Tuesday, 2018-01-23

kata-dev-irc-bot<xu> Thanks @claire, this is the etherpad for the arch committee conference today: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/katacontainers-2018-architecture-committee-mtgs00:40
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kata-dev-irc-bot<xu> The note for the meeting of this week has been updated in the etherpad. And participants could suggest agenda of next meeting on it as well.02:18
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kata-dev-irc-bot<samuel.ortiz> @laijs Hey. Could you please have a look at https://github.com/kata-containers/shim/pull/26 ?11:02
kata-dev-irc-bot<samuel.ortiz> or @bergwolf ^11:04
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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @samuel.ortiz the change looks good but codecov still complains. do we merge it nevertheless?11:50
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kata-dev-irc-bot<samuel.ortiz> @bergwolf I'd say so, yes.12:52
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smcginnisAnyone know why this is being rejected saying I need Signed-off-by when it is in the commit message? https://github.com/kata-containers/www.katacontainers.io/pull/4216:57
smcginnisKnown issue?16:57
gwhaleysmcginnis: not an issue I know of - just to check (as it is hard to tell from the github GUI) - is the signoff in the message from the same id used to submit the commit - iirc, we may have seen pullapprove reject that before17:02
gwhaleyI'd cc jodh, but I don't see him on at the moment17:02
gwhaleylet me see if I can grab that PR locally to have a look...17:02
smcginnisgwhaley: Ah, bingo. I used my gmail in the commit, but this machines git config has my work email set.17:03
gwhaleyyeah, smcginnis, I suspect that is the problem :-)17:04
smcginnisgwhaley: Rookie mistake. Thanks!17:04
gwhaleynot really your problem - would have been nice if the pullapprove web page had tell you why it bounced it ;-)17:04
smcginnisYeah... it could probably use a little more detail in there. ;)17:04
gwhaleyif you feel motivated - go open them an Issue ;-) We have done that before on a couple of niggly things, and they sometimes do add feature requests...17:05
smcginnisSure, I might be able to take a look at that a little later.17:06
smcginnisDo we have a trigger to rerun that check? I've updated the message with the right email, but doesn't look like that kicked off a recheck for the failing check.17:07
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gwhaleysmcginnis: you re-pushed from your local repo to github (git push -f origin <my branch>) - yes - normally a re-push causes it to re-evaluate17:11
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smcginnisYeah, still fails, so that must not have actually been the issue. Hmm..17:12
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eernstsmcginnis: the commits still have @gmail?17:15
eernst--amend needed?17:16
smcginniseernst: No, I amended and the current one has my work huawei.com address.17:16
eernstsquash needed then?17:16
eernstI see 3 commits on the PR17:16
eernstThe a281c51 still has gmail17:16
smcginniseernst: I may have messed something up there. I pushed the wrong one, amended the commit, then push -f the update.17:17
eernstAFAICT you need to squash/ rebase?17:17
smcginnisThat looks different than how I would have expected it to look though.17:17
eernstme too :)17:18
eernstI think if you squash /fixup the two add ones, and get rid of the merge commit it shoudl be good.17:18
smcginnisSheesh, that was way more difficult than it should have been. :)17:28
eernstthe PR looks much better now.17:28
eernsti imagine the tooling should be happy with it, we'll see.17:28
kata-dev-irc-bot<eric.ernst> @xu -- what's the status for ipv6 support in runv?17:46
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