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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/89232 | 01:00 |
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asalkeld | https://bugs.launchpad.net/solum/+bug/1317711 | 01:08 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1317711 in solum "functional tests are broken because of a tempest change" [Critical,New] | 01:08 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/89232 | 02:22 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/89232 | 02:42 |
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openstackgerrit | huangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS::Glance::Image resource https://review.openstack.org/90976 | 03:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add a test equivalent to default_log_levels https://review.openstack.org/92971 | 04:32 |
openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: TestRandomString was calling the wrong setUp https://review.openstack.org/92972 | 04:33 |
SpamapS | So, really.. cores.. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92033/ .. critical for performance of users who want to view metadata post-boot. Please review ASAP. | 04:33 |
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therve | SpamapS, Can you talk me through it? | 05:02 |
therve | It's not super clear what's going on here | 05:02 |
therve | It replaces call to heat API by db calls basically? | 05:03 |
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SpamapS | therve: Basically it moves from lazy loading from the API, to pushing updates at save time. | 05:34 |
SpamapS | therve: We are trying to reduce queries caused by simple metadata fetch operations. | 05:34 |
SpamapS | Since in-instance agents will be doing that a lot until we have a notification infrastructure. | 05:35 |
therve | Hum... | 05:36 |
SpamapS | therve: next step is also to optionally push the metadata into swift | 05:38 |
SpamapS | therve: and then hand out tempurls for metadata updates. | 05:38 |
therve | Don't talk about the next step until I understand the current one :) | 05:38 |
SpamapS | which would have the nice effect of not needing to create a bazillion users. | 05:38 |
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SpamapS | its nice to know where we're going. | 05:38 |
therve | Yeah sorry I'm just too confused for now | 05:39 |
therve | Trying to parse your first sentence | 05:39 |
SpamapS | therve: We're just moving the intelligence to write-time instead of read-time. | 05:40 |
therve | I think I got it | 05:45 |
therve | SpamapS, There is one weird thing | 05:45 |
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therve | We seems to handle both cases where the server metadata exists before the deployment and vice versa | 05:46 |
therve | Shouldn't there be only one case? | 05:46 |
SpamapS | therve: no | 05:46 |
SpamapS | therve: there may be metadata before the deployment exists, because servers can just have whatever metadata they want to have. | 05:46 |
therve | SpamapS, The other way around may be more dubious though | 05:48 |
SpamapS | Well if they never set metadata.. there won't be any. | 05:48 |
therve | I mean Server._populate_deployments_metadata checks if there is some deployments metadata, but I don't see how that would be possible | 05:49 |
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SpamapS | therve: now I don't undersatnd | 05:52 |
SpamapS | understand | 05:52 |
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therve | SpamapS, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92033/2/heat/engine/resources/server.py the line meta['deployments'] = meta.get('deployments', []) | 05:53 |
therve | I don't see how deployments can be present already | 05:53 |
SpamapS | therve: already when? | 05:54 |
SpamapS | therve: updates ...? | 05:54 |
SpamapS | therve: signals? | 05:54 |
therve | This is only call in Server.handle_create | 05:54 |
SpamapS | yes, which IIRC, is called when a server is replaced | 05:54 |
therve | replaced? | 05:55 |
SpamapS | yes, when you change something that can't be handled by rebuild/resize | 05:56 |
SpamapS | a new server is spawned | 05:56 |
SpamapS | old deployments are updated | 05:56 |
SpamapS | old server is deleted | 05:56 |
therve | Right, so "new server is spawned" you get there, and there is no metadata yet | 05:57 |
SpamapS | robustness maybe then? I don't know | 05:58 |
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therve | SpamapS, Last question I hope: if we're using the database, should we use it for software config too? | 06:04 |
therve | We're still using the heat client for that | 06:05 |
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SpamapS | therve: no point | 06:06 |
SpamapS | therve: we don't access the config objects a lot. We just access metadata a lot. | 06:06 |
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therve | Okay | 06:07 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/89750 | 06:10 |
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openstackgerrit | huangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OS::Glance::Image resource https://review.openstack.org/90976 | 06:29 |
openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add a test equivalent to default_log_levels https://review.openstack.org/92971 | 06:33 |
openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: TestRandomString was calling the wrong setUp https://review.openstack.org/92972 | 06:33 |
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shardy | morning all | 07:15 |
elynn | morning! | 07:17 |
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mattoliverau | I'm calling it a night, have a great weekend all! I'm flying to atlanta tomorrow, for those of you who will be there next week I hope we get a chance to meet :) | 07:24 |
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shardy | ramishra: Hi, just reviewed your patch, all looks good apart from a tiny test issue | 07:54 |
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ramishra | shardy: Thanks.. Will fix and upload:) | 07:56 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Make a top level contrib doc header https://review.openstack.org/91720 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement snapshots for servers and images https://review.openstack.org/87280 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add snapshot restore HTTP API https://review.openstack.org/92125 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement stack restore https://review.openstack.org/92124 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement snapshot listing https://review.openstack.org/92126 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add APIs to create and manipulate snapshots https://review.openstack.org/87279 | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add RPC method to snapshot stacks https://review.openstack.org/87278 | 08:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Rabi Mishra proposed a change to openstack/heat: Provides ability to reference existing neutron resources https://review.openstack.org/82853 | 08:26 |
ramishra | shardy: uploaded with the change.. pl. review..Thanks a lot. | 08:27 |
shardy | ramishra: thanks, looking | 08:27 |
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blinky_ghost | hi all, can anybody help me with "OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup" feature? I want to create an instance that scales based on a ceilometer alarm, but I don't want to use loadbalancer, as I don't need it. | 10:34 |
therve | Okay | 10:37 |
therve | It shouldn't be a problem | 10:38 |
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sab | blinky_ghost, here is a template i created to test something the morning http://pastebin.com/wbD8H8PV | 11:12 |
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blinky_ghost | sab: thanks a million, however I have a problem, how do I assign a neutron port in the group? | 11:18 |
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sab | blinky_ghost, you mean create a neutron resource? | 11:25 |
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blinky_ghost | sab: yes, is it supported? | 11:25 |
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sab | blinky_ghost, have a look at the https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/servers_in_existing_neutron_network_no_floating_ips.yaml | 11:27 |
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blinky_ghost | sab: Ok, thanks a lot :) | 11:28 |
sab | blinky_ghost, np, welcome :) | 11:28 |
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blinky_ghost | hi guys, I'm testing "OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup" and created a configuration to use neutron port, however when I create more then one instance, it's says that the port is in use when it tries to create the second instance. What am I missing? | 14:47 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: I'm guessing you're missing that you can't attach every server in the autoscaling group to one port | 14:52 |
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blinky_ghost | zaneb: how do I assign the network to my instances then? internal network and floating ips? | 14:53 |
zaneb | the common way is to use a load balancer | 14:53 |
zaneb | with only one floating ip | 14:53 |
zaneb | but if your really need to, then what you want to do is create a provider template describing your scaling unit (server + port + floating IP) | 14:55 |
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zaneb | and use that instead of a server as the thing you scale | 14:55 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: but I don't use load balancer | 14:55 |
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therve | You *usually* don't need a port | 14:55 |
blinky_ghost | zabeb: do you have an example template? | 14:55 |
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zaneb | I don't, sorry | 14:57 |
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blinky_ghost | zaneb: can I post my template so you take a look at it? | 14:58 |
therve | blinky_ghost, If you look at https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/lb_server.yaml you can replace PoolMember by FloatingIP and FloatingIPAssociation | 14:58 |
blinky_ghost | therve: humm, testing | 14:59 |
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blinky_ghost | therve: can I put the floating ip in this example template http://pastebin.com/KsKwCeYj or do I have to use an external resource, calling something like lb_server.yaml? | 15:06 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: so in the scaling group you want something like | 15:18 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Add glanceclient to heat https://review.openstack.org/90530 | 15:18 |
zaneb | type: my_scaling_unit.yaml | 15:18 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Clean up openstack-common.conf https://review.openstack.org/91984 | 15:18 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/python-heatclient: fixed typos found by RETF rules https://review.openstack.org/91821 | 15:19 |
zaneb | blinky_ghost: then define the server, port and floating ip in my_scaling_unit.yaml | 15:19 |
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blinky_ghost | zaneb: you mean type or resource on Autoscalinggroup? | 15:20 |
zaneb | sorry | 15:21 |
zaneb | instead of type: OS::Nova::Server | 15:21 |
zaneb | put type: my_scaling_unit.yaml | 15:21 |
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therve | blinky_ghost, See https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/autoscaling.yaml how's the other template is used | 15:27 |
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blinky_ghost | therve: ok, thanks | 15:38 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: should I put the network parameters on the autoscaling.yaml or in my_scaling_unit.yaml? | 15:39 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: you'll need them in both | 15:42 |
zaneb | you'll pass the value as a property in autoscaling.yaml and it will show up as a parameter in my_scaling_unit.yaml | 15:42 |
zaneb | so parameter -> property -> parameter | 15:43 |
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blinky_ghost | zaneb: I have to use get_param in my_scaling_unit? | 15:49 |
zaneb | yes | 15:49 |
zaneb | the only magic is that the properties of the my_scaling_unit resource (in the autoscaling group) are exposed as parameters within the scaling unit | 15:50 |
zaneb | everything else works exactly the same way as always | 15:50 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: it's not working, it's says Multiple possible networks found, use a Network ID to be more specific. Can I post my conf so you take a look? | 15:51 |
zaneb | sure | 15:52 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: autoscaling.yaml http://pastebin.com/RCeAMeja | 15:53 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: my_scaling_unit.yaml http://pastebin.com/Hc1WaYXX | 15:54 |
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therve | blinky_ghost, You don't reference the second in the first | 15:55 |
blinky_ghost | therve: yes, i saw now, I'm a moron, sorry | 15:56 |
therve | I wouldn't go that far :) | 15:56 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: http://paste.openstack.org/show/79739/ | 15:56 |
zaneb | you want something like that ^ | 15:56 |
zaneb | in autoscaling.yaml | 15:57 |
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sorantis | Hi! Reading the AutoScaling documentation now https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Heat/AutoScaling. Got a question regarding WebHooks. Can I manually trigger the scaling policy using WebHooks. It looks like if I query the webhook_url it should trigger policy. | 15:59 |
zaneb | sorantis: yep, you sure can | 16:00 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: testing...the my_scaling_unit.yaml is ok? | 16:01 |
sorantis | zaneb, thanks! | 16:01 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: we're about to find out ;) | 16:02 |
zaneb | it looked ok to me | 16:02 |
therve | sorantis, Don't use the wiki for documentation source :/ | 16:02 |
therve | WebHooks don't exist as-is | 16:02 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: it seems it's working, thanks a lot :) | 16:03 |
blinky_ghost | therve: thank you | 16:03 |
therve | No problem! | 16:03 |
zaneb | W00t! | 16:03 |
sorantis | therve, hi! how does it exist then? | 16:04 |
zaneb | sorantis, therve: oh yeah, I didn't actually read that wiki page. don't look at that, it hasn't been implemented | 16:04 |
blinky_ghost | zaneb: it created both instances with the same name, how do I change that? sorry to be a pain :P | 16:05 |
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therve | sorantis, See http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy | 16:05 |
therve | You can hit alarm_url | 16:06 |
zaneb | blinky_ghost: one option is to not pass a "name" property to the server. you'll get an autogenerated name based on the resource name with a short random string | 16:06 |
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zaneb | there's no way atm to assign names systematically | 16:07 |
zaneb | e.g. server-1, server-2, ... &c. | 16:07 |
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spzala | zaneb: Hi. qq - are we having Heat pod at the summit. Is the time/location finalized? I couldn't find it on summit page and I also missed last IRC meeting. | 16:07 |
zaneb | and in fact that doesn't make a lot of sense, as servers are getting added and deleted all the time | 16:07 |
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blinky_ghost | zaneb: humm thanks, testing with ceilometer now | 16:08 |
sorantis | therve, great! so this url is generated automatically I presume, and can be returned via the outputs section? | 16:08 |
zaneb | spzala: so the pod is just a table. we'll have one assigned to us (possible shared with another project), and it's available the whole time | 16:08 |
therve | sorantis, Yes | 16:08 |
therve | You can also simply use the heat resource-signal API | 16:08 |
spzala | zaneb: cool. so available for the full week? | 16:08 |
zaneb | spzala: all of the pods are in one or two rooms I think, but I don't have the details | 16:09 |
zaneb | spzala: yes, that's my understanding | 16:09 |
zaneb | hopefully all will become obvious on Monday ;) | 16:09 |
spzala | zaneb: OK, sounds good. | 16:09 |
spzala | zaneb: Yeah :-) | 16:09 |
sorantis | therve, thanks :) | 16:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Vijendar Komalla proposed a change to openstack/heat: Skip resource property value validation in (INIT,COMPLETE) state https://review.openstack.org/93080 | 16:11 |
openstackgerrit | Vijendar Komalla proposed a change to openstack/heat: Trove resource: move validation into handle_create https://review.openstack.org/93081 | 16:11 |
therve | Hum | 16:11 |
therve | vijendar, Tests are great! | 16:12 |
therve | Also not validating properties in validate doesn't sound awesome | 16:13 |
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vijendar | therve: I wanted to get feedback on this change before making any test changes | 16:15 |
vijendar | therve: marked it as work in progress | 16:16 |
therve | Okay | 16:16 |
therve | vijendar, Tests are interesting per themselves though, as they may give you information on whether or not the fix is correct | 16:16 |
vijendar | therve: sure. will update the patch | 16:17 |
therve | vijendar, Maybe someone else can comment on your approach. I'm a bit doubtful to be honest | 16:17 |
vijendar | therve: sure. thanks | 16:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Jason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Move API parameter parsing from OpenStack API to engine https://review.openstack.org/92919 | 16:22 |
blinky_ghost | another question: is it possible to have in autoscaling feature something like if i delete an instance, heat creates another one, because the number of instances is lower that I've defined min_size/desired capacity? | 16:23 |
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therve | blamar, How do you delete it? | 16:25 |
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zaneb | blinky_ghost: not at the moment. that is a planned medium-term enhancement | 16:28 |
zaneb | (like, maybe-in-K medium-term) | 16:29 |
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erecio | Hi guys, I have a doubt about AWS and Neutron. Wich resource has similar behavior in OS like AWS::EC2:Route and RouteTable? | 17:28 |
erecio | I'm still stuck trying to understand it | 17:29 |
zaneb | you and me both | 17:31 |
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erecio | zaneb, you say that to me? | 17:33 |
zaneb | more to myself, but yes ;) | 17:33 |
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erecio | zaneb, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I told the guys, dont waste time trying to use the AWS support, migrate all the scripts to OS! | 17:34 |
erecio | zaneb, thanks! ahaha | 17:34 |
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zaneb | neutron is really awkward and it doesn't match how AWS (or, IMHO, any sane human) would do things | 17:35 |
zaneb | Routes are one of the things that are really hard | 17:35 |
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zaneb | we have an ExtraRoutes resource in /contrib, but it's not really the same | 17:36 |
zaneb | and definitely not AWS-compatible | 17:36 |
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zaneb | I highly recommend moving to native resource types | 17:37 |
erecio | zaneb, completely agree. I spend almost a week trying to use AWS scripts on OS, to avoid migration (knowing that at the end would end migrating) | 17:38 |
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zaneb | it is sad if people who started on AWS are not able to migrate though :( | 17:40 |
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zaneb | are marketing people even aware that there is a *conference* going on at OpenStack Summit? | 17:46 |
zaneb | it feels like they think we're all just hanging around the expo hall, waiting to do their bidding | 17:46 |
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arosen | anyone see this error before? http://codepad.org/txNy2Rge | 18:21 |
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kfox1111 | where is the document that describes how to setup a heat domain? | 18:25 |
kfox1111 | oh. I think i found it in the release notes. | 18:25 |
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arosen | Any idea about this error: KeyError: u\'"str_replace" syntax should be str_replace:\\n | 18:30 |
arosen | I already have: str_replace: | 18:31 |
zaneb | arosen: look at the next line of that error | 18:35 |
zaneb | we shouldn't do multi-line error messages :/ | 18:35 |
arosen | zaneb: http://codepad.org/RB4ILNUh | 18:35 |
arosen | that's the full template. | 18:35 |
zaneb | why are you using str_replace if you're not replacing anything? | 18:36 |
zaneb | that's the problem | 18:36 |
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zaneb | you need at least a "params: {}" in str_replace if you want it to work | 18:38 |
arosen | zaneb: I just want to get the instance to run this command: $ curl -s https://get.docker.io/ubuntu/ | sudo sh | 18:38 |
zaneb | arosen: so just put that in the user_data | 18:39 |
arosen | userdata: | 18:39 |
arosen | #!/bin/bash | 18:39 |
arosen | curl -s https://get.docker.io/ubuntu/ | sudo | 18:39 |
arosen | ERROR: Unknown Property userdata | 18:39 |
zaneb | yep | 18:39 |
zaneb | isn't it user_data? | 18:40 |
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arosen | zaneb: cool that worked that time. Sorry | 18:40 |
arosen | lets see if it actually runs the command in the guest now :) | 18:40 |
zaneb | str_replace is for doing string substitutions. if you don't need to do any substitutions, there's no need to use it | 18:41 |
zaneb | https://github.com/openstack/heat/blob/master/heat/engine/hot/functions.py#L167-L171 | 18:41 |
zaneb | that ^ is the full error message | 18:41 |
arosen | zaneb: I'm still getting this error in the guest: http://codepad.org/txNy2Rge | 18:41 |
arosen | ah i see | 18:41 |
* arosen the error message. Not why i'm getting: http://codepad.org/txNy2Rge | 18:41 | |
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zaneb | arosen: what is in the file /var/lib/heat-cfntools/cfn-userdata? | 18:43 |
arosen | zaneb: it has curl -s https://get.docker.io/ubuntu | sudo | 18:44 |
zaneb | but not #!/bin/bash? | 18:44 |
arosen | nope that didn't make it there. | 18:44 |
zaneb | can you paste the new template? | 18:45 |
zaneb | that will be the problem | 18:45 |
arosen | zaneb: sure one set let me test one more time. | 18:45 |
zaneb | oh, lines starting with # are comments in yaml | 18:45 |
zaneb | that'll be why | 18:45 |
arosen | zaneb: i'm using json | 18:45 |
arosen | oh nvm i'm not | 18:46 |
zaneb | http://codepad.org/RB4ILNUh is definitely not json ;) | 18:46 |
arosen | so how do i insert the # | 18:46 |
arosen | :) yea :) | 18:46 |
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* zaneb reads spec | 18:47 | |
arosen | zaneb: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/hot_spec.html Here the yaml starts the line with #!/bin/bash | 18:47 |
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kfox1111 | ok..... so, I followed the stuff in the release notes for adding a keystone domain. | 18:51 |
kfox1111 | now everyting's broken. :/ | 18:51 |
zaneb | yeah I'm surprised nobody has run into this before | 18:51 |
* zaneb has to go afk for a bit | 18:51 | |
arosen | zaneb: thanks for the help btw | 18:52 |
kfox1111 | do I need to select which domain the v2 api speaks to? | 18:52 |
therve | No | 18:53 |
therve | What kind of issues are you having? | 18:54 |
kfox1111 | the dashboard went nuts. | 18:54 |
kfox1111 | I just tweaked the dashboard to talk to the v3 api, and its getting further, | 18:54 |
kfox1111 | but the project panel's not there and some errors pop up. | 18:54 |
therve | Maybe ask the horizon guys? | 18:54 |
kfox1111 | k... | 18:56 |
therve | I'm not sure why you're tweak the dashboard conf though | 18:57 |
kfox1111 | hmm... using keystone_admin creds, I can't look at any other tenants either. maybe a keystone issue. | 18:57 |
arosen | zaneb: I got it working. If you wrap the user_data section in " " with \n it works. | 19:10 |
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therve | arosen, Possibly put "|" at the beginning otherwise | 19:15 |
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kfox1111 | ok... so it looks like when I enabled the domain, some of the tenants got deleted, and all the user role associations?!? | 19:18 |
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kfox1111 | must I switch heat to v3 api? | 19:32 |
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therve | kfox1111, What do you want to do? | 19:33 |
therve | Heat in Icehouse will use v3 by default | 19:33 |
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kfox1111 | the endpoint in the config file was v2.0 | 19:34 |
kfox1111 | It almost looked like I deleted a stack, and then the whole tenant want way. | 19:34 |
therve | Yeah but tricks | 19:34 |
kfox1111 | so, it looks like after setting up the heat domain, horizon is still asking for a password. Do I have to disable that somehow? | 19:36 |
therve | I think you can put garbage in the field | 19:36 |
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kfox1111 | ok. | 19:36 |
therve | I opened a bug some time ago | 19:36 |
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kfox1111 | ok. the heat keystone domain seems to be working... | 19:55 |
kfox1111 | it created the user for the wait condition. | 19:55 |
kfox1111 | hmm.. wait condition triggering is broken though... | 19:56 |
kfox1111 | <ErrorResponse><Error><Message>User is not authorized to perform action</Message><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Type>Sender</Type></Error></ErrorResponse> | 19:56 |
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kfox1111 | the access key its passing looks ok. | 20:09 |
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kfox1111 | ah. the auth_url no longer must have ec2tokens in it... if its there, it breaks. | 20:12 |
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SpamapS | 90s to run the tests.. need moar CPUs | 21:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make Server metadata a passive store again https://review.openstack.org/92033 | 21:32 |
openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add methods to store and check access to Metadata https://review.openstack.org/93134 | 21:32 |
SpamapS | oops | 21:33 |
SpamapS | rebased 92033 | 21:33 |
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openstackgerrit | Pep Turró Mauri proposed a change to openstack/heat-templates: Fix github user content domain for openshift.sh https://review.openstack.org/93135 | 22:00 |
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ekarlso | why does heat need X-Auth-User when X-Auth-Token is used ? | 22:39 |
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SpamapS | ekarlso: IIRC that is legacy | 23:04 |
SpamapS | ekarlso: w/ trusts, user is not needed | 23:04 |
* SpamapS laments the fact that the Resource constructor has no way to work without a stack object | 23:04 | |
SpamapS | these constructors are out of control. :-P | 23:06 |
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ekarlso | well I get that it's required -,,- | 23:24 |
ekarlso | that's kinda sad SpamapS | 23:24 |
ekarlso | but I need to investigate if it's my code causing it :) | 23:24 |
ekarlso | SpamapS: what would cause it to happen ? | 23:25 |
openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/heat: Deprecate register_access_allowed_handler https://review.openstack.org/93146 | 23:27 |
openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/heat: WIP: enable describe_stack_resource without loading stack https://review.openstack.org/93147 | 23:27 |
openstackgerrit | Clint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed a change to openstack/heat: WIP: DB methods for reading resource without stack https://review.openstack.org/93148 | 23:27 |
SpamapS | ekarlso: not sure, I"m running out the door.. :-P | 23:27 |
ekarlso | dammit :) | 23:32 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/89243 | 23:56 |
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