Wednesday, 2019-01-02

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davidgilukThat rust-vmm list is said to be at -  has no address for me09:32
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gwhaleydavidgiluk - afaict, that is a real domain, it just seems to be down right now. @sameo to confirm that is the right address..12:12
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kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> @claire - you know ^^?16:01
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I think Samuel is offline a couple days still.16:01
kata-irc-bot<claire> @eric.ernst thanks for flagging. I’ll look into it and circle back.16:02
kata-irc-bot<claire> @eric.ernst (and the site) are back up now.16:46
gwhaleydavidgiluk ^^^ ;-)16:46
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> thanks @claire16:54
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kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Likely because i'm easily confused, but, wow I don't, um, love how runtime handlers are setup in containerd.20:36
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> example, ```runtime_type = "io.containerd.kata.v2```" is magically translated and assumes that the binary, which must be in your path, must be named: ```runtime_type = "containerd-shim-kata-v2"20:38
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> and there appears to be a runtime option to specify ```BinaryName``` which appears... to... just not be used.20:39
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> @fupan @xu - I'll need your help in getting this setup / tested later (my) today.20:51
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> I was running through your tutorial/getting started -- I'll want a  few things clarified in the docs20:51
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