Wednesday, 2020-02-19

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ricolinzaneb, :)03:16
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/heat stable/queens: Use stable constraint for Tempest pinned stable branches
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openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/heat master: Avoid dynamic import from monasca client
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/heat master: Enable auto-scaling tests with Monasca
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-heatclient master: tests: Convert 'test_resources' to mock
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-heatclient master: Remove mox usage from test_shell
openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-heatclient master: Remove dependency on mox3
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zanebricolin: thanks!05:02
openstackgerritRico Lin proposed openstack/heat stable/queens: Use stable constraint for Tempest pinned stable branches
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ricolinzaneb, I think is ready for review05:25
ricolinqueens still need some works, but rocky looks fine05:26
ricolinAlso I encounter with dynamic import issue with heat+monasca, so I propose a patch to directly access to monasca v2 client without dynamic import
zanebok, approved everything except the queens one05:33
ricolinzaneb, how's everything for you:)05:49
zanebnot bad05:49
zanebexcept that I'm up way too late05:49
zanebthat's bad05:49
ricolinyeah, I try to avoid that too, not good for health for sure05:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat-tempest-plugin master: [stable gate fix] Check if cert_validate is supported
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brtknrHey Heat folks, looks like "Magnum::Optional::Cinder::Volume" accepts volume creation without specifying availability_zone but how can we specify empty availability zone?09:37
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flwang1ramishra: around?09:39
ramishraflwang1: yep09:39
flwang1ramishra: can you please remind me how to represent None in HOT?09:40
ramishraflwang1: I guess null with parameters work09:41
flwang1ramishra: cool, thanks09:43
ramishraI vaguely remember some issues with it though, ricolin may know better09:44
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ricolinpas-ha, how's going!:)13:35
pas-haslowly.. no time for anything13:35
ricolinpas-ha, where are your time goes?:/13:35
dpeacockricolin: thanks for addressing my backlog items; it's appreciated13:36
ricolindpeacock, NP, are you available for update those patches?13:36
ricolinhuangtianhua is not around anymore, so we need someone to update her patches13:37
dpeacockricolin: yep - I'm actively working a biiiiig backlog to get these all up to date.  FYI, I'm tracking it all here:
dpeacockricolin: This historical backlog (my name for it) is down to 86 - it was ove 150 when I started this project!13:38
dpeacockricolin: Doing good!13:38
ricolingood to have someone help on that part:)13:41
ricolinWe got a lot of `resources.server: Went to status ERROR due to "Message: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available` error recently13:42
ricolinlike in
ricolinwonder if that's not just race condition issue13:43
ricolinmaybe we should set concurrent tempest tests size13:44
dpeacockWhat exactly do the grenade tests achieve?  Please help me understand.13:44
dpeacockWhy do we have them?13:45
ricolinit update from previous version to current version of OpenStack and run tests make sure the update breaks nothing13:45
dpeacockAh ok - I see13:46
dpeacockThe name was not indicative of this! :-)13:46
ricolinfor master, it will build a train version from devstack, and update it to ussuri(or say master). And finally run tempest tests13:46
dpeacockOk so it sounds heavy duty - do you think we should just throw more resources at it or increase timeouts?13:47
ricolindpeacock, it is the name of the test tool
ricolinand apparently they have some fun when naming that tool:)13:48
dpeacockricolin: :-)13:48
ricolinI think we can give an eye on it and see if it shows up frequently now. If so, I think we can discuss about (IMO) maybe to reduce the concurrent size for tests13:50
dpeacocksounds good13:51
dpeacockIs there anything I can do to help?13:51
ricolinI think help to check together on the root cause of failing cases before recheck will help13:53
* dpeacock nods13:53
ricolinI create a story for that13:54
ricolinfeel free to add more task and logs13:55
dpeacockricolin: thanks13:57
ricolinAlso we need to start push features patches if any, before ussuri-3 milestone13:57
ricolinWhich is the second weeks of April13:58
ricolins/weeks/week/ :)13:58
ricolin*in April13:58
* ricolin loves typos13:59
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zanebdpeacock: the real answer is that it doesn't test anything useful, but it was a requirement so we cargo-culted it and then proceeded to forget about the fact that it doesn't test anything15:00
zaneba useful test would be to create a bunch of stacks, upgrade, then check that we can still do stuff with those stacks15:00
zanebwhat we actually do is create a bunch of stacks, delete them, upgrade, then create a bunch of different stacks15:01
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zanebmy favourite is the grenade multinode job, which does the same except on two nodes that can't talk to each other, and only one is upgraded15:02
dpeacockzaneb: ricolin: Considering it's a regular blocker - any ideas on if we can dispose of the tests then?15:04
zanebsadly no15:04
zanebwe could write real tests for it15:05
dpeacockzaneb: sounds like a project15:05
zanebthat wouldn't help, but it might make it feel more worthwhile :D15:05
dpeacockIf it doesn't test anything useful, why is it a requirement?15:06
dpeacockWho set that requirement?15:06
zanebperhaps the new zuulv3-native grenade will be more stable15:06
zanebthe TC15:06
zanebobviously they set it hoping people would test useful things15:06
zanebbut we... didn't15:06
dpeacockok I think that's starting to get a little more clear15:07
dpeacockso maybe either time to use it properly, or change that requirement15:07
zanebreferences ^15:08
dpeacockGood links - thanks15:09
ricolinindeed if we can cover stack scenario over entire upgrade process will be helpful15:13
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ramishrazaneb: I would not go that far to say that it does not test anything useful:)15:28
ramishra1. It tests that the upgrade works and you can run tests before/after upgrade15:28
ramishra2. It also creates a stack before upgrade and does a stack show afer upgrade;), though it would be good to test more apis on some existing stacks.15:28
ramishraI would agree that the multinode job is kind of half-baked15:28
zanebramishra: oh, I forgot about that! so it does have one real test :)15:28
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openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/heat master: Deprecate 'accessIPv4'/'accessIPv6' attributes
openstackgerritDavid Peacock proposed openstack/heat master: Make properties updatable for IKE policy of VPNaaS
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openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Deprecate 'accessIPv4'/'accessIPv6' attributes
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dpeacockzaneb: thanks for showing me how it should have been - appreciated19:52
dpeacockzaneb: always learning :-)19:52
zanebnp. I always think about it from the reader's perspective19:53
zanebthery're going to see it here:
zanebso what info do they need for this to mean anything to them. what should they do as a result19:54
zanebthat kind of thing19:54
dpeacockyeah makes sense - I wasn't nearly specific enough19:54
openstackgerritZane Bitter proposed openstack/heat master: Make properties updatable for IKE policy of VPNaaS
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zanebdpeacock: I tend to assume that only operators will read the 'upgrade' section, so for stuff that affects users I always try to find another section20:25
zanebopenstack as a whole is guilty of assuming that operators are the only users who count, so doing docs for actual users runs into those kinds of impedance mismatches20:27
zanebbut it's ok because ENTERPRISE20:28
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dpeacockzaneb: makes sense - and again your description is way better21:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Deprecate 'accessIPv4'/'accessIPv6' attributes
openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat master: Make properties updatable for IKE policy of VPNaaS

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