Wednesday, 2019-02-06

kata-irc-bot1<salvador.fuentes> @eric.ernst you mean adding new jobs to jenkins?00:28
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kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @samuel.ortiz @salvador.fuentes I have a feeling the ARM CI is failing right now - @pennyzct is aware, but may be offline for new year etc.10:05
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @eric.ernst - the link to the CI status page is at the top of the ci repo home page now as well, to make it easier to find...10:05
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @graham.whaley I need to have a second look, but I think it's a golint issue.10:05
kata-irc-bot1<james.o.hunt> @eric.ernst, @salvador.fuentes, @samuel.ortiz, @manohar.r.castelino - any thoughts on ?11:38
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kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @graham.whaley `Invalid .pullapprove.yml, check for details`13:24
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @graham.whaley That's the new pay to use pullapprove, I assume?13:25
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> sameo: it is - it is because the pay account does not support 'github groups', and we are (were) using them for the team acks...13:26
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> I was going to remove that usage, as github ack checks are now covering it, but we (@thierry and I) are so close to being able to drop pullapprove completely, that I've delayed..13:27
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> Sounds good.13:27
kata-irc-bot1<thierry> sameo: they kind of screwed us a bit in terms of choice of plans, going back and forth on what "standard" actually included.13:31
kata-irc-bot1<thierry> (best part being "unlimited public repos" actually meaning 5)13:31
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @thierry 5, unlimited, what's the difference ? ;)13:32
kata-irc-bot1<samuel.ortiz> @graham.whaley @thierry Ok, thanks for the details.13:32
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kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> I updated the CI status page to make it clearer it is bust, and we should ignore pullaprove right now13:33
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> I think over the next few hours we will see if the Zuul WIP/SoB checks are active and working for the repos, and then I will disable pullapprove at the pullapprove end, and then PR removal of the pullapprove.yaml files (yeah, all 15 of them or so...)13:33
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kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @thierry @samuel.ortiz (for ref @salvador.fuentes @james.o.hunt) I have all the branches removing .pullapprove.yaml made and in my repos ready to PR. Given we have no issues with the Zuul SoB/WIP checks overnight, then I'll PR them tomorrow.17:08
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> I am strongly considering disabling the pullapprove on the 5 repos we have it active on right now, as it is reporting errors, and effectively blocking PRs. @thierry - any issue with me doing that - we know we could re-activate them tomorrow if we really needed to for instance...17:08
kata-irc-bot1<thierry> nope, go ahead17:21
kata-irc-bot1<thierry> I'll ask for a refund due to false advertising :)17:21
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> why when I nuke a repo from pullapprove... do I see a 'waiting for' in the browser status bar...????? I don't even have fb !!! ;)17:25
kata-irc-bot1<graham.whaley> @thierry repos dropped from pullapprove. CI status page updated. I suspect any broken pullapprove items will not flush out from github though, so have noted that on the status page.  Let's see how we look in the morning....17:30
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kata-irc-bot1<claire> FYI- over in the kata-marketing channel there are links to both the *Superuser Award* nomination form and the *Community Contributor Award* nomination form. Both sets of awards will be presented at the Denver Open Infrastructure Summit. We encourage you to nominate companies that are starting to use Kata for the Superuser Awards and awesome individuals who are contributing to Kata for the Community Contributor Awards. Thanks!18:25
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> i'm having fun with understanding what's in /var/run/kata-containers v. /var/run/vc ; also, sbs v. vm20:59
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> @sebastien.boeuf --^20:59
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> and looking at /sys/fs/cgroups/kata, and tryinng to figure out how to clean this up.21:05
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I don't see a single kata process, but these are still busy.21:06
kata-irc-bot1<mike> i had that same question yesterday, didn’t get very far with it21:07
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> yeah, as an example; ```Control Group                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tasks   %CPU   Memory  Input/s Output/s /kata21:12
kata-irc-bot1                                                                                                            -      -   103.3M        -        - /kata/119f4da2a705e41d0d9553eb2f8f7a49c41525d394ca6a8f741c037c6a6368d6                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     4.9M        -        -21:12
kata-irc-bot1/kata/1752664177f76cc01a2d4a73a8aef4cb7a1b3770f92e490a5e1f20908aa47a4d                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     5.2M        -        - /kata/1a344e6c1d1262cc56d671ced5bd234aedb9b35935f77e479020483cc1fd516821:12
kata-irc-bot1                                                                       -      -     5.4M        -        - /kata/248a704062f03980ede9f40274a441129e8d0313163002af7978e31e505c088f                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     4.6M        -        -21:12
kata-irc-bot1/kata/2df14aedd79729bc8ae6b023baaae353dd07aa144d511e98708274334545dafc                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     8.0M        -        - /kata/3452cec81c0654792be381ecfd0691d6eb0f827c7ae4cefdd68f811798ab8cce21:12
kata-irc-bot1                                                                       -      -     5.3M        -        - /kata/35ea4bbe3ce796cecb056346aad182018656bf547a98b30d8fa31fdba5275a1e                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     5.4M        -        -21:12
kata-irc-bot1/kata/4058233ce8fc7627177ea879b2fc9ee9296c206fe796d5787325e9249ee6c861                                                                                                                                                                             -      -     2.3M        -        - /kata/4a6f6edc744093da4ca7f8f5211d02292d32ae7124befd7d722023d4d074b39321:12
kata-irc-bot1                                                                       -      -     5.8M        -        - /kata/53d375a453fec46506bebd882caa791b761105dd5084a24e1b3eda3589ec6317                                                                                                                                                                              ```21:12
devimcrmdir  /sys/fs/cgroups/kata21:16
devimcI think the real path chance depending of the cgroup21:17
devimcfor example for memory /sys/fs/cgroups/memory/kata21:17
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I only see /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/kata21:18
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> And I cannot remove it.21:18
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> nor its sub directories21:18
devimcdid you try with rmdir ?21:19
devimcnot rm -rf21:19
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> ie: ```:/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/kata$ sudo rmdir 119f4da2a705e41d0d9553eb2f8f7a49c41525d394ca6a8f741c037c6a6368d6/ rmdir: failed to remove '119f4da2a705e41d0d9553eb2f8f7a49c41525d394ca6a8f741c037c6a6368d6/': Device or resource busy```21:19
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> egernst: probably some process still running ?21:19
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> systemd-cgls shows them running - but no tasks associated with it.21:19
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> and there aren't any kata processes running.21:19
devimccat 119f4da2a705e41d0d9553eb2f8f7a49c41525d394ca6a8f741c037c6a6368d6/cgroup.procs21:20
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> empty21:20
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> egernst: is there nested directories ?21:20
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> probably will need to remove from child to parent ?21:21
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> ```/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/kata/119f4da2a705e41d0d9553eb2f8f7a49c41525d394ca6a8f741c037c6a6368d6$ tree . ├── cgroup.clone_children ├── cgroup.procs ├── notify_on_release ├── tasks └── vcpu     ├── cgroup.clone_children     ├── cgroup.procs     ├── notify_on_release     └── tasks  1 directory, 8 files```21:21
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> try vcpu dir first, just in case21:21
devimchaha yes21:21
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> oh this will be fun21:21
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> that's it.21:21
devimcthanks to Wei for that21:22
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> bash will clean the rest then :slightly_smiling_face:21:22
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> I'll wait to give  real thanks after I figure out how to abuse and recreate this mess.21:22
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> do we ... use v2?  can we?21:22
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> we use v1 I am  afraid, but seems that runc too21:23
kata-irc-bot1<jose.carlos.venegas.m> devimc: same for runc right ?21:23
devimcI think so21:23
devimcthe problem is the host kernel21:24
devimcif it's too old, then v121:24
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kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> old being... before 2014?21:26
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> or when was it added?21:26
kata-irc-bot1<eric.ernst> what become easier for us with v2?21:28
devimcv2 Linux 4.521:31
devimcI think21:31
kata-irc-bot1<mike> cgroups v2 supports unpriv users which will allow unpriv k8s to run, that video rico posted in general talks about it a bit, good vid22:20
kata-irc-bot1<mike> i need to brush up on my cgroup knowledge, didnt even know there was a v222:21
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kata-irc-bot1<mike> good read22:52
kata-irc-bot1<manohar.r.castelino> Pasting this issue here to get higher visibility23:16
kata-irc-bot1<manohar.r.castelino> vsock no longer works on ubuntu.. so firecracker will not work23:16

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