Wednesday, 2019-05-01

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brtknrHmm, has any one else regularly encountered this: error: '' already has a value (true), and --overwrite is false13:45
gwhaleybrtknr: I presume you are trying to deploy/setup kata in k8s? I've not seen the error, but it feels like you are trying to run/config something that has already been configured?13:47
brtknrim attempting to redeploy kata-deploy.yml but the containers fail to start with this error in the log13:48
gwhaleybrtknr: iirc, the deploy is a daemon set, and might even auto-update itself on reboot. Did you stop/remove the previous deploy before trying to re-deploy?13:50
gwhaleythe kata-deploy experts are at the PTG conf in Devner - so we might get slim feedback here today...13:50
gwhaleyif you do end up still stuck, maybe open a github Issue, which will then get more exposure I suspect.13:50
brtknrmanually removing the label seems to do the trick but funny place for it to get stuck13:50
gwhaleybrtknr: would appreciate if you put those details into a github issue - not sure if kata-deploy is meant to be idempotent, but it would be nice if it was, so maybe the devs can/will fix it if you report it ;-)13:52
brtknrgwhaley: might try and send a PR, as it says, I think an --overwrite flag will do the trick13:53
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gwhaleyah, thanks for the PR link brtknr - I was just trying to figure out how you managed to get what looked like a lonely commit in our tree that was not associated with a PR ;-)14:15
gwhaleyI was about to ask if you'd read through the contributors guide:
brtknrgwhaley: Eeks no .) .)14:17
gwhaleybrtknr :-) - np, I'll note on the PR you are going to read and re-submit with the right format. folks can still review, just the CI will object and block the merge ;-)14:18
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brtknrgwhaley: cool, I think I've done the right thing with the new PR15:12
gwhaleybrtknr: np - I'll get to look in a bit. btw, did you make a new PR, or update (force push) an update to the old one. force pushing is preferred and well supported by github ;-)15:13
brtknrgwhaley: Force pushing is preferred by me too :)15:13
brtknrand well supported by my fingers ;P15:14
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kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> @eric.ernst, @jose.carlos.venegas.m - can you guys close down the *twelve* open test PRs with "this-is-a-test" in the title please?15:45
kata-irc-bot2<eric.ernst> What’s this?15:46
gwhaleythey are generated by @jcvenega auto-release-bot I think... yeah, please kill them @jcvenega ... :-)15:49
gwhaley(but, it is a holiday day in Mexico today - it might have to wait until tomorrow)15:49
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> We also have a ton of other dnm PRs which I think we should close tbh.15:51
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> I'm also becoming irritated about the dumping ground the proxy repo is becoming for test PRs - if we need to run these sorts of tests, let's create a separate repo so it doesn't get in the way of us working - it's clutter.15:52
gwhaley@jodh - do we have a 'will be closed soon' label per chance? - we can start adding one, and if no movement for a month, shut them or something - make it a fraction more formal? I know @Eric wanted to have a bot doing this (like they do on k8s iirc) once we have google Actions in place15:53
gwhaleytbh, auto-closing things makes me a little nervous15:53
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> Well, @eric.ernst's stale probot config could do this I think?15:55
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> @graham.whaley - if we close, they can still be re-opened.15:56
gwhaley@jodh - if we close, nobody will ever look at them again, ever ;-)15:56
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> in which case, they can't have been important if we were forced to close them :slightly_smiling_face:15:56
kata-irc-bot2<james.o.hunt> If a PR hasn't been touched for a month, in my mind, it's dead.15:57
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kata-irc-bot2<sackumar> Hi. I have one question regarding kubernetes emtyDir{} support in kata-containers. when pod request for emptydir{} volume does that volume created on host or inside the pod VM ?18:21
kata-irc-bot2<gmmaharaj> hi, can i get some approvals here
kata-irc-bot2<gmmaharaj> would help with proceeding with the stable-1.6 release18:22
kata-irc-bot2<krsna1729> @archana.m.shinde18:25
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kata-irc-bot2<gmmaharaj> @archana.m.shinde might i bother you for a quick +1 on this.
kata-irc-bot2<archana.m.shinde> @gmmaharaj done19:48
kata-irc-bot2<gmmaharaj> @archana.m.shinde thanks a ton! ;)19:48
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kata-irc-bot2<sackumar> thanks @archana.m.shinde . Could you please point me to the source code where it is implemented. I just want to know how CRI calls looks like with this?21:06
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kata-irc-bot2<sackumar> thanks @archana.m.shinde23:13
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