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openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add OSprofiler integration into Heat https://review.openstack.org/118115 | 00:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Jose Castanos proposed a change to openstack/heat-templates: Software config hook for configuring with Chef-Solo https://review.openstack.org/80229 | 00:30 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Add RPC API for cancel update stack https://review.openstack.org/102851 | 01:51 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Add Heat REST API action for cancel update stack https://review.openstack.org/116911 | 01:52 |
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asalkeld | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-heat-summit-topics | 03:17 |
asalkeld | just made that ^ | 03:17 |
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cmyster | morning btw | 03:18 |
asalkeld | hi cmyster | 03:18 |
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cmyster | asalkeld: testing is under upgrades ? | 03:20 |
asalkeld | testing the upgrade (grenade) | 03:20 |
cmyster | oh | 03:20 |
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openstackgerrit | huangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Correct KEY/VALUE names for NOVA_SCHEDULER_HINTS https://review.openstack.org/121441 | 04:16 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex https://review.openstack.org/120004 | 06:03 |
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Qiming | tiantian, online? | 06:28 |
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pas-ha | morning all | 06:46 |
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cmyster | morning | 06:57 |
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shardy | morning all | 07:09 |
openstackgerrit | Pavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Add 'cancel_update' action and command https://review.openstack.org/102854 | 07:10 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add snapshot restore HTTP API https://review.openstack.org/92125 | 07:11 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Herve proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement stack restore https://review.openstack.org/92124 | 07:11 |
therve | Yop! | 07:11 |
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bjornar | I get a error, unknown resource type: OS::Heat::WaitCondition ... | 08:26 |
shardy | bjornar: That was added very recently, are you running Icehouse Heat? | 08:26 |
bjornar | yes | 08:27 |
shardy | bjornar: You'll need to use either the AWS WaitCondition resources or SoftwareDeployment then | 08:27 |
bjornar | If added recently, should it not depend on a different heat_template_version, or do I misunderstand | 08:27 |
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shardy | bjornar: No, resource type availability is not tied to HOT version | 08:28 |
shardy | we're working on getting version information into the documentation | 08:28 |
shardy | bjornar: You can check what resoruces are available on a heat service with heat resource-type-list | 08:28 |
bjornar | ok.. | 08:31 |
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inc0 | hello guysm good morning | 08:33 |
bjornar | shardy, So OS::Heat::WaitCondition is not supported in icehouse? | 08:35 |
shardy | bjornar: no | 08:36 |
inc0 | I'm looking at convergence specs and, as I understand it, convergence-observer will poll nova and so on to check stack consistency, but what convergence will do if this check return fail? What process will manage that and what actions will be performed? | 08:36 |
inc0 | for example host goes down and scalling group loses quorum | 08:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Pavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Six-ify error handling in heat-api* scripts https://review.openstack.org/121473 | 08:39 |
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inc0 | what would you think of adding optional method "rebuild" to heat resource? | 09:03 |
bjornar | shardy, I get "The template version is invalid: Template version was not provided" in master... | 09:05 |
therve | How did you install heat? | 09:06 |
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bjornar | therve, in venv, helped when I did setup.py install | 09:10 |
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bjornar | therve, But now I have: "Resource CREATE failed: Forbidden: You are not authorized to perform the requested action: identity:list_roles (HTTP 403)" | 09:11 |
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therve | Sounds harder | 09:11 |
inc0 | bjornar, confirm that your heatr comunicates with keystone without problems | 09:11 |
bjornar | its waitcondition that causes this seems | 09:11 |
bjornar | inc0: it does | 09:12 |
inc0 | chceck if ks works, check heat credentials | 09:12 |
inc0 | ok | 09:12 |
shardy | bjornar: You need to setup the stack domain, or be admin, to use WaitConditionHandle (and any other resource involving signals) | 09:13 |
shardy | http://hardysteven.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/heat-auth-model-updates-part-2-stack.html | 09:13 |
shardy | devstack does this automatically now (as do some other installers) | 09:13 |
bjornar | ok... I dont have the openstack command, but keystone can be used for this? | 09:14 |
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bjornar | shardy, or eventually, what package has the "openstack" command? | 09:16 |
inc0 | bjornar, I think this one https://github.com/openstack/python-openstackclient | 09:16 |
bjornar | thanks | 09:17 |
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bjornar | openstack --os-token $OS_TOKEN --os-url=$KS_ENDPOINT_V3 --os-identity-api-version=3 role add --user $DOMAIN_ADMIN_ID --domain $HEAT_DOMAIN_ID admin | 09:25 |
bjornar | .. Could not find role: admin | 09:26 |
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bjornar | ... I have the admin role, but is this not related to that? | 09:26 |
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inc0 | shardy, do you have any scheduled meetings about convergence? To discuss more detailed things? | 09:29 |
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openstackgerrit | liusheng proposed a change to openstack/heat: Log translation hint for Heat.engine https://review.openstack.org/109512 | 09:50 |
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openstackgerrit | liusheng proposed a change to openstack/heat: Log translation hint for Heat.contrib https://review.openstack.org/109484 | 09:53 |
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shardy | inc0: I guess the next discussions will be at the summit really, but you're free to start a thread on openstack-dev at any time | 10:27 |
bjornar | After updating to master (and following this: http://hardysteven.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/heat-auth-model-updates-part-2-stack.html) I can create stacks as admin user (with OS::Heat::WaitCondition), but I am not able to use heat as a regular user.. | 10:29 |
shardy | bjornar: If you followed those steps, updated heat.conf and restarted heat-engine, you should be able to create WaitConditionHandle resources as a regular user | 10:30 |
bjornar | shardy, Problem is I am not able to create stacks at all as a regular user anymore | 10:31 |
shardy | bjornar: something must be misconfigured then, please provide the exact steps of what you just changed, and the error you're seeing | 10:33 |
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inc0 | shardy, I will, I just want to clarify what is already decided so I won't create any more information chaos;) thanks | 10:51 |
openstackgerrit | Pavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Implement CFN CancelUpdateStack action https://review.openstack.org/102852 | 10:54 |
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bjornar | shardy, seems like removing the user from heat_stack_user old role fixed some problem.. | 10:58 |
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shardy | bjornar: that's right, users interacting with heat shouldn't be given that role, it's used for limiting the API surface accessible to in-instance users | 11:02 |
shardy | If you're using trusts, they should be given heat_stack_owner though | 11:02 |
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bjornar | shardy, ok, thanks again. | 11:35 |
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bjornar | shardy, How can I use get_resource to get the network of a port inside the ResourceGroup ? | 11:47 |
therve | bjornar, You need to use get_attr | 11:48 |
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bjornar | therve, got any example on this? | 12:00 |
therve | bjornar, https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/resource_group.yaml#L16 | 12:02 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Add OS::Heat::SoftwareComponent resource https://review.openstack.org/112952 | 13:03 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Enable SoftwareDeployment for SoftwareComponent https://review.openstack.org/112954 | 13:03 |
openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Enhance SoftwareComponent property validation https://review.openstack.org/113259 | 13:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix some sphinx warnings/errors https://review.openstack.org/121532 | 13:12 |
openstackgerrit | Angus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add a composition section to the template_guide https://review.openstack.org/121533 | 13:12 |
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bjornar | No route matched for GET /signal/arn:openstack:heat:: .... | 14:35 |
zaneb | bjornar: is it possible you are url-decoding the URL before passing it? | 14:37 |
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bjornar | nioe | 14:38 |
bjornar | also, do I need the X-Auth-Token with this? | 14:38 |
bjornar | it I pass the token, it says 404, if I dont pass it I get auth error | 14:39 |
zaneb | isn't the path supposed to be /v1/signal/arn... | 14:40 |
bjornar | it is.. | 14:41 |
bjornar | curl -X POST 'http://orchestration.int.foobar.org/v1/signal/arn%3Aopenstack%3Aheat%3A%3Afb1ae96642c84aad8697571b2cb4f623%3Astacks%2Fautoscale%2Faaa90fe7-c64f-4a4e-9c3a-9dec9c81f156%2Fresources%2Fscale_up_policy?Timestamp=2014-09-15T14%3A25%3A28Z&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&AWSAccessKeyId=aa379094e66c4aaf8858998624d882e8&SignatureVersion=2&Signature=iJDkKPHz%2BFCthDwIPSgemO5RNx1aAoLIF75BSSkr9KU%3D' | 14:41 |
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zaneb | that looks ok then | 14:42 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/heat: Convert functions into a fixed part of the template https://review.openstack.org/103484 | 14:54 |
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therve | zaneb, Hey. I updated https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92124/ after your review. Do you think it's a J target? | 15:18 |
zaneb | therve: hmmm... it never got targeted for Juno, so it's pretty late even for a FFE | 15:19 |
therve | zaneb, Okay. It's a bit unfortunate for the rest of the snapshot operations that landed, though. | 15:20 |
therve | If we don't land this maybe we should back out those APIs | 15:20 |
zaneb | oh, I see, most of them landed | 15:20 |
shardy | zaneb: The bp target is a bit of an admin mistake IMO, given that we've landed most of the feature already | 15:21 |
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therve | The lateness is on me, I didn't find enough time to push it through the summer :/ | 15:22 |
openstackgerrit | Qiming Teng proposed a change to openstack/heat: Fix outdated comment in KeystoneClientV3. https://review.openstack.org/121598 | 15:22 |
zaneb | and admin mistakes are on me be definition ;) | 15:23 |
zaneb | s/be/by/ | 15:23 |
therve | :D | 15:23 |
shardy | zaneb: Oh, I didn't mean it like that, more that it's an anomaly in LP rather than a truly late feature :) | 15:23 |
shardy | I agree it's a bit late, but it'd be a shame if we can't land the last two of the series | 15:24 |
zaneb | therve: so the create snapshot api landed, but restore hasn't iiuc? | 15:24 |
therve | zaneb, Correct | 15:24 |
zaneb | is creating snapshots useful by itself? | 15:24 |
therve | Kinda. You can manually use the artefacts. | 15:25 |
therve | You can basically do what restore does by doing a stack update with the relevant image/volume ids | 15:26 |
zaneb | ok, so no need to back out anything | 15:26 |
zaneb | but I'm OK with a FFE | 15:26 |
zaneb | given that this has actually been in review the whole time | 15:27 |
therve | Great, thanks | 15:27 |
therve | I think it's relatively low risk too, as it doesn't impact anything else | 15:27 |
therve | (Of course it may be horribly broken) | 15:27 |
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ryansb | Hey guys, I'm working on adding an update dry-run feature, but I don't think it fits well into the existing update API | 15:30 |
shardy | ryansb: could you use the same pattern as preview for create? | 15:32 |
shardy | e.g PUT stacks/{stack_name}/{stack_id}/preview | 15:32 |
ryansb | shardy: probably call the endpoint preview for consistency? | 15:33 |
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shardy | ryansb: not sure of the context of "endpoint" there, can you clarify? | 15:35 |
ryansb | s/endpoint/url path/ | 15:35 |
shardy | the endpoint would be the same, but we'd add preview to the path, like we do for create | 15:35 |
shardy | ryansb: aha, yup that's what I was suggesting | 15:35 |
ryansb | since for preview it'd be /stacks/preview, for update it'd be...oh, you got it. | 15:35 |
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pscheie | Is there a way to return a resource's networks info, which is a dict I think, as a string? | 16:11 |
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pscheie | I'm trying to use {get_attr: [memcached, networks, private,0]} to get the IP of my memcached instance. | 16:12 |
pscheie | But it's coming back empty. | 16:12 |
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pscheie | So, I'd like to pull the whole networks dictionary. | 16:13 |
shardy | pscheie: maybe put {get_attr: [memcached, networks]} in a stack output? | 16:13 |
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shardy | Then use heat stack-show to look at it | 16:14 |
pscheie | shardy, ok, sounds like a good idea. Um, where does the output appear? | 16:14 |
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pscheie | Ah, it ends up as a "property" of the stack? | 16:14 |
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shardy | pscheie: there's an outputs section in the stack-show data | 16:15 |
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pscheie | shardy, are the names of the outputs just arbitrary? IOW, in your example at https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/F20/WordPress_2_Instances.yaml#L140, is websiteURL just a made-up name? | 16:19 |
shardy | pscheie: yes you can call them whatever you like | 16:20 |
pscheie | shardy, oh, that's brilliant! | 16:23 |
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pscheie | So, the output_value is a dictionary with the stack name as the key and the IP address as the value. | 16:27 |
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pscheie | So, to get a particular resource's IP, it looks like I need to use the syntax [<resource>,networks,<stackname>] ? | 16:29 |
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larsks | pscheie: I think that last key is <networkname>, not <stackname>. | 16:29 |
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pscheie | larsks, oops, you are correct. That's not the stack name I'm seeing, it's the label for the network. | 16:32 |
larsks | pscheie: are you familiar with http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html ? | 16:32 |
larsks | That documents all the available attributes for core hear resource types. | 16:32 |
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larsks | s/hear/heat/ | 16:33 |
pscheie | larsks, yes, I'm familiar with it. Lots of things in there I don't know about yet, though. | 16:33 |
jdandrea | I think I asked this a while ago but now I forget. Please humor me. Are lots of "Starting new HTTP connection" lines in heat-engine.log normal and, if so, what do they represent? | 16:34 |
larsks | jdandrea: they just represent heat querying other services for information. | 16:34 |
jdandrea | larsks: Thanks! | 16:34 |
larsks | pscheie: I ran an intro-to-heat hangout a week ago: http://blog.oddbit.com/2014/09/05/heat-hangout/ | 16:35 |
larsks | There are some associated templates and whatnot that might be useful as examples. Or possibly not, depending on what you think the hangout :) | 16:35 |
shardy | easy heatclient review if anyone has a moment: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/114239/ | 16:35 |
pscheie | larsks, cool! Thanks for that. | 16:36 |
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larsks | shardy: do you have a link to the corresponding change to the engine (that would permit --show-nested to work)? | 16:37 |
shardy | larsks: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/114233/ | 16:38 |
larsks | Thanks! | 16:38 |
shardy | larsks: Actually https://review.openstack.org/#/c/114234/ was the top of the series | 16:38 |
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KanagarajM | Can someone review the patch https://review.openstack.org/110557 ? Thanks. | 16:46 |
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shardy | KanagarajM: FWIW I would prefer you mark that WIP until Kilo opens and you've investigated a way to ease the upgrade pain | 16:53 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/105166 | 16:58 |
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KanagarajM | shardy: sure. | 17:09 |
pas-ha | g'night all | 17:10 |
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bjornar_ | Is it the way that a scaleup request requires a token or not? When I dont use a token, I get keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Invalid user token - rejecting request, but I dont know if this is correct, since when using token, I get 404 | 17:35 |
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openstackgerrit | A change was merged to openstack/python-heatclient: Add --show-nested option to stack-list https://review.openstack.org/114239 | 18:24 |
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zaneb | bjornar_: it's a pre-signed URL so it shouldn't need a token. It's probably asking for one because it's hitting the wrong endpoint (that's the only one that doesn't require a token), which will be the same reason you're getting 404 when you do supply one | 19:09 |
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bjornar_ | zaneb, So is this heat-api endpoint? | 19:17 |
bjornar_ | I would guess since its OS::Heat:: ... but i dunno... I only have OS endpoints enabled, so cloudformation/aws | 19:18 |
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shardy | bjornar_: pre-signed URL's only work with heat-api-cfn enabled | 19:20 |
shardy | e.g for the AWS WaitCondition resources | 19:20 |
shardy | OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle generates a token, not a pre-signed URL | 19:20 |
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shardy | so it will work with the native heat-api service | 19:21 |
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shardy | RC1 targetted bug which needs a couple more +2s if anyone has a moment: | 19:22 |
shardy | https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/heat+branch:master+topic:bug/1308834,n,z | 19:22 |
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bjornar_ | shardy, hmm... | 19:35 |
bjornar_ | shardy, I only use OS::Heat ... find it strange that it uses cfn | 19:35 |
shardy | bjornar_: It doesn't, unless your keystone catalog has the incorrect endpoint for the 'orchestration' endpoint type | 19:38 |
shardy | bjornar_: can you paste your template somewhere? | 19:38 |
shardy | https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/blob/master/hot/native_waitcondition.yaml | 19:38 |
shardy | also see that example | 19:38 |
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bjornar_ | its not waitcondition, that works | 19:42 |
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bjornar_ | its the scaling urls | 19:42 |
bjornar_ | OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy | 19:42 |
shardy | bjornar_: Ah, yes they do all use heat-api-cfn, even OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy | 19:43 |
shardy | sorry, evidently I missed some context from our earlier dicussions | 19:43 |
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shardy | It is odd that that OS::Heat resource uses the cfn API, it's a historical thing we need to fix at some point | 19:45 |
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stevebak` | morning | 20:12 |
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zaneb | stevebak`: is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/action-aware-sw-config now complete? | 20:19 |
stevebak` | zaneb: the heat side is, we still need a hook in heat-templates | 20:20 |
shardy | One more RC1 targetted bug needing review if anyone has time: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/119847/ | 20:20 |
shardy | (thanks zaneb for approving the others) | 20:20 |
zaneb | stevebak`: that doesn't sound like a rc1 issue :) | 20:21 |
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stevebaker | zaneb: nope | 20:21 |
* zaneb move bp to Implemented | 20:22 | |
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bjornar_ | shardy, yeah.. thats insanity | 20:38 |
bjornar_ | shardy, I mean.. it forces me to enable cfn more-or-less | 20:39 |
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bjornar_ | shardy, also, looks like I need absolute urls for subresources... | 20:41 |
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bjornar_ | shardy_z, can I include scripts (template:) from external url? | 20:48 |
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bjornar_ | Is it possible to include user-data template from external url, foo.sh ? | 20:55 |
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bjornar_ | perhaps with get_file ... | 20:57 |
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stevebaker | bjornar_: yes, you can use get_file in user_data. You can even use get_file as the template for a str_replace call | 21:02 |
bjornar_ | ok.. | 21:04 |
bjornar_ | so template: get_file http://foo.org ? | 21:04 |
bjornar_ | or template: { get_file ... ? | 21:04 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: template: {get_file: path/to/file.yaml} | 21:05 |
skyler_ | I haven't been able to find useful documentation on stack-adopt. Could somebody point me in the right direction? | 21:06 |
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zaneb | tango: I just posted comments on your PATCH update patches... they're really close but need a couple of tweaks. If you are able to make quick changes, feel free to ping me and I can re-review | 21:07 |
tango | zaneb: Sure, I will get on it right away | 21:09 |
zaneb | tango: awesome, thank you | 21:09 |
zaneb | I think we may just get all our FFE blueprints merged on time | 21:10 |
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stevebaker | This is technically not in the FFE, but we promised it for j-3 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/110171/ | 21:13 |
zaneb | stevebaker: btw I moved that spec to ongoing | 21:14 |
zaneb | but yes, we promised it for the gap analysis | 21:14 |
stevebaker | ok | 21:14 |
stevebaker | also, having a decent set of integration tests for the juno RCs seems really really important | 21:15 |
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tango | zaneb: Can I clarify on your comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/109284/12/heat/engine/environment.py ? | 21:20 |
zaneb | tango: you can try ;) | 21:21 |
tango | zaneb: What I mean to check is, if the user did not specify a parameter previously (i.e. using the template default value), and the user now wants to reset it, then I flag it as an error. | 21:21 |
tango | zaneb: It could be an innocuous error | 21:21 |
zaneb | ok, so that's definitely what you're checking | 21:22 |
zaneb | I'm not sure why that would be considered an error though? | 21:22 |
tango | zaneb: Yeah, I was being picky. We can treat it as a no-op | 21:22 |
zaneb | if they tried to reset a parameter that didn't exist in the template, *that* would be an error | 21:22 |
zaneb | which this also catches | 21:22 |
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tango | zaneb: Well, that would be caught later in the validation | 21:23 |
tango | zaneb: So maybe it's safe to not catch an error here | 21:23 |
zaneb | I don't think it would, because clear_parameters doesn't get looked at again | 21:24 |
zaneb | but I think that's OK | 21:24 |
bjornar_ | stevebaker, it says, when using template: { get_file: http://foo.bar/bash.sh } .. unexpected : in string | 21:24 |
zaneb | I'm not too worried whether we flag an error in that case | 21:24 |
bjornar_ | ..lets try quotes.. | 21:24 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: try quoting the url, get_file: 'http://...' | 21:24 |
tango | zaneb: ok then I will remove that catch | 21:25 |
zaneb | but I don't think --reset-parameter should do different things based on whether or not we previously specified a value. The whole point of this patch is that we shouldn't ever need to know the previous value :) | 21:25 |
zaneb | tango: you probably want to do current_parameters.pop(p, None) | 21:26 |
zaneb | i.e. if there was no previous value, just ignore it and carry on | 21:26 |
bjornar_ | stevebaker: ok.. so a get_file "file" must have a files: section? | 21:27 |
bjornar_ | huh | 21:27 |
tango | zaneb: Yep, sounds good. Let me run it through | 21:27 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: it creates a files section in the create request, if that is what you mean | 21:27 |
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stevebaker | bjornar_: paths/urls are resolved on the client | 21:28 |
bjornar_ | atleast is says: "no content found in the files section of http://.... | 21:28 |
bjornar_ | but url is correct and gives a bash script.. | 21:28 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: are you using the heat cli to launch your stack? | 21:28 |
bjornar_ | stevebaker, no | 21:28 |
bjornar_ | horizon | 21:29 |
andersonvom | hey folks, is there currently a way to get attributes from a resource other than putting them as outputs in the template at stack creation time? | 21:29 |
andersonvom | and, of course, without having to update the template in order to add them to the outputs. =) | 21:29 |
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bjornar_ | stevebaker, ah.. so horizon dont know how to handle these? | 21:30 |
bjornar_ | thats just stupid | 21:30 |
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stevebaker | bjornar_: Jordan OMara is working on a new stack-create flow which even prompts for get_file with relative paths. Let me see if I can find where those changes are at | 21:32 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: looks like its still WIP https://review.openstack.org/#/c/118416/ | 21:33 |
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stevebaker | andersonvom: I've considered an API call to allow arbitrary attribute lookup, but there would be security implications | 21:36 |
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andersonvom | stevebaker: how so? | 21:38 |
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stevebaker | andersonvom: attributes expose all manner of things, we'd have to seriously consider whether we wanted to allow that | 21:38 |
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andersonvom | stevebaker: but isn't it stuff that can already be displayed through the client given that I have a resource id? | 21:40 |
andersonvom | stevebaker: say calling nova to get a server's attributes | 21:41 |
stevebaker | andersonvom: most of it, yes. Someone needs to do the work though to demonstrate that it doesn't create an issue, best place to do that would be the spec | 21:42 |
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andersonvom | stevebaker: that gives me ideas... =) | 21:45 |
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bjornar_ | stevebaker, same happends when I try to launch with heat... | 21:48 |
bjornar_ | atleast icehouse heat client | 21:48 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: what is your heat --version | 21:49 |
bjornar_ | 0.2.10 | 21:49 |
bjornar_ | [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>] | 21:49 |
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bjornar_ | ...very informative | 21:50 |
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stevebaker | bjornar_: heat help | 21:50 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: heat help create | 21:50 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: heat help stack-create | 21:51 |
stevebaker | i mean | 21:51 |
stevebaker | bjornar_: if you run heat stack-create with --debug then you'll see what your files section is populated with. 0.2.10 is the latest so it should work fine | 21:52 |
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lipinski | Any idea what this means? allowed_address_pairs Property error : allowed_address_pairs: 0 Property error : 0: Property ip_address not assigned | 22:22 |
lipinski | My template validates, but when I try to create a stack, I get that error | 22:24 |
stevebaker | lipinski: can you paste that part of the stack? | 22:24 |
lipinski | I am creating two ports. One gets assigned to a VM, and I include the IP of the other one in the allowed_address pairs | 22:24 |
lipinski | of the stack or template? | 22:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Steve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Default port update policy to force replacement https://review.openstack.org/121693 | 22:25 |
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stevebaker | zaneb: please share my despair with heat/nova/port interaction ^ | 22:26 |
lipinski | http://paste.openstack.org/show/111911/ | 22:30 |
lipinski | could I need a depends_on possibly? | 22:31 |
stevebaker | lipinski: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html#OS::Neutron::Port docs say you need a list of maps | 22:33 |
lipinski | well, depends_on doesn't seem to work... | 22:33 |
stevebaker | lipinski: allowed_address_pairs: | 22:33 |
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stevebaker | lipinski: - {ip_address: {get_attr: etc}} | 22:33 |
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lipinski | ah - ok thanks. | 22:34 |
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asalkeld | morning | 22:37 |
stevebaker | morning | 22:39 |
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uberj | so I did a stack-update and it failed for some reason. I forgot to enable roll back and now the stack is stuck in a bad state. how does one retro actively trigger a rollback? | 22:41 |
zaneb | stevebaker: must I? :/ | 22:41 |
stevebaker | zaneb: you might have a suggestion for the fixed_ips ip_address case | 22:43 |
zaneb | ok, 1 sec | 22:43 |
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zaneb | stevebaker: that is truly painful :/ | 23:02 |
zaneb | uberj: what version of Heat? | 23:03 |
stevebaker | zaneb: feel my pain. The nova delete fix is languishing | 23:03 |
zaneb | stevebaker: so they have a fix? and they're not merging it? because... ???! | 23:03 |
stevebaker | zaneb: the contributor may have run out of puff https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77043/ | 23:04 |
uberj | zaneb: 'heat --version' on the client says "0.2.10" | 23:04 |
zaneb | uberj: yeah, that | 23:04 |
zaneb | that's the client version | 23:04 |
uberj | you want the engine version? | 23:05 |
uberj | (I would assume yes) | 23:05 |
zaneb | uberj: Icehouse or latest master | 23:05 |
uberj | icehouse | 23:05 |
zaneb | delete the stack and try again. sorry. | 23:05 |
uberj | darn! | 23:06 |
uberj | heh | 23:06 |
uberj | so how much better is the juno version of heat going to be? | 23:06 |
zaneb | stevebaker: only 21 patchsets. lightweight. | 23:06 |
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zaneb | uberj: in Juno you just do another update with the old template | 23:06 |
zaneb | or the new template | 23:06 |
zaneb | or another template | 23:07 |
zaneb | any template you like | 23:07 |
zaneb | and Heat will just keep on trucking | 23:07 |
zaneb | in theory ;) | 23:07 |
uberj | question about heat version. I have icehouse running but really want to try out heat latest, do I need to upgrade my entire cloud to use heat latest? | 23:07 |
uberj | err | 23:07 |
uberj | wow, that came out weird | 23:07 |
zaneb | probably not | 23:08 |
openstackgerrit | Steve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Deprecate OS::Heat::HARestarter https://review.openstack.org/121702 | 23:08 |
zaneb | uberj: but if it breaks you get to keep both bits ;) | 23:08 |
ekarlso | does heat juno support partial stack update aka PATCH ? | 23:08 |
zaneb | ekarlso: the patch is under review right now. we hope (& I expect) that it will make it | 23:09 |
uberj | zaneb: what do you mean? | 23:09 |
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ekarlso | zaneb: i sure hope so :| | 23:09 |
ekarlso | will make our lives easier :P | 23:09 |
zaneb | uberj: I mean that there's no guarantees | 23:09 |
uberj | fair enough | 23:09 |
zaneb | ekarlso: but note it's only parameters that you can leave out at this stage | 23:10 |
ekarlso | zaneb: .... | 23:10 |
ekarlso | booo | 23:10 |
stevebaker | ekarlso: all PATCH does is allow you to not restate parameters | 23:10 |
ekarlso | stevebaker: so u still have to have the template around then .. | 23:11 |
ekarlso | meh | 23:11 |
zaneb | ekarlso: if you don't know the template, there's an API to download it | 23:11 |
ekarlso | k | 23:11 |
zaneb | ekarlso: but the whole point of templates is that you keep them around | 23:11 |
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