
sdakeI think a surgical fix would be better, but I don't know how to do that:(16:55
sdakesomeone really needs to just bite the bulle tand accept the config generator needs to be written properly :)16:55
Qimingone IRC question, how do I clean the screen?16:55
sdakebut I am probably not the cat to do that :(16:55
sdakeqiming your quesiton has many possible answers depending on context :)16:56
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Qimingsdake, I mean clean the web chat IRC window, not screen in devstack, :)16:58
sdakeno idea if there is a way to do that - try google imo :) probablly depnds on your client16:58
Qiminglearning my lesson now16:59
QimingI'm using goggle chrome as the client16:59
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openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Include environment resource in documentation
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Generate local TemplateResource class
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openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS:Barbican:Secret resource
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SpamapSrandallburt: here?18:28
randallburtSpamapS:  yup18:28
SpamapSrandallburt: so there is a blueprint..18:28
SpamapSrandallburt: but it the agreed upon solution would be entirely too intrusive for this stage of icehouse..18:28
randallburtSpamapS:  a secret one? ;)18:28
randallburtSpamapS:  oh, ok. I just lacked context. Thanks!18:29
randallburtSpamapS:  Oh, ok. *that* sort of journal.18:29
SpamapSrandallburt: right, so this just journals in-progress actions18:29
randallburtSpamapS:  I was thinking something that the stack could record its most secret thoughts and feelings.18:29
SpamapSrandallburt: which allows replaying the journal for resuming18:29
randallburtSpamapS:  k, makes more sense now. Thanks!18:30
SpamapSDear backing database store..18:30
SpamapSToday rackspace deployed me.18:30
SpamapSI tried so hard to start servers.18:30
randallburt… and the downstream nova service failed. Agan...18:30
SpamapSBut their SSH was not very available, so I just whined in my logs instead.18:30
randallburtSpamapS:  its as if you know, you know? :D18:30
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SpamapSmaybe :)18:31
SpamapSrandallburt: anyway, I'm hoping to get back to it later today and to have it just save a record of all of the resources it has already updated...18:31
SpamapSrandallburt: then when update comes along it will skip those resources.18:32
randallburtSpamapS:  so much fun when you're trying to get stuff tested and your cloud decides its not going to SSH or resolve DNS for you. So much fun...18:32
randallburtSpamapS:  cool. sounds good to me.18:32
SpamapSSo there will be some new code, but we can turn the resumption off by default, and then land it as an experimental thing in Icehouse.18:32
SpamapSrandallburt: otherwise.. TripleO will be running a fork of Heat.18:33
randallburtSpamapS:  I can def say that's to be avoided.18:33
SpamapSbecause not being able to retry updates is simply not acceptible.18:33
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sdake_re smells like a feature to me, we need to make a decision if we will be adding contrib resources during feature freeze19:06
sdake_i personally don't care since contrib is less in the critical path19:07
sdake_but ttx might care19:07
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sdakemorning stevebaker19:20
sdakecould you clarify is the only patch remaining for software config t19:21
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Resource type implementations for structured software config
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Remove signal_id from deployments API and model
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Resource type implementation for software deployment
stevebakerrebase ^19:22
sdakeafter that rebase, is that it?19:22
stevebakersdake: yes, there will be bug fixes, and further changes to heatclient and heat-templates19:23
sdakesweet htnaks :)19:23
sdakejust tidy up left19:23
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openstackgerritThomas Spatzier proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix HOT inconsistencies in resource sections
stevebakershardy: I'm stymied by 3 separate auth issues, could you give me a hand?19:29
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stevebakerSpamapS: I think I've found a race between cloud-init and os-collect-config. I have an orc script which assumes cloud-init has finished doing a slow thing, and it hasn't finished19:36
stevebakerSpamapS: (cloud-init installing puppet, orc invoking puppet. Yes, I know, golden images...)19:37
SpamapSstevebaker: o-c-c starts at runlevel 2. cloud-init I think runs based on similar events, so probably in parallel19:37
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SpamapSstevebaker: why not have orc install puppet?19:38
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SpamapSstevebaker: also why not just [ -x "$(which puppet)" ] || exit 0 ?19:38
SpamapSstevebaker: run again after it is installed? ;)19:39
SpamapSstevebaker: actually exit 1 .. o-c-c will keep trying until it has completed successfully once.19:39
stevebakerSpamapS: my orc now tolerates puppet not being there (yet) so I have solved it to a fashion19:39
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stevebakerSpamapS: I just wondered if the upstart conf should have a dependency to cloud-init19:40
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stevebakerSpamapS: and yea, installing with orc is an option19:40
SpamapSstevebaker: the problem is cloud-config , btw, not cloud-init19:42
SpamapSstevebaker: this is a really irresponsible 'start on' IMO:  'start on (filesystem and started rsyslog)'19:42
SpamapSstevebaker: should be start on runlevel [2345]19:42
SpamapSstevebaker: but anyway, that wouldn't solve the issue.. they'd still be in parallel ;)19:43
SpamapSstevebaker: so we could change os-collect-config to 'start on stopped cloud-config'. I have no issue with that.19:43
stevebakerSpamapS: ok, is ^ the exact syntax? I have no clue19:44
SpamapSstevebaker: or 'start on stopped cloud-init and stopped cloud-config' ..19:44
SpamapSstevebaker: yeah that's exact19:44
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stevebakerSpamapS: cool, I'll have a play at some point19:44
SpamapSstevebaker: I despise having to do such boot ordering though. Things should just be smarter. ;)19:44
SpamapSand in this case, o-c-c will retry over and over again.. :)19:45
stevebakerSpamapS: I'm not completely against my current fix19:45
stevebakertry: ... except OSError19:45
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SpamapSstevebaker: if we were concerned with shaving seconds off the boot, I'd say ya, get the order right..19:46
stevebakerah, saves a poll19:46
SpamapSbut I suspect we don't mind if we spend 27 extra seconds while o-c-c sleeps/retries. :)19:46
stevebakerI do!19:46
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SpamapSstevebaker: well in that case you should setup inotify on /usr/bin/puppet :)19:47
stevebakerbut also I want these hooks to be stupid simple19:47
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SpamapSstevebaker: since upstart is effectively dead, I won't get to do it, but I have always wanted to make it easier to do what you want with more general assertions, like 'start on started network-services and stopped initizializing-services' ..19:48
stevebakerI'll need to do it for systemd too19:49
SpamapSstevebaker: oh, another thing you can do is to just restart os-collect-config after puppet is installed ;)19:49
stevebakerSpamapS: I'm not sure what order cloud-config does things, its declaritive19:50
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stevebakerSpamapS: the systemd service file alread has After=cloud-final.service19:52
stevebakerSpamapS: could the upstart have "start on stopped cloud-final"?19:52
SpamapSstevebaker: yeah, so just fix the os-collect-config one to be 'start on stopped cloud-init and stopped cloud-config'19:52
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sdakemy bitcoin miner is down to making 2k a month20:20
* sdake ughs20:20
sdakeanother 6  mo and it will be ready for recycle20:21
openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Refactor CLB to work with groups
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SpamapSsdake: You're getting beat by folks with dedicated ASIC's21:24
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sdake_SpamapS I have a 690ghash dedicated asic - cost 5800 made about 20k so far21:29
sdake_\o/ ;_)21:29
asalkeldsdake_ you are going to have to pay people to review your patches ;)21:31
sdake_money is spent - robyn is exceedly optimized towards money spending21:32
SpamapSsdake_: Ah but yours is not keeping up now?21:33
sdake_SpamapS it costs ~100/mo to run21:33
sdake_so as long as it makes ~100 a mo, its still profitable to keep21:33
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sdake_it drops about 20% every two weeks in profit21:33
SpamapSsdake_: was at a meetup in Si valley where people were lamenting some new mining operations using cheap power in Norway.21:33
sdake_I have a 3 terhash miner on the way as well21:33
sdake_and a 180gigahash miner21:34
asalkeldsolar power?21:34
sdake_my miner sucks down 875 watts21:34
sdake_I think I'd need my entier backyard to power it :(21:34
asalkeld6kw ^21:35
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shardyasalkeld: That would only make 0.5kw in the UK ;)21:37
shardyshame you can't make electricity from rain :\21:37
asalkeldo, yeah21:37
sdake_my neighbors had solar power on their roof21:37
sdake_when they redid their roof, they removed the solar grid21:37
sdake_in the US getting solar power is a huge pain in the behind21:37
sdake_lots of government regulations21:37
asalkeldthat sucks21:38
sdake_plus solar is exceedingly expensive to deploy21:38
sdake_5k AU for 6kw21:38
asalkeldyeah good if you can earn from selling back to the grid21:39
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daveedHi guys21:43
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sdake_you can do that in the us, but the utilities are quickly passing laws to make it difficult to sell back to the grid without an investment from the seller's perspective21:51
sdake_right now, the powercompanies have to cover the cost21:51
sdake_that is changing.21:51
sdake_imo solar on a decentralized level in the US is dead21:52
sdake_but for big solar farms, it makes alot of sense, and power companies invest that way in arizona quite a bit21:52
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sdake_I saw some cool paint that is in dev that works like a solar cell21:53
sdake_that coudl be promising21:53
sdake_self-power your entire house - off the grid21:53
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stevebakerhey, heat-slow is voting now!22:10
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stevebakershardy: so I've disabled stack_user_domain because of but both ec2 signalling and native signalling is failing for me with the credentials created by StackUser22:21
stevebakershardy: could this be something to do with doing v2 operations with a v3 created user?22:22
shardystevebaker: Hmm, I don't think it's the reason you state in the bug because of
shardystevebaker: I've tested this and it all works fine so need to work out what's different22:24
shardystevebaker: You're running devstack with recent keystone and keystoneclient?22:24
stevebakershardy: yes, rolling keystoneclient back to 0.6.0 didn't help either22:24
shardystevebaker: Is there an engine backtrace you can add to the bug?22:25
stevebakershardy: enough of software-config has landed so this should be easy to reproduce22:25
shardystevebaker: Ok, cool I was planning to test that anyway22:25
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stevebakershardy: that is a stacktrace from heat-engine, but it showed up in heat-api-cfn log22:26
shardywell it just looks like the rpc wrapped exception not the full backtrace22:27
stevebakershardy: I'm actually more worried about the signalling failing when stack_user_domain is commented out. I'll raise 2 bugs for those22:27
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shardystevebaker: mustn't this work due to heat-slow having passed all the patches?22:28
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shardyI thought that did wait condition notifications22:28
stevebakershardy: possibly heat-slow passes because it doesn't poll for any metadata, so it doesn't trigger
shardywell it has to lookup the stack with the credentials to handle the signal22:29
shardy2mins I'll do a quick sanity test22:30
stevebakershardy: it would be fairly easy to poll for some static data from a launchconfig to confirm that polling works in ServerCfnInitTestJSON22:30
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shardystevebaker: so HARestarter signals work for me both with domain users and the legacy fallback path22:38
openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add save_admin_pass property to CloudServer
openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add admin_pass as attribute to CloudServer
shardyso the credentials and stack lookup in the engine are working OK (at least in my environment..)22:38
stevebakershardy: ok, I'll raise bugs for the signalling issues I'm seeing. Maybe its something specific to the SoftwareDeployment code paths22:38
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stevebakershardy: but is about metadata polling, not signalling22:39
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shardystevebaker: Ok, cool well I'm heading to get some sleep soon, but raise all-the-bugs with as much detail as possible and I'll get on it first thing tomorrow22:39
stevebakershardy: cool, thanks. I will22:40
shardystevebaker: Yeah I realize it's polling metadata but from an instance-users perspective it shouldn't matter, either the credentials work or they don't22:42
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openstackgerritRichard Lee proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add save_admin_pass property to CloudServer
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shardystevebaker: as you say, maybe something odd with the software config usage22:42
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stevebakershardy: I'll do some digging22:45
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Rename --timeout global option and make it work
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Deprecate create/adopt --create-timeout in favor of --timeout
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Add timeout option to stack-update
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