Monday, 2018-04-09

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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 should fix it. The error is because of unsupported netlink socket protocols. We should just specify what we need instead.10:10
kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: Cool. Thnx10:23
kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: I tested your patch. Works fine. ``` #sudo docker run -ti --runtime kata-runtime busybox sh Unable to find image 'busybox:latest' locally latest: Pulling from library/busybox f70adabe43c0: Already exists  Digest: sha256:58ac43b2cc92c687a32c8be6278e50a063579655fe3090125dcb2af0ff9e1a64 Status: Downloaded newer image for busybox:latest / # ls  bin   dev   etc   home  proc  root  sys   tmp   usr   var / # exit ```11:18
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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> thanks @niteshkonkar007!12:31
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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 can you please also update this on so that we can get the PR merged?12:33
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kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: I have a comment here.
kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> oops, sorry I missed it. I'll update now12:41
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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 updated. PTAL.12:49
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kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: Should this line "Create and install rootfs and initrd image" be "Create and install rootfs OR initrd image" as we are saying earlier "Configure to use initrd or rootfs image"? Or are we saying create and install both, but u can configure to use anyone of them.13:59
kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 yes, we can install both and configure to use just one of them14:00
kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: ``` script -fec 'sudo -E GOPATH=$GOPATH USE_DOCKER=true ./ ${distro}' If ${distro} is not set, it builds centos based rootfs by default.   ``` Are you sure it picks up centos by default? I get a list of supported distribution instead.14:03
kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> oh, bad, the default is only in the osbuilder's Makefile and we are not depending on it in the dev guide!14:10
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kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 thanks for spotting that! I've updated the PR14:15
kata-dev-irc-botAction: bergwolf <-- a really bad doc writer :,)14:15
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kata-dev-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @bergwolf: LGTM :slightly_smiling_face:14:34
kata-dev-irc-bot<bergwolf> @niteshkonkar007 thanks for reviewing!14:37
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kata-dev-irc-bot<tallclair> Can someone explain to me or point me to how logging (specifically, stdout / stderr logging) is set up & works in Kata?21:36
kata-dev-irc-bot<tallclair> I.e. is it streamed out by the agent, written to disk, or proxied through a fd via 9p?21:37
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> the shim is responsible for STDIO. It constantly calls into the agent to retrieve all IO and display them on its own STDOUT/ERR21:40
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> @tallclair ^21:41
kata-dev-irc-bot<tallclair> What about multiple containers running in a single kata sandbox? Is there 1 shim & agent per runc container?21:42
kata-dev-irc-bot<tallclair> Or are the streams multiplexed?21:42
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> one shim per process21:47
kata-dev-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> there is one shim per container21:47
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kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> per process21:47
kata-dev-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> yeah rather process in a container21:47
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> and you have the proxy multiplexing this in case of serial connection21:48
kata-dev-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> there is one agent per pod21:48
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> but in case of vsock, we won't need the proxy21:48
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> the protocol will handle the multiplexing21:48
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> @tallclair to be clear about the shim per process. I consider a process anytime you would do an exec on an existing container21:49
kata-dev-irc-bot<tallclair> got it, thanks!21:52
kata-dev-irc-bot<sebastien.boeuf> np !21:58
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