Monday, 2020-04-06

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errordeveloperI have noticed that when I set cutom kerenl, kata stops respecting memory request in my pod defaults to 2G, is this expected behaviour?15:42
gwhaleyerrordeveloper: where/how did you set the custom kernel - it might be a 'feature' indeed.15:46
errordevelopergwhaley: I use `io.katacontainers.config.hypervisor.kernel` annotation on my pod15:50
errordeveloperwhen I the annotation, I get requested amount memory15:51
errordeveloperI suppose kata cannot tell what memory footprint of my kernel is going to be, is that it?15:51
gwhaleyerrordeveloper: I don't know - but, I thought the info would be useful so we can ask @jcvenegas and @devimc if they know... it doesn't ring any bells with me you see, and if so, we should probably document this..15:54
davidgilukerrordeveloper: I didn't think it tried; have you got CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTPLUG enabled in your kernel?15:55
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errordeveloperdavidgiluk: I will check that, thanks a lot!16:28
davidgilukerrordeveloper: I generally try and get kernels to work using a config taken from a previous kernel that works, e.g. one of the distro kernels; then chop it down carefully16:29
errordeveloperthat would make more sense then my original theory about kernel memory footprint calculation :)16:29
* davidgiluk doesn't think there's anything that clever16:30
errordeveloperah, so here is another question... do people know anyone who actually runs systemd inside kata containers?16:30
errordeveloperI think I'm seeing an issue where parent systemd is killing systemd services inside the container...16:31
davidgilukthat should be impossible16:32
davidgilukI think16:32
errordeveloperdavidgiluk: you think systemd inside the VM shouldn't kill anything?16:34
* davidgiluk would hope it's isolated16:35
errordeveloperhm, I'd hope so too... but I'm looking at e.g. containerd's systemd unit has Delegate=yes, KillMode=process, TasksMax=infinity ...etc16:37
errordeveloperkata-agent.service doesn't have those properties set16:37
errordeveloperI'm gonna add them and see if that changes things, I don't exactly have the energy to intercept sigkills that I'm seeing here16:37
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