Tuesday, 2018-09-04

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kata-irc-bot<xu> there is a CRI API we hadn’t addressed much before. What do you think on how to support it?11:04
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kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> Sometimes the initrd image with lib-seccomp support fails to start. On running the qemu command it generates, it shows the following . ``` console [netcon0] enabled netconsole: network logging started rtc-generic rtc-generic: setting system clock to 2018-09-04 12:35:38 UTC (1536064538) Freeing unused kernel memory: 2652K This architecture does not have kernel memory protection. /init: error while loading shared libraries:12:41
kata-irc-botlibseccomp.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00007f00 ```  I googled and tried a fix that suggests to install `lxc` as well. However that too didnt work.12:41
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> The rootfs image has `libseccomp` and `libseccomp-devel` installed.12:42
gwhaley@niteshkonkar007 - the 'sometimes' in your sentance worries me.... sporadic bugs, hmm, nasty. That looks particularly weird - the agent as the init process has failed to load due to a libray load failure? that is so 'early' in the boot it is hard to even think how we might race anything.12:46
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @graham.whaley: I say sometimes because when I tested my seccomp PR before sending it upstream,  it worked fine. But today I am unable to boot with `libseccomp` and `libseccomp-devel` packages installed as part of my fedora initrd rootfs built. (checked out upstream osbuilder with merged PR)12:50
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> So adding a `RUN /sbin/ldconfig -v` in the fedora dockerfile, also didnt help.13:13
xzrhmm.. so.. trying my hand at https://github.com/kata-containers/packaging/tree/master/kernel . Looks like the script expects the kernel sources to already be present (although I see there's an option for downloading the sources, just not able to trigger it13:23
xzrgetting: ERROR: failed to find /home/xzr/go/src/github.com/kata-containers/packaging/kernel/patches//../kata_config_version when I try to run build.sh setup13:23
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> @atte.pellikka - you probably need some input from @jose.carlos.venegas.m on that one for kernel pull.13:38
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - I'd unpack the initrd, chroot to the root directory and then try `/sbin/init --version` or `/usr/bin/kata-agent --version` (and/or use `ldd`)13:39
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kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @james.o.hunt: I unpacked the initrd image, cd into it and got the init version ``` /test# ./sbin/init --version kata-agent version 1.2.0-fcfa054a757e7c17afba47b0b4d7e91cbb8688ed-dirty  /test# ./sbin/ldconfig -v | grep libseccomp ./sbin/ldconfig: Can't stat /usr/lib64: No such file or directory libseccomp.so.2 -> libseccomp.so.2.3.1 ```13:48
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - the above suggests you have not run `sudo chroot /path/to/unpack/directory sh` ...?13:52
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> Ahh , got your point ``` chroot /test sh sh-4.2# ls bin  boot  devetc  home  init  lib  lib64  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var sh-4.2# ./sbin/init --version ./sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: libseccomp.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ```13:54
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - yep - that's why it isn't booting :slightly_smiling_face:13:55
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @james.o.hunt: Does this mean I missed adding my custom agent into the initrd?13:57
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xzrhmm okay now it's downloading, had to create the directory structure it was expecting and drop the config there14:06
xzrI must be missing some setup steps or the docs/script could use a bit of work :p14:06
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - I think the problem is that although your osbuilder PR added the seccomp packages to the *docker* environment, it did not add them to the generated image - you need to update the `PACKAGES=` variables I think.14:07
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @atte.pellikka - if you could raise an issue, that would be great so we can look at fixing that.14:08
kata-irc-bot<atte.pellikka> @james.o.hunt will do14:09
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @atte.pellikka - thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:14:12
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @james.o.hunt: Okay, let me try that approach. But then how did it even come to know about seccomp ?14:13
kata-irc-bot<atte.pellikka> https://github.com/kata-containers/packaging/issues/17814:16
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kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - sorry, I don't follow? I'm assuming you build a custom image containing your agent. But the agent (linked to libseccomp) gets built outside the image you copy it into and the resulting image doesn't appear to have libseccomp.so available.14:46
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kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @james.o.hunt: Adding `libseccomp libseccomp-devel` to https://github.com/kata-containers/osbuilder/blob/67dba890cd9b458094634ad8af36a70cfb90fab7/rootfs-builder/clearlinux/config.sh#L18 worked! Indeed the packages were not getting added to the image. But then how did it work before? @ydjainopensource too tried with just my PR and it seem to work fine.  I had built my custom image which pulled the code from agent with tag seccomp15:16
kata-irc-botenabled. ``` Complete! INFO: Pull Agent source code INFO: Build agent ~/nitesh/split_patch/src/github.com/kata-containers/agent / [OK] Pull Agent source code rm -f kata-agent kata-agent.service go build -tags "seccomp" -o kata-agent -ldflags "-X main.version=1.2.0-fcfa054a757e7c17afba47b0b4d7e91cbb8688ed-dirty" install -D kata-agent /rootfs/usr/bin/kata-agent / [OK] Agent installed INFO: Install /rootfs/usr/bin/kata-agent as init process [OK]15:16
kata-irc-botAgent is installed as init process [OK] init is installed INFO: Check init is installed INFO: Creating summary file INFO: Created summary file '/var/lib/osbuilder/osbuilder.yaml' inside rootfs Script done, file is typescript ```  I am not manually copying the agent into it.15:16
kata-irc-bot<ydjainopensource> Yup it did15:18
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007 - nice! :) I'm not sure what you did before but we need libseccomp added to `PACKAGES=` for all the distros. I'm not sure we need it in the docker image itself though tbh as we only need that image to actually install the libseccomp package - we're not "using" it.15:19
xzrquick q, kata picks up the vmlinuz and vmlinux images from /usr/share/kata-containers/ when you spin a new container up?15:51
gwhaleyxzr: yep - well, technically I think those paths are in the configuration.toml15:52
gwhaleyand, if you are running k8s, I think you can specify on a per-pod basis for some of them (but, I don't have a link to where that is documented...)15:53
xzrI'm just tinkering with docker currently15:55
xzrrebuilt a kernel with selinux enabled and trying to figure out how to get sestatus to return enabled within the container :p15:55
xzrbasically just moved those symlinks to point to the new ones I built15:56
xzrI reckon I might have cut through some corner15:56
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gwhaleyxzr - symlinks moving will work. I normally sudo edit the configuration.toml and stick in a path to my test image or kernel16:10
gwhaleywatch out though, when you 'sudo make install' the runtime, it then wipes your config :-(16:10
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xzrI must be missing something, will keep tinkering16:20
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gwhaleyxzr: you can also see what the runtime thinks it is going to use with a 'kata-runtime kata-env' - that can maybe help ensure your configs are right - and I think it resolves symlinks to tell you the real file it will load16:27
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @graham.whaley, @atte.pellikka - yes, it does.16:30
kata-irc-bot<niteshkonkar007> @graham.whaley: @atte.pellikka: You can store your configuration in `/runtime/cli/config/configuration.toml.in` so that when u `make install` the runtime, it does not wipe your config.16:39
gwhaleyooh, /me tries to store that in his head :-)16:41
kata-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @niteshkonkar007, @atte.pellikka - or you can `sudo mkdir -p /etc/kata-containers/ && sudo cp /usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml /etc/kata-containers/` as `make install` won't touch `/etc/`.16:41
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davidgilukso the denver f2f is cancelled based on the calendar entry ?  I've passed that on to someone who was going17:54
gwhaleydavidgiluk: I believe not enough folks could attend to get a quorum/forum...  @anne can confirm/deny/elucidate....18:00
gwhaleyalso, probably worth putting out a call for if anybody is still going to Denver...18:00
gwhaleybtw, if anybody is going to be in ContainerConUK in London on Friday, then let me know ;-)18:00
davidgilukgwhaley: Nod; I'm not going to Denver, but we'd talked a colleague in Fort Collins into going; so I passed on he doesnt need ti18:04
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annabelleBdavidgiluk: were they coming for the QEMU bit or general kata info?19:13
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kata-irc-bot<anne> and sorry jess--looks like the problem reset when the bridge did :(19:44
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