Wednesday, 2019-08-07

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berndbauschGood morning, Heat community.00:16
berndbauschI came here for a specific question. I have an autoscaling stack that uses cpu_util to detect application load. In Stein, cpu_util and all other derived Ceilometer metrics have disappeared. What metric would you use for autoscaling?00:17
berndbauschI know that Gnocchi has rate aggregations now, but I don't know how to use them with Aodh/Heat.00:18
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gregworkis there a way to assign a predictable set of ips to a stack programmatically .. rather than hardcode the ips03:52
gregworkeg if i had a list of ips, to start moving down the list03:53
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gregworkcan you initialize %index% as some value05:10
gregworklike 105:10
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ricolingregwork, use yaql function we added since newton to add two values
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gregworkricolin: i see.. is there a way to extra the security group id from a resource you just created ? .. i think get_attr, but i cant see where the attributes are documented for that06:34
ricolingregwork, use get_resource: security_group_name to get physical id of a security group06:51
mlyckaHi, I'm back to beg for +w code reviews for my commits, anyone up for it?06:59
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ricolinmlycka, I trust Ivan's +2 on heat-dashboard, will give few days to see if we can get people from Horizon core team to review them, if not, I will07:10
ricolinmlycka, works for you?07:11
mlyckaricolin: Yep, thank you kindly.07:11
* ricolin think we really can use some core member for heat and heat-dashboard:)07:15
berndbauschHi everybody, can you help with this question? What metric would you use for autoscaling in Stein, now that cpu_util doesn't exist anymore?07:20
openstackgerritzhufl proposed openstack/heat master: Fix invalid assert state
berndbauschAssuming that CPU is the main driver for autoscaling.07:22
ricolinberndbausch, will `compute.node.cpu.percent` works for you?07:27
berndbauschricolin, sorry no. This measures the CPU utilization of the hypervisor host, not the instance. But that's exactly what one would need at instance level...07:34
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berndbauschThe Ceilometer team points to Gnocchi, saying that Gnocchi now has rate aggregation, which allows me to derive the CPU utilization.07:35
berndbauschTHis is correct, but07:35
berndbauschAodh, as far as I can see it, is unable to take advantage of this rate feature.07:36
berndbauschthus, not usable for alarms, thus not usable for scaling. I hope I am wrong though, because it would be a major annoyance.07:36
ricolinberndbausch, just to make, will this works for you or not anymore?
berndbauschThe problem is line 141, metric:cpu_util.07:45
berndbauschThere is no such metric anymore.07:45
berndbauschi have a STein devstack lying around, will try it and see what symptoms I get.07:46
ricolinberndbausch, If you only looking for related functionality and doesn't need to be ceilometer07:47
ricolinyou can also check out autoscaling with monasca07:48
berndbauschthis is for a training course, and Monasca is too complex :)07:48
ricolinhere's example for it
berndbauschThe autoscaling.yaml stack requires internet access, which I currently don't have. I will try a simpler one that uses cpu_util07:49
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ricolinberndbausch, you can get signal_url attribute from Heat scale policy and send get request every time you wish to scale, so you can use whatever metering tools you like as long as it can trigger a url request08:00
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berndbauschThe problem is on the alarm side. Prior to Stein, one could set up alarms based on cpu_util. This doesn't work anymore, because Ceilometer removed that metric. Not Heat's fault :)   but I though you were aware and had a solution.08:04
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berndbauschThe bad thing is that there is no error message anywhere. You can ask Gnocchi for a bogus metric, it will just return an HTTP 200 with an empty data set.08:06
berndbauschAnyway, I will switch to the telemetry IRC. Thanks much for your patience, ricolin.08:06
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ricolinberndbausch, no solution from me since I just aware of and still looking, will ask others in auto-scaling sig if they got any solution for that before I done with my survey.08:10
ricolinprobably I should file a story in!/project/openstack/auto-scaling-sig08:11
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mhenhello there :)12:19
mhenin the Heat template designer in Horizon I am able to create resources (e.g. servers, volumes etc.) and configure them to depend on each other12:19
mhenhowever, I can't seem to find a way to actually use one resource in the template as the base for another, e.g. create a Cinder volume and then boot a Nova server from that12:19
mhenthe selection box for the source volume of the Nova server doesn't list the new volume specified in the very same template even though the latter is marked as dependency for the server12:20
mhenI know it is possible in the template language itself - is this a known limitation of the designer UI or am I missing something?12:20
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ricolinmhen, I don't have horizon environment with me now, but I think it's possible that the UI need some improvement. We do need more hand on improving designer UI12:58
mhenricolin, I see. Thanks for the clarification.13:02
mhenalso on queens I experience cases where the designer UI will generate invalid templates, i.e. containing attributes not accepted by / known to Heat13:06
mhene.g. an attribute called "boot_source" for Cinder volumes13:06
mhenusing queens/stable branch for both Heat and the Heat dashboard extension13:07
mhenis this known?13:09
ricolinmhen, I think you're the first to report this, and I think it's a bug;/13:10
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zbitterI haven't used the horizon GUI, but I'm pretty sure that you should be able to connect a cinder volume to a nova server in the gui. the second thing sounds like a bug13:22
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mhenit *is* possible to connect a cinder volume to a nova server, however that is limited to volumes already existing before the template13:26
mhenvolumes that are part of the template itself are not listed as an option to be selected, only existing ones are13:27
mhenthat seems to be the case for both a) booting from volume as well as b) adding volumes attachment to servers13:27
mhensadly, I only have a queens setup available atm, so I can't speak for recent releases13:28
zanebI meant a volume in the template13:37
zanebI feel confident that there is a way to reference other resources in the template from the template designer, because that is literally the entire point of it13:38
zanebthe mechanics of it I have no idea though because I've never used it13:38
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jdwidariWhat does the global_index policy allow access to?14:51
ricolinjdwidari, global index allow access to a API to list across all projects if this is what you asking15:04
jdwidariThanks ricolin15:10
gregworkricolin: thanks for the tip!15:32
jdwidariglobal_index is required for 'global_tenant' right?
jdwidariWhat we want to do is to list heat stack for a specific tenant with a token scoped to admin15:35
jdwidariit doesn't seem that either python-openstackclient or python-heatstackclient have an option for that so we're looking at the API15:38
jdwidariopenstack stack list does shows stacks from all projects, but doesn't provide an option to list for a specific project15:41
jdwidariopenstack stack list --long gives us the global_index error - we have it set to the default to deny for everybody15:42
jdwidariI guess my question is, would global_index allow us to list heat stacks and their owners?16:03
ricolingregwork, NP:)16:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Change HOST_IP to SERVICE_HOST
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ricolinjdwidari, I believe this is what you're ask for `openstack stack list --property tenant=$Specific_project_ID`16:30
jdwidariOh, let me try that out, thank you16:31
ricolinjdwidari, NP:)16:31
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