Tuesday, 2023-11-07

pas-ha[m]lajoskatona: yes. the template version defines what functions and other features are available in the template and their behavior. So a template with a given version should work the same on any openstack release that supports this version. AFAIK heat has not yet ever removed a supported template version, and e.g. we are routinely using 'pike' version templates to deploy on Yoga and Antelope.09:28
lajoskatonapas-ha[m]:  Hi, thanks, so I can assume that old template versions will be supported, let's say in Caracal, even if it is not written09:32
pas-ha[m]lajoskatona: yes. there's also an API for that, CLI command is `openstack orchestration template version list` that shows you the template versions supported by this given installation of Heat09:48
pas-ha[m]I kind of suspect where the confusion comes from.. Please understand that template versions are not bumped with every openstack release. A new template version is created only if there's a new functionality to be had - a new template function, some big change in behavior etc.09:51
pas-ha[m]Current latest template version is 'wallaby', because that was the last time a big enough change that warranted a new template version was made.09:51
lajoskatonapas-ha[m]: thanks for the confirmation, that was my understanding from the doc, but now it is clear what I can expect09:52
pas-ha[m]in some sense template versions are like api microversions :-) 09:56
lajoskatonapas-ha[m]: that was also in my mind as nova microversion for example also not officially but there since the beginning (at least I don't know about such doc that states they will be there and no deprecation will happen)10:07
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