Sunday, 2018-12-16

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webczatCan you associate a preallocated floating ip to an instance on heat without using the floating ip's resource uuid? I am using ocata so pretty old...16:08
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zanebwebczat: I'm pretty sure you will need the UUID20:35
webczatzaneb: just wondering why. you can use resource name for pretty much everything else, and allocated ip addresses are unique21:18
zanebI believe you can have the same IP address on multiple networks (in principle)21:19
webczatzaneb: ah yes.22:00
webczatthat may be, although not sure if floating ips are even used that way :) but they probably can22:01
webczatstill requiring users to type the uuid... well to find it in the first place is a bit...22:01
zanebtheoretically floating IPs don't have to be on the Internet, they can be on any network. Many private clouds do that, although how many do it on multiple internal networks with overlapping IP ranges, I don't know ;)22:12
zanebin any event, Heat just exposes the underlying Neutron APIs22:13
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webczatthat does not change the fact it is really unintuitive for users. I have to give uuids, and cannot make heat to allocate those ips because they should stay the same. and creating a floating ip resource with known ip requires admin, so another thing that should not be required22:38
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zanebwebczat: far be it from me to suggest that you're Doing Cloud Wrong(TM), but... let's just say that this is not the use case Neutron is optimised for23:53

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